I really want to hit the street

Chapter 254 Isn’t Mr. Pu smiling? Never stopped!

Mr. Pu was dying of laughter.

I saw that on the first day of sale, only 98 copies were sold in one night.

Mr. Pu took out his mobile phone and came to a simple conclusion after a little mental calculation.

98*49=4802 yuan.

After excluding the 30% share given to the platform, they still have 3361.4 yuan left.

The game developed with RMB 15 million made a huge profit of RMB 3,361 on the first day!

Mr. Pu laughed so hard that his big teeth almost fell out.

"Hahaha~ Dachun is still reliable. This move will make it stable immediately. Next, just keep an eye on other departments!"

Mr. Pu is too lazy to play the finished game.

Isn’t it just that the details have been increased a little bit!

anything fun?

It's better for Old Touhuan to continue to suffer.

Mr. Pu suddenly had an idea. Now that the game is on the market, he no longer has to sit in the company and can go home directly to Old Touhuan. Oh no! Wouldn't it be nice to go home and code?

So the game area was filled with gloom and gloom.

Mr. Pu came over with a smile on his face.

"You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work. Regardless of the results of the game, the bonuses for this project will definitely not be less. Just do your part. Don't have any psychological burden. Try to figure out more about Duoyu Company. core spirit"

What is the fish spirit? Fishing!

The game has been lost, your confidence has been greatly affected, and you will inevitably lose the goal of striving for it. So what can you do?

It is impossible to resign from such a high-paying job. You can only survive by dawdling around.

Wouldn’t that be the perfect employee of Duoyu Company?

After Mr. Pu finished speaking, he slipped away.

Go home and play. Code words.

The game area employees were left looking at each other.

Liang Sepi: "Uh, what does Mr. Pu mean? The game is selling like this, and you still praise us for doing a good job? And you also want to give bonuses? Is there something wrong with my ears, brothers?"

"Manager Liang, Mr. Pu did say that he would give bonuses, and I heard that."

"Bird food!"

Liang Sepi: "Mr. Pu asked us to figure out the core spirit of Duoyu Company? Manager Liu, can you analyze it for everyone?"

Dachun pondered for a moment.

A thoughtful expression on his face

a long time.

If Dachun has some enlightenment!

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Editor Xiaoxing, I have a professional question for you to ask!"

Xiaoxing has been relatively low-key recently. They are working hard on the new operating model of the online literature department, and the latest batch of books has been officially launched this month. They have chosen the element of "check-in", which is like a simulator. It has been reproduced well. Dozens of books of the same type are coming out, and the fruits will be harvested soon.

"The explosive power of this theme is stronger than we imagined! It is not weaker than the simulator theme at all, and the results are more stable and more explosive in the early stage. There are many aspects that can be written about. It can be used as the second explosive point of our Duoyu.com literary department. !”

Xiaoxing had just chatted with Niu Zi that the royalties for this month would increase again, when he heard Dachun's call from the game department.

This is the boss's confidant and cannot be neglected!

He directly drifted with a side kick, and even the person and the chair entered the game department.

"What's wrong, Manager Liu?"

Dachun threw the question to Xiaoxing.

Xiaoxing laughed.

"Manager Liu, Manager Liang, congratulations! You are going to be popular!"

"Hi~ What do you say?"

Liang Sepi took a look at the data and added two more people to buy the game, adding up to a round number of 100, but there was no sign of it becoming popular.

"Since Mr. Pu dares to promise you bonuses in advance and asks you not to care about temporary results, it proves that Mr. Pu has already started operations. On the surface, it seems that Mr. Pu has done nothing in the office, but in fact?"

Dachun: "He is also playing LOL secretly?"

Liang Sepi: "."

small star:"."

"Ahem! That's not the case, but Mr. Pu has already paved the way for us. Just wait and count the money, that's right! What Mr. Pu said about the fish-rich spirit, if I understand it correctly, is throwing coins. Although Mr. Pu seems to be losing money, there is actually no need to panic at all. If you do your own thing calmly, things will get better. Is Mr. Pu laughing? "

Liang Sepi nodded: "It's never stopped!"

Xiaoxing clapped her hands.

"That's right! As long as everyone does their job well, we will definitely succeed! When Mr. Pu smiles, the company will immediately win!"

Everyone: "Hi~ So that's it!"

This time, the game department didn't panic at all, and everyone was waiting for the good news.

Ai Shouchong.

A senior happy dead fat nerd.

The second dick stabbed the ape.

Of course, I will also be interested in some three-dimensional females cosplayed as two-spined apes. Occasionally, I will show off.

Recently, he bought an "Elden Ring" and was unhappy.

Suffering every day.

The momentum is running low day by day.

He felt that he was going to be useless if he continued like this, so he decisively abandoned the old bracelet and prepared to play a new game that was slightly fresher to release his abused heart.

It’s best to have a shocking one-handed mode!

Looking at some old games in the game library, I am tired of playing them. I have played them too many times.

"Hey, why haven't there been any interesting new games recently?"

He casually looked through the games in the new game library, and a name suddenly attracted him!

"Strategy Goddess Simulator".

It sounds very serious upon hearing it!

"Only 49? Get one and try it!"

As a veteran player, trying out games is a basic skill. The biggest problem is refunding, and you won’t lose anything.

The game is not small. There are 10G.

"Huh? Isn't it a small game? This game capacity can hold a lot of content, right? The CG of this game is very good, and the cutscenes of the female characters are very nice. It would be great if they could be controlled."

He saw some of the goddesses on the game introduction interface and his critical saliva flowed out.

It’s worth downloading just to see the CG images.

Soon, the game was downloaded.

Ai Shouchong took the controller and entered the game skillfully.

Start your own strategy.

"Huh? This picture is interesting."

The modeling was better than expected.

As he continued playing, he met his first goddess, Murong Lingxue.

Her skin is as white as snow, she is arrogant and cool, and she looks like a rich lady at first glance.

"Hi~ This modeling! It's not CG? It's actually possible to interact directly in the game?"

He flipped the perspective left and right and discovered that one of the heroines, Murong Lingxue, actually had extremely rich skin fineness and texture, and there were many details under the skirt!

"Damn it! Leggings! There is no even the most basic trust between the author and the players!"

But this did not affect his operation. After turning the perspective left and right, he found that this girl was amazing in every aspect, as if the second dimension had come into reality!

This xp was hit instantly!

Talk quickly!

Not to mention that the game character wants to conquer the goddess, he also wants to conquer the goddess!

[Please choose how to chat with Murong Lingxue]

【1. Can you give me your WeChat ID? I like you very much】

[2. When she is not paying attention, follow her quietly and record her home address]

[3. Wait for the opportunity, understand her preferences, and come back with gifts ready.]

[4. Go directly to her ear and say: "Little bitch, add me on WeChat and show me your legs tonight!\

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