I really want to hit the street

Chapter 256 If you say this, I, Huang, will not be sleepy anymore...

Chapter 256 If you say this, I, Huang, will not be sleepy anymore.

Time goes back to 20 days ago.

After the 10 outsourced goddess models were delivered one after another, Liang Sepi knew that these models could do much more than what was currently included in the game.

The cost of 1 million is just to build a model.

There was no false reporting or anything fishy. Liang Sepi sent it directly to the best studio in China that produces game character models.

It took more than 2 months of rush work to make.

The expressions, muscles, skin, and hair are all in place, and it looks like the second dimension has been brought into reality.

Covers the beauty of the second and third dimensions.

The physics engine is also extremely good. Collision with the legs will cause muscle fluctuations, and eating will cause deformation of the muscles outside the mouth.

In short, Liang Sepi, who had read countless films, quickly thought of a new way to play.

Although it cannot be placed directly in the game content, it can be made into a mod. Players can choose to join the game and open the advanced mode.

After Liu Dachun heard about it, he said that he must make such a more open content and let him criticize it carefully.

So, Liang Sepi and his colleagues made it.

At the same time, we also found Meng Xingkong, called the voice actors who had previously dubbed 10 goddesses, and recorded a set of special dubbings.

All are integrated into this mod.

Originally, he just planned to pass this thing internally so that everyone could play with it.

After all, if this thing is released, it will bring bad reputation to their game, and many companies will attack them.

But I can’t control that much now!

The most important thing is not to let Mr. Pu lose money!

On the evening of July 21st, under the arrangement of Liang Sepi, people from the game department released the first official mod in the creative workshop - "Expanded Information Package 1"

Totally free.

At the same time, I worked overtime to finish some things that needed to be changed.

Tonight, Duoyu Company is brightly lit!

At 8 a.m. on July 22, the game "Strategy Goddess Simulator" released an update announcement.

[This update is a technical adjustment and does not involve major changes. It is mainly routine repairs. The last one is very important. 】

【1. Increase the expressiveness of weather and its impact on clothing. 】

[2. The character dialogues are richer and the plot direction is more reasonable. 】

【3. Fix a few bugs. 】

[4. There are creative mods in the creative workshop that can expand the depth of the plot. Interested players can get them themselves. 】

Early in the morning.

Nearly 1,000 players who purchased "Strategy Goddess Simulator" without refund received an update announcement for the game when they opened Steam.

There is not much update content, only a few dozen Mb.

But the update announcement is interesting.

Lu Guan.

A B station up owner.

He runs his own slightly famous column - "Unpopular Steam Games".

He is good at digging out some unpopular games that have not received much attention and recommend them to his fans.

"Besides being used to playing AAA masterpieces, some whimsical and unpopular games can also be very interesting."

Many viewers pay attention to his column.

Lu Guan is an original creator and will not copy the content of other up owners. When everyone says that only a few of the unpopular games are recommended, they are still promoting them even though they are no longer unpopular!

He's good at digging up new games on his own.

Whether it is domestic or foreign, independent games or products produced by small factories, all will be fine.

Mainly unpopular and fun.

What others have not done is interesting if he does it.

And yesterday, he bought a new game, made by a little-known domestic small factory, called "Strategy Goddess Simulator".

He swears!

It was definitely not the name that attracted him. The main reason was to support domestic games, so he downloaded it and tried it.

If it's fun, he can produce a new show and give a boost to the already weak domestic games.

He played it all night yesterday and thought the content was okay.

A game with a rich plot, multiple branches and endings, and eye-catching modeling.

Not to mention other characters, the 10 goddesses that the protagonist wants to capture are really more beautiful than the last.

An iceberg beauty, a top athlete, a fairy entertainer, and a yandere cousin.

Each character is beautiful in a different way, and they also have great voice acting that fits their characters very well.

However, he has also recently played a good domestic independent fighting game. Both games have their own merits. He is struggling with which game to choose for a program.

Sit at your workstation.

Lu Guan touched his silicone figurine of Senior Mai Yi with his hand and made a sign with the character '正' on her leg.

He pinched the little face of his walnut figure again.

"Which one should I choose?"

At this time, the steam library shows that "Strategy Goddess Simulator" needs to be updated.

"Huh? It's been updated just a few days after its release. Is it an urgent bug fix?"

He clicked in and took a look. The first part didn't matter, but the last announcement was a bit strange.

"Isn't the creative workshop a place for players to make their own mods? Officials are also here to join in the fun? Why not put the content directly into the game? Or just produce a DLC and sell it for money!"

Lu Guan curled his lips.

"Small factory, no experience, tsk tsk~"

He just happened to get an official dlc for free.

After clicking in and installing, the content introduction is very simple: [After conquering the goddess, additional plots and options will be added. 】

"That's it?"

He opened the game, and just happened to have played it all night yesterday and defeated Murong Lingxue, who was the easiest player in the game. At this time, the two of them were inseparable and looked at the reviews together.

"What did Kangkang add?"

Then he clicked on the conversation with Murong Lingxue, and there were several more interactive options.

Lu Guan:(*゜ー゜*)

Half an hour later.

"Paper! Where's my paper!"

After handling the scene awkwardly, he wiped the sweat from his head.

It had been a long time since he had fought such an unprepared battle.

"Good guy! I'm so awesome! This one-handed mode is amazing! I'm going to play a fucking fighting game. Today I'm going to blow up "Goddess Strategy Simulator"!"

He is used to recording the screen when playing games. At this time, he only needs to edit the content, add some mosaics and silence, and it will be fine.

"Hurry! It's such a good game. You can't hide it for too long. I have to be the first one to push!"

At noon that day, the video of the liver coming out was directly uploaded to Station B!

"Recommended masterpieces of today's unpopular games - Goddess Strategy Simulator, a sincere domestic work, with two modes to choose from: normal game and shocking one-handed mode"

Most of the content in it is what he played last night, as well as his commentary.

A small number of the coded ones are the mode of playing today. You can't be too detailed, you can understand everything.

The video is also synced to my Douyin account.

After this video is posted.

First, the fans who followed this column received the push notification and came in to read it immediately.

Except for some cloud players who left crazy messages below.

Those who really love playing games have already rushed to download it.

There are fast hands but there are slow hands!

This kind of thing is just like Welfare Girl and Female Bodhisattva. You can't tell when it will suddenly die. Download it early and enjoy it early, and you must keep the original version to prevent future harmonization.

"That's right! Three companies! You must give him three companies!"

So said some sensible viewers.

Now is the era of big data, and every choice will affect the website’s recommendations for you in the future.

When these old porn viewers see the video of a beautiful girl twisting her waist, they don’t dare to close it for fear that the website will think they don’t like it.

Then 3 hours passed.

Some of the first batch of people to play the game have already come out.

Without exception, unanimous praise!

Usually, you may argue, this game is fun, that game is not fun, or both are not as good as Genshin Impact.

But in the face of big things, Huang and everyone can tell the difference!

"Good conscience! I can actually find such a high-quality game. I'm not too embarrassed to do it for free. I'll kowtow to you!"

"A conscientious game company! Isn't this game too cheap at 49 yuan? I think the original version 4D will cost 149!"

"I'm going to blow it! The gameplay is already good, but I didn't expect that there are official easter eggs. Our mentality is really for you to grasp!"

"Brothers, I don't think there are too many people buying this game? Everyone should push it quickly, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable if the mod is not updated in the future."

"Ah? Brothers who have downloaded it, please tell me in detail. Is there a shocking one-handed mode that Up mentioned?"

"I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and there is nothing you can do if you don't understand. I can't tell you everything because of the interests involved. In short, prepare the paper before downloading."

"Hiss~ If you say this, I, Huang, won't be sleepy anymore!"

High likes, high collections, high coins, and high number of comments.

All the data showed that this was an excellent video content, and Station B began to increase its efforts in pushing it!

The same is true for the Douyin short video platform.


The video became popular, and so did "Goddess Strategy Simulator".

Never underestimate the spending power of LSP!


Doesn’t rounding up mean giving away for free?

Buy the mod and get the game for free!

July 23rd at 8am.

One day after the creative workshop mod was updated, the game sales exceeded 20,000 copies!

Mr. Pu walked to the company early in the morning and ordered a cup of his favorite durian and cat poop coffee.

After taking a look at the game area, I saw that this group of people were chatting excitedly about something.

"Huh? What are they happy about?"

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