I really want to hit the street

Chapter 264 One hundred million! (superior)

Tuesday, July 26, cloudy.

It is advisable to negotiate and avoid being arbitrary.

Mr. Pu brought Assistant Qi to the Magic City headquarters.

First find a high-end hotel and check in.

Mr. Pu and Assistant Qi had some differences over the issue of opening a room.

Mr. Pu said just open the bidding room.

Assistant Qi insisted on a room with a double bed, saying it was more comfortable and allowed the bed to move freely.

Looking at the beautiful and capable Qi Fei, Mr. Pu thought for a moment and felt that what Assistant Qi said made sense.


They opened two double rooms.

"Indeed. No one can refuse a big bed that can roll back and forth on its own!"


After taking a short rest in the hotel, Assistant Qi made arrangements.


Mr. Pu and Assistant Qi came to the large conference room of the headquarters.

Here, there are already 8 screened film and television companies waiting.

They are the film and television companies with the greatest intention to stay and the highest bid after preliminary screening.

Some companies that did not recognize that the book "Infinite Time and Space" could be sold at an average subscription price of 100,000 yuan, the copyright department did not let them come.

The bar is high.

After Mr. Pu entered the room, he glanced at the cards on the table and his eyelids jumped suddenly.

Guangguang, Huayi, Hengtai, Bona, several of the leading companies in the country, as well as some of the newer film and television production companies that have emerged recently, are all here.

Needless to say, their production capabilities are among the best in the industry.

Then the prices they offer are naturally among the best in the industry.

Mr. Pu was already in despair, and now his feet were a little weak.

How much is this posture going to cost me?

As for what?

When people from these eight film and television companies saw the legendary author Pu Ding coming, they all responded with kind smiles, hoping to leave a good impression.

Mr. Pu responded with a wry smile.

When he thought about the prices that might appear soon, he really couldn't help but laugh.

"Legend of the Stars" was ordered for RMB 20,000 each, and all copyrights were sold for RMB 6 million.

"Infinite Time and Space" now has almost 50,000 orders, but the full copyright cannot be 12 million?

Mr. Pu made some random calculations. Next month, the money on Duoyu Company's books may be fully recovered!

Thinking of this, Mr. Pu felt a little desperate.

Assistant Qi found that Mr. Pu was in some great shape!

Calm, taciturn, not angry, with an air of inviolability on his face.

It's like someone else owes him 15 million!

It’s hard to deal with at first sight!

‘Sure enough, Mr. Pu is also involved in this aspect of negotiation. He knows that the more you talk, the more flaws you will find. This state of affairs is just right. ’

Assistant Qi gave Mr. Pu a thumbs up in his heart.

The heads of the other eight companies were also stunned by Mr. Pu's posture.

If nothing else, just looking at this beautiful assistant, you know that he must not be short of money.


An author is so confident that not only does he not take the initiative to show kindness to them, but he also looks like he doesn't want to talk to them.

It's as if they didn't give him money, but cheated him out of it!


Can you really do whatever you want if you write well?

Several film and television companies looked at each other as if they were sharpening their knives. It seemed like it was true.

That's okay.

You can really do anything you want when you write well.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Mr. Pu sat in his seat silently.

Together with the copyright department, there is the second group editor Styx on one side, and the copyright department manager Mai Degao on the other.

The two of them were in high spirits.

Before the meeting started, after some pleasantries, Pu Ding began to talk about strategy.

"This negotiation is a seller's market. We can't rush to a conclusion. We have to let them fight and then we fish in troubled waters. We raise the value of the book and let them buy it at a high price. There is also a feeling that if you buy it, you will make money. ”

Pu Jie broke into a cold sweat while listening to Medegao's operation.

What a cruel person this is

We need to catch these film and television companies and beat them up!

"Finally, Pu Shen! What you want to do in this meeting is different from us. We talk about data, markets, and prices, while you talk about dreams!"

Pu Jie: "???"

Styx interjected: "That's right! Pu Shen, just talk to them about your creative concept, which is the set of advanced layout, yin and yang vortex, and non-destructive and non-establishing creative techniques, so that they know how great this book is."

Pu Jie: "I"

How the hell do I know what I think!

You ask the outrageous cat!

If there were reading comprehension questions in "Infinite Time and Space", she would definitely score higher than me, right?

Mai Degao: "Don't feel pressured, Pu Shen. As long as you explain to them the multi-world construction of this book, the three-act structure of the movie, the effects of adaptation, etc., they will definitely understand! You are studying screenwriting, We know better than us whether the movie will be good or not! We can definitely add a more beautiful coat to this work, and they will rush to buy it! These days, the most independent person who can sell the copyright is someone like you. The world view, as well as the ups and downs of the plot and the ups and downs of the characters’ experiences.”

Pu Jie: "."

It’s over!

Completely finished!

Copyright department manager, a bad guy.

Full of bad water.

Just know how to sell it for big money!

I'm obsessed with money!

Pu Jie asked tentatively: "Manager Mai, is there a possibility that we can give them the copyright and get a share of the box office?"

If this is the case, Pu Jie at least doesn’t have to worry about skyrocketing royalties this cycle.

As for the future, let’s worry about it later.

It’s all about the next cycle or the next cycle.

Make the money in front of you first.

Nowadays, only the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" is the stumbling block on Mr. Pu's road to losing money. Only if this does not make money, he can make a small profit before settlement and get tens of millions of personal property from the system.

Medegao's eyes lit up.

"What Pu Shen said makes sense!"

Hearing this, Pu Jie smiled.

Sure enough, God does not save people, people save themselves.

Never give up hope!

As long as you operate, there is hope!

look! this is not

McDermott: "When we can't raise the price in the end, we will ask for an additional share of the box office and online TV traffic. This way we can not only sell the copyright money, but also make extra money for them! Pushenniu Pi. ! He looks like an old capitalist at first glance."

Pu Jie: "."

Damn it!

Assistant Qi raised her slender, white neck high behind Mr. Pu.

‘Hmph~ This is Mr. Pu, what do you think? ’

Pu Jie: "Hehehe~ Manager Mai. He has a lot of skills."

After chatting for a while, Mr. Pu probably had some ideas in his mind.

I called him here because I wanted to negotiate together, raise the price of the work, and then broker a deal on the spot.

Then, if you find a way to engage in pornography yourself, wouldn’t it be possible to sell it at a low price?

‘I’m sorry, I had a choice before, but now I can’t be a human being. ’

Half an hour later.

A small auction for the full copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" has begun.

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