I really want to hit the street

Chapter 273 How come there are 9 million extra? ? ?

Friday, August 5th.

It is better to count money and avoid placing flags.

Today, the entire financial department of Duoyu Company is fully engaged in sorting out all the bills and income that the company should pay.

Mr. Pu watched the funds displayed in his system swing up and down crazily.

There are still 3 days left before system settlement.

At 0:00 a.m. on August 8, this cycle will be over.

At present, it seems that everything is within Mr. Pu's calculations.

Just wait until the accounts are settled to see how much you can lose.

"Assistant Qi, how are the team building arrangements for tomorrow?"

"Mr. Pu, everything has been arranged. The online literature department and the audio reading department have projects such as escape rooms, singing, movies, bathing, and massage. The game department has arranged projects such as skydiving, super-long roller coaster, the pendulum of fate, and midnight horror movies. "

"good very good!"

A smile appeared on Mr. Pu's lips, it was finally time for him to avenge his personal revenge.

Game department!

Big spring!

The reason why I am having such a hard time this cycle is all thanks to you!

The promised Mosaic game added hundreds of millions of details to me, and I made all the money back, while causing me a steady stream of burdens in the future.

Then don't blame Mr. Pu for being cruel.

Extreme sports, let’s go!

Feel the joy of being alive!

I hope you can be a good person in the future.

Check out the literature department of Renjia.com! After finishing the work last time, I was led around like this. This cycle is much more honest. Apart from setting up an online writing training class, nothing happened.

It’s time for you to feel Mr. Pu’s encouragement, go ahead, Pikachun!

However, Mr. Pu thought about it and realized that Dachun could not be entirely blamed for this matter. He had already worked very hard and fully demonstrated his ability.

The first person to fish in Duoyu Company!

It can be said that he is the master of Mr. Pu’s corporate culture.

It's a pity that his men were a little too powerful. Dachun casually said a few unreliable words, bought a ruined copyright, and succeeded in a muddle.

You have to blame. You also have to blame Liang Sepi!

He is the mastermind!

Pooh! I love God of War Pu and the one I despise the most is lsp!

Come on, make mods, come on, sneak attacks, I am the boss, hetui~ I don’t deserve to be the son of a human being!

Originally, the audio reading department was treated the same as the game department.

However, Mr. Pu thought that Meng Xingkong could spend all the money he earned, so he spared no effort and arranged some good projects for them to take good care of everyone's hairline.

Men, give it a squeeze. It's always right.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Duoyu Company, which pays attention to efficiency, sorted out all the bills, paid out everything that should be allocated, and basically received all the income that should be paid.

In the evening, Mr. Pu arranged for everyone to eat at a Japanese seafood restaurant.

After arriving.

The employees of Duoyu Company were very excited, drinking and laughing.

Only Mr. Pu's expression didn't look right.

Mr. Pu frowned and looked at the funds in the system.

[Total funds: 20144732 yuan (↑5112461 yuan)]

"Assistant Qi, is there anything unsettled about the company's accounts?"

Assistant Qi looked at his notebook, then shook his head: "Mr. Pu, all the accounts we should pay to others have been settled. Except for a few small online writing websites, the royalties were not paid in time. Most of the bills have been settled." The account has been settled for us.”

"Then why do I feel that something is wrong with the company's money?"

It should be 11 million, but why is it 20 million?

Where did the extra 9 million come from?

At this time, Meng Xingkong next to him came over holding champagne.

Mr. Pu:(*゜ー゜*)

Suddenly there was an ominous premonition.

"Bang!" (the sound of champagne opening)

Meng Xingkong: "Mr. Pu, do you think the money in the company account looks like the 8 million you invested in Duoyu Tingshu?"

Mr. Pu: "?"

"Hahaha! Mr. Pu, I announce that our Duoyu Tingshu will officially turn a profit this month, today, and we will make all our money back!"

Mr. Pu: "??"

"In the end, Mr. Pu, you are so predictable. Through simple analysis, you can calculate that today is the point where we turn losses into profits. We have distributed bonuses in advance and arranged a celebration banquet for everyone. Thank you! On behalf of all employees in the audio reading department, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Pu for your unconditional trust, which has enabled us to achieve our current achievements! Today, we can finally say that we are worthy of Mr. Pu’s cultivation! We will stand up and create more for the company every month in the future! Profit!"

Mr. Pu: “???”

What happened to your kidney?

I used the coin-spreading software well, but why did I suddenly make money?

You gave me 8 million in one go?

"Wait! Lao Meng! Didn't I tell you last month that you should still spend money as before? Why didn't you spend all the money? Is there still 8 million left?"

Meng Xingkong looked matter-of-fact and said plausibly: "Yes, I came according to your instructions. Last month we spent 6 million to produce content as before, but last month we made a profit of .14 million, thanks to your There is no publicity strategy. After we finished the product, users were automatically attracted. Wangyiyun spent a lot of money on advertising, and finally directed all the customers to us. We saved a lot of publicity fees. The gross profit is 50%! In addition to the daily investment of 6 million to produce content, there is exactly 8 million left.”

Mr. Pu's head seemed to have been hit with a sledgehammer.

My head is buzzing!

Did I specifically mean to let you spend the same amount of money as before?

What I tell you is a strategy, but you play with numbers for me? ?

Are you building plank roads openly and secretly visiting Chencang, and are you practicing the art of war?

Seeing the expression on Meng Xingkong's face, Mr. Pu didn't know what to say.

"You and I. Hey! What a sin!!!"

It’s over!

It's all over!

This cycle is over!

Mr. Pu was completely devastated, his body was weak and he slumped down on the sofa, then slowly slid down.

Three words echoed in my mind: Why? Why? Why?

What evil had he committed? God wanted to arrange for Meng Xingkong to torture himself through such struggle!


When Mr. Pu's body slipped under the table, he suddenly saw a human head.

My mind was agitated and I was startled.

"What are you doing!"

Under the table, Niu Zi had a wicked smile on his face.

"Oh~ I was discovered and I wanted to give you a surprise."

Mr. Pu: "????"

Niu Zi: "Mr. Pu, although our online literature department is not as capable as Duoyu Tingshu, the new system has achieved initial results. Authors have been encouraged, and both quality and quantity have improved. After listening to your class, our college has made new innovations." Theme - sign-in flow! A large number of authors are publishing books at the same time. It is currently popular in Qidian and new media. The monthly manuscript fee has increased sharply, bringing an additional profit of 1 million to our company! "

Mr. Pu opened his mouth wide and his lips trembled slightly.

"Oh it's you."

Just now he was thinking, Duoyu Tingshu made an extra 8 million yuan, so how could the system have an extra 900 yuan in funds? It turns out the traitor is here!

There is a traitor in the online literature department!

"Let's go! Let's go! Leave me alone!"

Mr. Pu used his last strength to drive everyone away. He sat on the table and stared at a plate of Australian lobster in a daze.

3 tables away.

The heads of various departments who were driven away by Mr. Pu gathered together and whispered.

Meng Xingkong: "Hi~ Everyone, why do I feel that something is not right with Mr. Pu? Why did he get angry after hearing our good news?"

Xiaoxing and Niu Zi shook their heads at the same time: "No."

Others looked at the two.

You know, when it comes to understanding Mr. Pu’s meaning, no one is better than the Internet Literature Department!

Xiaoxing nodded slightly and explained: "Manager Meng, you are obsessed!"


"Although Mr. Pu seemed unhappy just now and drove us away, is that actually what happened? You can't treat Mr. Pu like an ordinary person and just read the meaning so straightforwardly. Mr. Pu said In a word, you can divide and understand it into two levels: positive and negative."

Niu Zi: "Yes, you even need to understand the meaning of levels 3 to 5 occasionally. In my opinion, Mr. Pu was not angry at us just now, but teaching us!"

"Hi~ What do you say?"

Niu Zi: "Do you still remember Mr. Pu when he was making money? Silence, reflection, and self-denial are important means for Mr. Pu to stay awake in various complex situations. Mr. Pu used exaggerated demonstration techniques to tell us today that he How do you get into this state quickly when the company is making a lot of money? That is to abandon all external voices and think alone. Look at Mr. Pu. He is so self-controlled. I don’t know why he thinks Mr. Pu is sad!”

Xiaoxing: "Manager Niu's analysis is very reasonable and has basically restored the truth of the matter. Therefore, everyone should not disappoint Mr. Pu's painstaking efforts. After the team building, we must abandon impetuosity, summarize the gains and losses, and strive to make further progress next month." , satisfy Mr. Pu!”

Dachun shook his head: "Brother Jie will never be satisfied. His requirements are too high."

Everyone: "Bird food."

Everyone just felt that the figure sitting in a daze at the dining table was so majestic that the mountains stood tall!

Mr. Pu was silent for a long time.

I just felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The money in his pocket is like having feet. He will come back after spending it!

After staying outside for less than a period, they will all come back, and by the way, they can bring some other friends back with them.

"What exactly went wrong?"

Mr. Pu was puzzled.

After being in a daze for a long time, he called Assistant Qi.

"Tomorrow, all the projects in the online literature department and the audio reading department will be cancelled, and changed to the same as the game department. Remember to take more videos of them screaming, and I will decompress them."

"Zhang Yang, go to the supermarket to buy a thicker quilt first, and then take me home."

"In the next few days, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive without my little quilt."

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