I really want to hit the street

Chapter 278 Isn’t it just a shame to start a novel website at this time?

Mr. Pu knows very well where he has failed in the past few times.

When I see a popular project, I don’t dare to follow it up. I really want to find a blockbuster project that no one is doing.

I think that projects that no one is doing are definitely not profitable.

As a result, he was caught up in a trap.

Who can I talk to to explain this?

In the words of some marketers, the projects he is looking for are blue ocean projects that no one has paid attention to yet, so once they succeed, they will make a lot of money.

For example, this is true for Duoyu Audiobook and this kind of domestic one-handed simulation game.

No one in the country did this, but they did it and it became a success.

In addition, Pu Jie also discovered that he also had this problem when writing books. He always wanted to find something that no one else had written. At first, it really discouraged readers, and many people could not read it. But in the end, he gradually became Pu Jie. Determined shape.

That’s weird!

Therefore, Pu Jie learned from the experience and decided not to continue like this!

He never wants to go to the Blue Sea again, he wants to go to the Red Sea!

Do those projects that others have done successfully and make money!

The market has already been divided up, and he entered the market at this time. Tsk tsk.

“The wave receded, leaving only my fishy company photographed on the beach.”

He checked the development history of online novels in this world, and found that there were many similarities with the previous world. Qidian was not the largest website before, and there were many other novel websites that received large sums of investment. For a time, Qidian was suppressed by the limelight. Qidian, many great gods left, causing a fatal blow to Qidian.

But Qidian’s most powerful ability is the ability to create gods!

A group of top masters have left, and they launched a platinum plan to retain the remaining masters. At the same time, they promoted some other authors of the website to take over and create gods!

At that time, a number of authors were created.

And readers went round and round and discovered that it is better to start some incense. There are the best authors here, the richest content, and the most inclusive world view, and then they all came back.

They didn't expect other websites. The works written by great masters are certainly beautiful, but why would readers only read one or two works? After reading the book that the great master updates every day, why don’t you look for other books to read?

And their website does not have a large number of mid-level authors to support it. Users cannot find books to read, so they naturally come back to Qidian.com.

In the end, Qidian occupied half of the entire online literature industry, and dozens of other novel websites occupied the other half.

On the way to the development of online novels, one chapter after another is really involved!

"Then if I enter the market now, wouldn't it be perfect? ​​I'm just spending money like a fool!"

"I can even directly spend a lot of money on advertising, and then become a big scapegoat like .wangyiyun. In the end, I will become a wedding dress for other novel apps."

"That's right! If I open my own novel website, I can also ask the authors from the Internet Literature Department to write on my website. Not only will the website not make any money, but it will also have to pay them publishing fees! And these authors don't have the publishing fees from other websites. After entering the account, Duoyu Company can’t get any money, damn! I lost twice! No, I won!”

"By the way, if I want to hit the street, I can go directly to my website and write a book. Is this system useless? By then, I will be responsible for my own profits and losses, and my royalties will definitely plummet. I will even be like those ancient gods who left Qidian. Just like that, he became an unknown person."

"Hi~Perfect plan!"

Mr. Pu was surprised by his own wisdom!

"Is this the power of reflection? I understand!"

Mr. Pu seems to have failed many times, but he will learn valuable experience from each failure and lay the foundation for making big losses in the future.

"Then who should I leave this matter to?"

Niu Zi has been sent to Africa to inspect the project.

Currently there are only

"Xiao Xing! My great minister, if he is here, I will feel more at ease! Without the constraints of these struggles, I believe he will be able to bring me a website with huge losses!"

"By the way, Weibo has nothing to do except arranging a few overseas study projects for them. Let's help Xiaoxing to do it together. Don't you like to read online articles? Don't you like to analyze? I'll let you do it by yourself! Let's see what you can do. Okay! I still don’t believe it!”

"Assistant Qi! Come here! There's a big job!"

Mr. Pu first changed the structure of Duoyu Company.

Last week, just before settlement, Mr. Pu rented the 14th floor of the Hengtai Building. It is currently being renovated. However, Duoyu Company requires a lot of vacant area. The previous floors, walls, and various water and electricity locations are still there. It works, the decoration is not difficult, and it will be done in a few days.

"Mr. Pu."

Assistant Qi was wearing high-end silk stockings today and looked slim. Mr. Pu took a second look and said:

"Arrange the people from Duoyu's audiobook department to move their offices to the 14th floor, and merge the vacant space into the online literature department. In addition, we have recently recruited some people, and the standards are still the same as mine."

Having said this, Mr. Pu was stunned for a moment.

Something's wrong!

If we follow the previous recruitment standards, that is obviously wrong.

Although none of the people he recruited have any extraordinary abilities, they don't make many mistakes. The most important thing is that they are all like old scalpers, hardworking and uncomplaining. So far, none of them have been rumored to be fishing in Duoyu Company. atmosphere.

This means there must be a problem!

Intermittent gangster, why not hang out?

Mr. Pu couldn't understand, but he couldn't just catch someone and ask: Why don't you just mess around? Why don't you be a lazy person? When can it be opened? Do you know that my favorite thing is the kind of small quilt under the overpass that can be used by people who ask questions like "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes"?

This will definitely scare employees, and they will not be able to hear the truth, and may even be warned by the system.

Mr. Pu had to pay a private visit incognito and observe secretly to find out what happened.

This time the recruitment needs to change.

"Well, the recruitment rules are going to change. Today is August 11th. There are about 20 days left before the university starts. We are recruiting college students this time!"

Assistant Qi was a little puzzled: "But Mr. Pu, it's not the recruitment season now. Even senior students have just started school. Generally speaking, it will take another half a year before they can get internships. They still have courses now."

"No problem! Working hours can be flexible! If we recruit when others are recruiting, can we still recruit good talents? Think about this logic, right?"

"Ah this."

Assistant Qi suddenly felt that what Mr. Pu said made sense, but he also felt that something was not quite right.

Recruitment when school starts in September?

Is it really possible?

"All right."

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Mr. Pu's mouth.

That’s right! It’s unreasonable!

In this recruitment, he directly abandoned all these bastards, and all of them were college students who were industrious and indifferent to grains. They had no work experience at all, and they even had classes in school! When the time comes to run on both sides, there will definitely be problems.

Moreover, when such a batch of blank papers came to Duoyu Company, Mr. Pu was confident that he could change them into his own shape.

If he has time, he will personally hold training courses on the fish-for-fishing method.

If you don't have time, it's the same thing to just leave it to Xiaoxing. In the entire Duoyu Company, he is the best at catching fish.

Mr. Pu glanced outside through the glass.

Xiaoxing turned off the computer and happily took an editor from the Internet Literature Department to sit at the bar.

have a look!

It’s not even time to get off work yet, and we’re already drinking milk tea and chatting.

Not only do you fish by yourself, but you also lead others to fish. What a great employee!

If Duoyu Company had more people like this, Mr. Pu would have become a billionaire long ago!

Mr. Pu felt that after being together for such a long time, he no longer wanted to kill Xiaoxing. Xiaoxing was no longer the dog editor who thought about things every day. He had evolved into a good bastard of Duoyu Company.

Thinking of this, Mr. Pu burst into tears.

"Xiao Xing, you have become a mess and become more pleasing to the eye."

"I feel more at ease when I leave the matter of opening an online writing website to you!"

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