I really want to hit the street

Chapter 280 A large-scale reminder movie

Mr. Pu's office.

Zhang Yang held a script and was a little nervous.

I don't have the usual energy to do things neatly.

Mr. Pu could tell that he was not confident.

Not confident?

That must be because the script was not written well.


"Be public, don't be restrained! Speak out your script boldly. It doesn't matter how you write it. You must believe in the energy contained in your body. You have to learn from Dachun in this regard, that confident momentum! 0/13 /0 can fight a well-matched battle."

"Tell me, if Dachun didn't have this confidence, would the game department be successful?"


"Come! Tell me your wisdom, uh, the crystallization of your wisdom, and let me help you."

Listening to Mr. Pu's light but bewitching words, Zhang Yang's waist gradually straightened up.


Even Dachun can make a money-making game. Is his Zhang Yang worse than Dachun?

not bad!

Moreover, both of them were neglected geniuses appointed by Mr. Pu. Moreover, I have been with Mr. Pu for a longer time every day, and I have learned a lot of things through my ears and eyes. There is no reason for me to be inferior!

Thinking this way, Zhang Yang became more confident, and handed the small book he was holding to Mr. Pu.

"Mr. Pu, this is a script I wrote. Currently it only has a large outline, and there are still a few details left. But I have included all the content I want to express in it. It is a biographical film called "For" fan"."

"Oh? The name sounds pretty good, show me quickly!"

Mr. Pu wanted to say stupid, but he held it back.

While he was reading the script, Zhang Yang explained his creative concept beside him.

"Mr. Pu, let's talk about it. The inspiration for my script came from your experience."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Some time ago, your book "Infinite Time and Space" went through a period of ups and downs, and the results were not very good for a while. Although you seemed very optimistic at the time, leaving happiness and joy to others, but as a brother, I I understand your pain, so hold on! It wasn’t until I finished my results that I bought you a quilt. That’s when I knew you could finally have a good night’s sleep.”

Mr. Pu: "."


That was really my happiest time!

The company is losing money, the book is on the market, and I am about to succeed, can I not laugh?

"Hehehe~ Then what?"

Mr. Pu was unable to explain, maybe it was his fate to be misunderstood.

Think whatever you want, as long as you don’t delay this cycle and lose money.

Zhang Yang became more confident when he saw that he had hit Mr. Pu's psychological activities.

"Mr. Pu, you know, I like to read your books when I have nothing to do. I am a loyal fan of "Infinite Time and Space". I was thinking about how you can rewrite this book, and then I saw the comment area. So many people said they want to talk to you about the follow-up plot, and I hope you can give me your address. The inspiration came to me! ”

"The whole story is like this"

Zhang Yang said slowly.

The protagonist of the story is Cheng Shen, a well-known screenwriter.

The TV series "Infinite World" he wrote is widely popular in China and has been released for 9 seasons. Each season is a new world adventure story, which is very interesting.

It's just that the quality of the next two seasons is far less good than the previous ones. Many important characters have been written to death, especially in the ninth season, when Chengshen wiped out the protagonist and others!

The supporting characters written in the previous eight seasons died completely, and then... it was over.

For a time, this drama fell from the altar and became a bad drama. It was scolded again and again.

Cheng Shen didn't take it seriously. He thought that art was like this.

Imperfection is the best language of television.

Completely regardless of the audience's reaction.

A very conceited person.

However, reality slapped him in the face. Cheng Shen never wrote a good story again. Each story was worse than the last, and he was even named the worst screenwriter at the Golden Raspberry Award.

But he was still stubborn and refused to admit that he had problems with the plot of "Infinite World".

So I often drink alcohol and numb myself.

Such a paranoid writer met his fan - Er Pang.

By chance, Er Pang temporarily lived in Cheng Shen's home. In order to help Cheng Shen regain his creative state, he thought of many ways. The stumbling relationship between the two went from incomprehension at the beginning to gradual harmony in the end.

As the two got along, Cheng Shen's ideas gradually loosened, and he realized that the work was not just his, but shared by so many fans across the country.

Then, he opened the fan mail that he had never read in so many years.

Feeling moved by it and finding inspiration for the new plot, the two solicited opinions from a large number of readers on Weibo and figured out a way to break the situation.

In the end, Fan Erpang rescued the paranoid and corrupt writer Cheng Shen.

Cheng Shen also continued writing the tenth season of Infinite World - "Resurrection!" ”, which was widely praised and the ratings exploded!

He stood at the top of the stage again.

After this incident was exposed, it was widely spread by the media, and it was said that Cheng Shen and Er Pang were like mountains and rivers, an ideal friendship, and became a good story.

And "Infinite World Season 10 - Resurrection!" ” is also jokingly called by the media: a crowdfunding script.

Finally, when the reporter interviewed Cheng Shen again, he released the video of the finale of Season 9 that he had said he would never touch before, and asked him why he would slap himself in the face now by writing about Season 10?

Facing the camera, Cheng Shen smiled and said: "For the fans!"

End of story.


Pu Jie took a breath!

Is this really a movie?

Isn’t this a large-scale update reminder site?

Isn't this story too boring?

As for Zhang Yang's script, he could write it in just a few words.

A well-known screenwriter, best-selling works, committed suicide, new drama hits the street, no regrets, drinks to drown his sorrows, meets fans by chance, exchanges heart-to-hearts, no longer talks harshly, crowdfunds and writes a book, returns to the top, interviews reporters, for fans.

Isn’t this fucking script over?

Mr. Pu wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh directly, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted.

Zhang Yang looked nervous: "How are you, Brother Jie? Is there anything you want to modify? This is actually half of your autobiography, with some adaptations in the latter part. The creative technique is similar to Yuan Hua's award-winning work "My" "Principal Dad" is in the same vein.


Mr. Pu couldn't help it anymore. No wonder he felt familiar. He was here!

Needless to say, Yuan Hua's poems are good, but this script is really not interesting. Why didn't everyone understand why he won the award?

Zhang Yang felt a little nervous when he saw Mr. Pu smiling all the time.

Isn't it because my writing is not good?

"Mr. Pu, what do you say? Don't keep smiling. Is it bad? I'll go and change it?"

"Hahaha! Don't! Don't change it! Just follow this idea, it's good. Who dares to say that your script is not good? Who am I to worry about? As expected, Zhang Yang, I read you right! Even if you can't keep up with someone like Dachun Wolong-level genius is not far behind.”

For Zhang Yang, he is still very reliable in doing things, but his artistic skills are very few.

This script is so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary. Except for dog readers who like offline reminders, I'm afraid no one will be able to read it.

From a Shuangwen point of view, it's nothing special.

Cool and single.

Zhang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment when he saw his work recognized by Mr. Pu.

"Mr. Pu, actually this script is just a prototype. It only has the outline of the story, and there are still many details that have not been written. Since you think it is good, I have been working hard recently to finish writing the script in half a month!"

"Okay! Hurry up and write quickly. During this time, I asked Assistant Qi to form a crew. We will start filming next month. I will invest .30 million for you!"

"Ah, this! It's too much. I can't afford this much. Just give me 10 million."

Mr. Pu waved his hand!

"That's all, just spend it as hard as you can! The equipment and personnel are all the best, and we use a roll of tape and throw it away. Our Duoyu Company shoots movies with one word - be heroic!"

"Mr. Pu, you are really my horse, I will take the photo well!" Zhang Yang's mouth trembled and he burst into tears of gratitude.

"Good! Very energetic! You."

Mr. Pu was just about to let Zhang Yang go out, but then he thought about it.

Something seems wrong.

"Wait a minute. Did you just say that there are still some details?"


The corners of Mr. Pu's mouth twitched slightly. One point or one hundred million points?

Last cycle, he was deceived by the game department's "Billions of Details"!

No, you have to find insurance for this script. Even if you add details, you can’t make it better, you’ll have to deduct points!

Let the mediocre script turn into a poisonous one!

"That Ha Dachun is also very good at scripts. When you fill in the details, talk to him more and ask for his opinions. It will definitely be better. I watched his "You Can't Guess" "It's very interesting."

"Okay Mr. Pu!"

Zhang Yang didn't think much about it, and happily went to talk about the script with Dachun.

A triumphant smile appeared on Mr. Pu's lips.

With Dachun checking the script, he felt more at ease!

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