I really want to hit the street

Chapter 287 Mr. Pu’s employment philosophy

After Mr. Pu supervised the recruitment of the first stop of Communication University, he saw more than 10 slackers being carefully selected to enter the talent pool of Duoyu Company, and left with satisfaction.

Although there were a few slackers who were not recruited, he was generally satisfied.

"Assistant Qi has strong execution ability! He can implement my outrageous requirements without compromise. As expected, the company's most trustworthy assistant is its own assistant."

At this time, Han Ruyan was waiting for Mr. Pu at the door with her bag.

"Of course, you can always trust your life assistant, Mr. Pu~"

The ending was deliberately dragged with a coquettish voice.

Mr. Pu felt a new experience again. If there is something to help, there is nothing to do.


"Let's go, the matter is completely under my control, let's go eat."

After working here for a whole morning, Mr. Pu was hungry.

The students were also hungry.

Most people were not recruited.

They were speechless, feeling that the group of people who were least likely to be favored were actually left behind, and the others were waiting for news.

The result was obvious!

Those more than 10 slacker students were in line with the corporate culture of the company.

The class leader of Liu Ming's major was rejected, and he said indignantly: "Why? Liu Ming, a dead fat guy, can enter Duoyu Company, why not us? How are we worse than him?"

His girlfriend was also a little confused: "That manager Qi kept saying that they require compliance with the corporate culture, so is their corporate culture just about getting by?"

"Impossible! How can the corporate culture be like this? Wouldn't the boss be an idiot? There must be something else, we just didn't see it. I'll ask Liu Ming, this stupid boy, what's going on!"

"Huh? Didn't I just beat you up in the playground yesterday?"

"Oh, this."

After the two left.

In the lecture hall, not to mention that the students didn't understand what Duoyu's corporate culture was, even the people in the human resources department were confused.

They were as stunned as the students throughout the whole process.

It was all done by Qi Fei alone.

They didn't know what to say. Now that the students had left, they asked: "Assistant Qi, is this how President Pu arranged our recruitment today? Why do I feel a little weird?"

Assistant Qi looked confident.

"Of course it was arranged by President Pu. Didn't you see that President Pu looked satisfied when he left just now? What does it prove that President Pu left without talking to us?"

A big-eyed round-faced girl said: "It proves that he has no objection to our recruitment candidates? Do you think it's right?"

"That's right! President Pu not only has no objection to us, but also approves of us, which proves that our recruitment today is very successful!"

"Oh, this! Although that's what you said, but, Sister Qi, what are these people for? They have no work experience, no achievements to show, and they are all very introverted. It seems that they can't accomplish anything."

Assistant Qi smiled slightly: "When I first heard President Pu's request, I had the same reaction as you. Fortunately, I asked Editor Xiaoxing and found out President Pu's real intention."

Everyone remembered the editor-in-chief who looked mediocre in the online literature department. He never actively showed up, but quietly explained President Pu's various strategic intentions to everyone behind the scenes, helping Duoyu Company's employees solve problems one by one.

After the work is done, he will leave, hiding his body and name.

This poem by President Pu is simply tailor-made for Editor Xiaoxing!

Assistant Qi explained to the personnel department: "President Pu's request seems strange, but if you think about it carefully, there is a special philosophy of employment in it. You all know that President Pu is not bound by rules when it comes to employment. He likes to boldly use new people, such as Meng Xingkong, Niu Zi, Liang Sepi, etc., and the facts have also proved that President Pu's vision has never been wrong. Based on this, we abandon our inherent prejudices in personnel work and start to make inferences." "First of all, I want to ask you, what is ability?" A group of personnel staff tried to answer: "Professional software operation level?" "Rich work experience?" "For How sophisticated is a person in dealing with people? "

Assistant Qi smiled and shook his head: "What you said is true, but also false. These are all external manifestations. How to measure a person's potential ability? It is not to look at what this person has achieved in the past, but to see what he can achieve after coming to our Duoyu Company? President Pu wants talents who can bring benefits to Duoyu Company, not talents who have been glorious in the past. This is very important! Next, I will analyze the true meaning of each of President Pu's requirements one by one according to the ideas of Editor-in-Chief Xiaoxing. "

Others became interested and listened attentively.

"First, President Pu said that we need students with average grades. This is a question of understanding. What does average grades mean? How average? Editor Xiaoxing told me that President Pu is good at high standards. What he said about average grades does not mean that we should find some old and lagging students who fail every day, but at least we should ensure that we can complete our studies normally and graduate smoothly. This is called average!

It basically ensures that there will be no such pure idiots. This is also a reminder for us. Don't limit your vision to those students who have good grades in the past, but expand the scope. As long as students do not often fail, you can observe them. Today, there are a few people who seem to agree with the latter few, but because their grades are too bad, I screened them out. President Pu didn't say anything, which means he agreed. So the first point, we all did it right."

Everyone: "Hiss~ So that's what it means!"

"Secondly, Mr. Pu said he wanted people who don't participate in various activities and are taciturn. This is actually a test given to us by Mr. Pu, asking us to think deeply about what kind of talent he wants. Is it the kind of people who are out of touch with society? Definitely not! Mr. Pu's meaning is actually very deep. You have to compare it with the talent strategy of our Duoyu company to understand it. Mr. Pu has always recruited people who talk less, do more, have special skills, and love life." "And this recruitment concept is hidden in these two sentences. Think about why these people don't participate in various school activities and usually seem to be dull or even socially anxious? First of all, we are not recruiting fools. These people are all top students who passed the college entrance examination and were admitted to this university. Their IQ must be good. So why don't they participate in various school activities? It proves that their time is allocated to other places, a place they think is more worth investing!

For example, Liu Ming, who was the first interviewer, said that his specialty is imagination. I read some of his sentences and wonderful ideas just now. I was really surprised. This kind of imagination and literary talent is simply a natural screenwriter! Every word has one meaning on the surface, but it has another meaning when you think about it carefully. If he can join the crew of "For Fans" that our company is about to shoot, he will definitely be able to help a lot. Sometimes all the director needs is a flash of inspiration! This is even more useful than the things that have been thought out after countless nights of hard work! "

"Also, the second student recruited, he said that he is good at making handicrafts. I looked at a few pictures and it was amazing! If he didn't say that he did it, I I thought it was a figure imported from abroad. His skill is really amazing! Although I don’t know what he will do in our company, it’s definitely right to keep him.

The third person is very good at playing Teamfight Tactics and Hearthstone, and has won many awards in official competitions. For an ordinary student, it is worth showing off. These two games are operational analysis types. He can make a combination of numbers and cards in a very short time and find the best answer. He is a natural numerical planner! No one understands data better than this high-level player! Others rely on experience and knowledge, but he can adjust it directly by feel! This person is given to the game department. Manager Dachun must be very happy? "

"So, why are these people silent? Because their minds are always occupied by various things, and talking too much will affect their thinking , people's energy is limited. When you put more energy on interpersonal relationships and talking, you will have little time to think deeply about what you love. You know, talking too much is never a good thing. "

"The last one, these people don't seem to be good at maintaining interpersonal relationships and are bullied, but this is not a problem. Duoyu Company does not need complicated interpersonal relationships. Everyone just needs to display their talents and contribute their own roles. Complex interpersonal relationships are too difficult for these people, but work is not difficult for them.

They thought they couldn't find a job, but they were eager to have a chance to prove themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be here today, and at this time, we gave him a job. What else can they have left except joy and gratitude? "

"Pu is going to recruit a group of real doers, and they are absolutely grateful and loyal to the company!"

"Pu's seemingly abstract philosophy of employing people is really strong. He takes appearance, ability, and human heart into consideration and calculates these college students thoroughly!"

The human resources department of Duoyu Company took a breath of cool air from the Communication University.


The temperature of the entire school rose by one degree.

"So that's it! "

"Then we understand what's next. We will make sure to arrange everything for Mr. Pu!"

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