I really want to hit the street

Chapter 297 Unless Pu Ding is willing to go to such a small website to open a book!

The low-priced and brutal development of Zhongshan novels attracted Qidian’s attention.


It should be said that Qidian’s operations have been paying attention to this new cooperation channel.

Judging from the data they can currently obtain, the data performance of Zhongshan Novel is very good.

But they also know that this is the result of spending money, and the more they make, the more they lose.

Qidian’s operations department is happy to see this happen.

They don't care whether Zhongshan Novel loses money or not, but the books they put out have already started to make money.

Pure profit!

Earn money for free!

55% blood profit!

"Isn't this for welfare? There is no essential difference from the welfare girl on Twitter."

"Boss, what is welfare chicken?"

"Well, there is a new breed of ornamental chicken. It looks okay, but the meat is too spicy and cannot be eaten."


Manager Wang of the Operations Department said incomprehensively: "This Zhongshan Novel is really a stupid rich man who doesn't have any plans. He just throws away money when he comes up. In the end, didn't he become a vassal of our Qidian? With our books, they How can the website’s books get ahead? When we hold their necks, they will easily suffer in negotiations, and it will be impossible to change the share in the future. I really don’t know what the owner of this website is thinking.”

"Boss, do they have any other intentions? Are they planning to borrow books from our website to enrich the library and retain readers, and then wait until the users are stable before promoting their books? In this case, they don't have to share their money with us. "

Manager Wang smiled and said: "You think too simply. Good books are not so easy to come by. We have operated Qidian for 20 years before we have a huge library of books and various high-quality books. However, many of the previous books are out of touch with the times. , many old bookworms are still complaining about the lack of books every day. You know, we have the largest number of authors on the entire network, which cannot meet the growing needs of users. Why do they not say anything else? Their own authors? It will take several years for them to cultivate a group of authors who write books on their website, and it may not happen yet. As long as we have these authors here, it will never happen. Someone can surpass us."

The supervisors nodded in agreement: "Sparrow food. As long as the website continues to produce good books, there will be no shortage of readers."

"But Manager Wang, I noticed that they use low prices to induce users to recharge, and then read our Qidian books on their website. If the two sides are not equal, will our original readers be lost to their website? ? Then we lose more than we gain."

Manager Wang thought deeply for a moment and suddenly said: "Do you know about the information cocoon room?"

"Huh? Information cocoon refers to the phenomenon that the information fields that people pay attention to are habitually guided by their own interests, thus shackles their lives in a "cocoon" like a silkworm cocoon, right manager?"

Manager Wang: ∑(O_O;)

"Good guy, how do you know so clearly?"

"Oh, I just read Baidu Encyclopedia." A supervisor shook his cell phone.

There are black lines across Manager Wang's face. It's too difficult to act cool now. He's surfing the Internet now.

Damn it!

"Ahem! What I want to say is the information cocoon of our online literature industry. Every reader has his or her own hobbies and commonly used software. They will only accept news in this area. For example, in new media channels, we Qidian If a book becomes popular through channels, it will be difficult to attract much traffic to our website. Let’s talk about the new media king Pu Ding. His "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" became popular through new media channels, with monthly sales of hundreds. When it’s 10,000, how many subscriptions does the main site have?

Why is this happening? Because customers who read books on new media channels are not customers of our website and have no contact with us on a regular basis, so they don’t know Qidian, and naturally they don’t know that subscriptions to our website are cheaper.

This is the information cocoon of web articles! Most readers are trapped in their own vision and rarely flow.

Just like the high pricing of new media channels does not have to worry about the low pricing of our website affecting them, we do not need to be affected by the low pricing of Zhongshan Novel. Our two websites are not a group of readers.

And his low pricing is only temporary. It is normal to have a preferential policy when you first open the website, and it will be adjusted back soon. Otherwise, what will they make? Drink the northwest wind? Then the boss can't scold their operation to death? "

"Oh~~ I understand! Manager Wang is still very experienced, and he will continue to learn and live."

Manager Wang had a smile on his face, it was obvious that he had succeeded.

At this time, a new operations manager asked: "Manager Wang, are there no exceptions? Is it possible that something sensational will happen and the whole network will know about it?"

"Oh? That's true if you want to say that! I'll take Pu Ding as an example. His "Infinite Time and Space" has a copyright of 100 million, which has become a hit on the entire Internet. Not only has his book subscription increased dramatically, but it has also attracted a large number of traffic to our website. New readers, this is considered breaking the circle, but this kind of thing rarely happens, maybe not once a year or even several years. If it is not used as our reference object, it is impossible for their website to have works breaking the circle so quickly, unless Pu is determined to open a book on a small website like this!”

At this point, everyone laughed.

"Hahaha, how is that possible!"

"I heard from the higher-ups that Pu Ding is about to sign a contract with a great god. I'll read this book. He can directly sign a platinum contract and officially become the Supreme God of Internet Literature at Qidian."

“The supreme god of Qidian is the supreme god of the online literature industry!”

"Yes, yes! Yes, that's the truth. This kind of contract can double Pu Ding's income. As long as he's not stupid, he knows how to choose."

"You have to know that an author of this level cannot be poached by money anymore. Their website may not be able to afford the price he wants."

"After listening to Manager Wang's explanation, I became much clearer. I was originally worried that they would steal the business from our website, but what happened? I think signing a contract with their website for one year is a bit too little. I just signed a contract for a few more years to prevent it from happening next year. They vary the ratio, and it’s hard to find such a ‘generous’ channel.”

"Sparrow food. Hahaha!"

For a time, the operations department was filled with a happy atmosphere. From time to time, the operations department would hear comments such as "big grievances", "fat meat delivered to the door", and "you may make more but I will always make more than you". If you don’t understand, it will make everyone laugh again and again.

Duoyu.com Literature Department.

After solving the library problem, their editor was on to something important.

Let its authors come to Zhongshan Novel Network to write books!

After a year of development, their online literature department has nearly 1,000 active authors.

Most of them are mid-level authors, some potential emerging authors, and a very small number of mid-level and senior-level authors.

By focusing on hot topics and good themes, they have published several popular books.

Simulator themes, sign-in streams, and school beauty dog-licking streams all have tens of thousands of subscriptions and are hot-selling new media products.

But this takes advantage of the subject matter, and the author himself does not have Wanding's strength.

Recently, "My Love Simulator" has been completed, and the author Xiaojiu is contemplating a new book.

Xiaoxing directly called him to come to Zhongshan Novel to open a book and gave him a guaranteed price of 200 per thousand words. The starting fee was equivalent to Qidian's 6,000 per subscription fee.

Very high offer.

Xiaojiu used to be a die-hard writer. He was able to write "My Love Simulator" only because he listened to Meng Xingkong's lectures. His ability to express this subject is also amazing. He himself never thought that he could be so high.

After it was completed, looking at the average order of 10,000, I felt like I was living in a dream.

His previous best result in Qidian was only 500 average subscriptions, barely rising from a casual player to a street player.

This book directly placed him among the ranks of mid- to high-level authors.

Therefore, he knew his own level. Without the guidance of Duoyu.com's cultural department, his achievements would not have been achieved at all, so he readily agreed.

He writes books wherever he goes, and at this price, he is very satisfied.

Because of this book, Duoyu will no longer take a commission, and actually makes more money than the previous book.

There are also many authors who, after finishing their books, were invited by Xiaoxing and others to Zhongshan Novel to write their books.

"Now, we have middle-level authors. The bottom-level authors only need to attract low-threshold full-time authors. Currently, only the top-level authors are here. Who should we dig up?"

Xiaoxing and Libu glanced at each other, and then looked at Mr. Pu's office in unison.

Ahem! That chapter was blocked and probably can’t be released. It was probably about a certain Welfare Girl. I deleted it and reposted the chapter.

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