I really want to hit the street

Chapter 301 The field of online writing is too deep and you are too young to grasp it.

This post by Outrageous Cat was first published in the comment section of "Infinite Time and Space".

"Qidian is lucky to have an author like Pu Dingliao"

"If you think that the copyright fee of 100 million is the reason for the good operation of Qidian IP, then let me tell you that it is not so much that Qidian has made Pu Ding successful, but rather that Pu Ding has given Qidian glory. Qidian should be based on owning Pu Ding. Thank you for choosing such a top author.”

"My first feeling after finishing "Infinite Time and Space" was the same as that of most book lovers. It was moved, shocked, surprised, relieved, lamented, and empty. Various emotions came to my heart.

I feel like I am already a member of the reincarnation of the main god's space. I watch the Chinese team step by step from ignorance to strength and then torn into pieces. Finally, they fight back and become the strongest!

Since the resurrection, my emotions have been calmed and sublimated step by step, and I was so happy until the last chapter. If I didn't understand why he arranged so many deaths in the first half, at this moment, it suddenly dawned on me! No pressure, no explosion! If your dignity has not been ruthlessly crushed, you will not have the belief to become the strongest! "

"I divided the book "Infinite Time and Space" into two stages. From the perspective of the character plot, the main line of the first half is to survive! However, the more you want something, the less you get. Zheng Tuo and the others are constantly dying and being hit. , and in the end, the whole group was wiped out, suppressing the emotions to the extreme. Many book friends couldn't resist and stopped reading.

But. This is the most important plot turning point in the entire book, because from this moment on, the main plot of the second half of the book is to become the strongest! Only by becoming the strongest can you protect the people you care about. From here on, the results of "Infinite Time and Space" began to explode, from more than 10,000 average subscriptions to 100,000! "

"This creative technique, if you have read my previous articles, you will know that it is a vortex writing technique of one yin and one yang. Pu Ding used it to the extreme, which is why there is such a beautiful plot.

And the final ending even more shows Pu's skill. He told us that he not only has unbridled creativity and superb structural control, but also has excellent character creation and emotional resonance abilities!

This is an extremely complete novel starting from the person, turning from person to person, and ending with the final redemption of everyone in the Chinese team. "

"Many people may be a little confused about the fact that the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space" has been sold for 100 million. Why do they think it is an online fast-food novel? There is no gorgeous rhetoric, no fine writing skills, and no profound connotation, but... Pu Ding has only One thing he does well is to tell stories. The story about infinity he tells has entered the hearts of every reader. "

"So, with this 100 million copyright fee, Qidian is bragging about its IP operation capabilities, but what I want to tell everyone is that Qidian is lucky to have an author like Pu Dingluo."

"No matter which website it is, if you own Puding, you have a treasure mountain. You can always trust it!"

"Finally, look forward to Pu Dada's new work. No matter what time or place, I will watch it as soon as possible!"

As soon as this post came out, the book club went crazy!

"But I'm uneducated, so I can go all over the world with just one word. Damn it! The boss is awesome! Pass the cigarette to the boss!"

"It's so strong. I just knew the plot was good and awesome, but I didn't expect so much knowledge. No wonder. Since I was resurrected, I want to watch it every day. If I don't watch it for a day, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body. It turns out that I have already In the shape of a big cattail, 嘤嘤嘤~"

"Damn! Go away, the dead man Tong! This book is really a god. I feel like there won't be anything more awesome than this book in Qidian in a short period of time."

"It's so exciting! It's so exciting that my scalp is numb. I update 100,000 words a day and finish the book directly. What kind of magic operation is this! I suggest all the unfinished dogs and eunuch dogs in Kaidian learn from it!"

"About Pu Ding, you can always trust the outrageous cat. Even if you say that you and Pu Ding are colleagues, I will believe it!"

"Have you paid attention to Huayi Pictures? They are going to create an infinite universe movie series. The first "Resident Evil 1" has been approved. Pu Dada has written the script himself and will start filming this year. I really want to see it!"

This article was uploaded to Writer's Assistant, Weibo, and other platforms.

It brought a wave of topics.

"Infinite Time and Space" has been completed and successfully ranked fourth in the hot search.

And no matter how many people are talking about this topic, they still can't shake the first three recharge users.

The operation of Weibo was scolded overnight for unblocking the third top-up scandal about a certain starlet and giving way to this hot search.

The first two cannot move.

They charged too much.

Moreover, it entered the top 3 hot searches, and netizens didn’t say anything.

For a time, # "Infinite Space and Time" has been updated to reach 100,000 words, and # "Qidian is lucky to have an author like Pu Dingluo". These two pieces of news went viral.

The article posted by the outrageous cat, please be careful.

It laid the foundation for Pu Ding's next move to his own Zhongshan novel, tempting readers to follow Pu Ding.

At that time, we can take advantage of this trend and get a large number of readers.

Very nice!

The completion of "Infinite Time and Space" also affected the Qidian editorial department.


As Pu Ding's editor-in-chief, I pay attention to the plot progress of his book every day. According to him, it is almost finished, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

"I originally wanted to celebrate with a big push at the end, but forget it. Let's just recommend the finished book."

"I didn't expect that one of my men would come out for an order of 100,000 yuan. Thanks to Xiaoxing, I can get a bonus of 20,000 yuan this time. If he knew about it, he would probably envy me to death, right?"

"Hey~ How can a small studio open up some incense and have a good meal? Recently, the people who wrote the simulator under Xiaoxing stopped opening their books after they finished, did they run away? How pitiful."

"I'll make an appointment with Xiaoxing for dinner another day. The online writing industry is too deep and he's too young to grasp it. Look at my monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, plus commissions and bonuses, it's nearly 15,000 yuan a month. Stable income, isn’t it nice?”

Styx was looking beautiful when he suddenly received a call from editor-in-chief Xing Chen.

"Have you finalized the contract with the great god that Pu has made? If you can't take him down, I will take you down!"

Styx: (°ー°〃)

"I know, I know, boss, I'll buy a ticket to Kyoto right away and go find Pu Ding in person."

After hanging up the phone, Styx wiped the sweat from his head.

I almost forgot the most important thing. This matter is a strategic task. If an author with 100,000 subscriptions can't even sign a contract with a great master, I'm afraid he will be laughed to death by his colleagues. It won't be that he will be fired by then, but The bonus may be wasted.

"Pu Ju, don't embarrass me. I'm just a small editor-in-chief. If you don't sign the contract, will my job be ruined? Are you going to pay for it? If I sign, I can make more money. It's good for you and me."

"Hey! By the way! Xiaoxing said last time that he seems to be in Kyoto. Call him when the time comes and come with me to persuade Pu Ju."

"He knows Pu Ju best and will definitely be able to find a solution!"

With this in mind, Styx bought a plane ticket for October 8th.

It’s National Day, so it’s impossible to go to work.

As long as the sky doesn't fall, we can wait until the holidays are over to discuss anything.

PS: It’s already 9 o’clock in the evening when I get off work. I’ve changed a lot of what I wrote yesterday. It’s no different than deleting and rewriting. It’s a little late, so everyone is included!

Short Binghuo, asking for monthly tickets online.


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