I really want to hit the street

Chapter 306 Return of the Three African Heroes

October 8th is the first day of work after the National Day holiday.

Meng Xingkong, Niu Zi, and Liang Sepi returned from Africa after a long journey.

The three of them arrived at Kyoto Airport one after another from afternoon to evening.

I was picked up by someone sent by Lijue, and it was time to have dinner together in the evening.

Mr. Pu arranges a team building every month.

Today, three unlucky guys came back, and the Internet and Literature Department received good news one after another. Mr. Pu was so happy that he directly arranged a one-stop service for dinner, singing, bathing, and massage in the evening.

Employees were in tears.


Finally, I don’t have to go to the haunted house at 12 midnight after bungee jumping in the afternoon.

So touching!

Mr. Pu finally got some projects in the world.

Xiaoxing had already expected this.

"I know it! Mr. Pu has always had two sets of team-building strategies, corresponding to his two mental states. In the state of making money, Mr. Pu will reflect, introspect and restrain himself, so he will arrange some strategies that can stimulate adrenaline and The endorphin program helps us quickly get out of a state of complacency and prevents us from standing on our merits. This has indeed been done. Today's fish people are used to success and will not be overwhelmed by ecstasy. Lost his head."

"And today, Mr. Pu is obviously in the state of throwing money. Through some gentle and comfortable projects, he stimulates our body to secrete dopamine, which is responsible for happiness, soothes our tense nerves and avoids the mentality of spending too much or worrying about losing money. You have to worry about it, so as to increase everyone’s resilience.”

Weibo's eyes were filled with stars: "This is Mr. Pu's philosophy. I feel that I have made a lot of progress during this time with Mr. Pu."

Tian Gou: "The editor-in-chief Xiaoxing conveyed it well. He is indeed the person who knows Mr. Pu best in the company."

Xiaoxing waved his hand: "Where is it? I'm just doing what I should do to help everyone understand the true meaning behind every seemingly abnormal operation of Mr. Pu."

Every time this time comes, everyone will sigh in their hearts.

Mr. Pu met Xiaoxing and each other, which was the luck of the two people.

Mr. Pu has made Xiao Xing successful, and Xiao Xing strives to serve Mr. Pu and never asks for credit.

The entire online literature department knows that Xiaoxing is an extremely low-key person and rarely talks about his usual work in front of Mr. Pu.

Instead, try to highlight the importance of other people as much as possible.

A very self-effacing person.

Therefore, Xiaoxing is very popular and everyone is friends with him.

Whether in life or work.

However, although Xiaoxing has never expressed his gratitude, everyone feels that Mr. Pu must understand in his heart.

Because you can't hide your appreciation for someone's vision.


191 people from Duoyu Company gathered at Sekiya Restaurant, a very famous Japanese restaurant in Kyoto. It is said that the owner was once a painter.

Duoyu Company’s recruitment last month was completed quickly.

After all, Mr. Pu's selection criteria have been set, and there are not many people who meet Mr. Pu's requirements and have certain specialties.

After the screening was completed, a total of 80 people were recruited.

The online literature department requires 35 people, the production department requires 25 people, the audio reading department requires 15 people, and the game department only has 5 people because there is not much work.

The importance of this cycle is also ranked according to the number of people.

The online literature department is the top priority and we must ensure that money is spent.

The production department is slightly inferior. It only needs to ensure that Duoyu Company is currently filming "For Fans", mainly in terms of logistics and post-production. The filming team was recruited by Wu Ma's own connections.

In the last cycle of audio reading, they deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors. In the end, they got a surprise of 8 million backstabbing Mr. Pu. Originally, they were not planning to recruit people for them, but the business there is really busy, and each program needs someone to be responsible for it, and The daily operation of the website and customer service work to solve problems for our audience.

They often work overtime, so Mr. Pu just needs to add some people to them to maintain the current results.

After Lao Meng was sent out, the entire audio reading department was much quieter, and there was no problem for Mr. Pu. Although there was steady progress, it has passed the period of rapid user growth, and some competing audiobook apps have also appeared. It is not a hastily made Sibei product like Wang Yiyun, which has hindered the business development of Duoyu Tingshu. Therefore, this month’s income is only 2 million more than last month, and it only earned 10 million for Duoyu Company. .

Not a big problem.

Since you can't spend it yourself, the Internet and Literature Department will help you spend it.

Finally, the game department!

Mr. Pu only added 5 people to them. Logically speaking, Mr. Pu was not prepared to give them alone.

The main culprit for the lack of successful settlement last cycle was the game department!

I made an LSP game, and not only earned back all the 15 million that I developed, but also made a slight profit. Currently, the reputation is booming, and the game recommendation position on Steam has also increased a lot. Many game up owners have followed suit and promoted this game, and the game The main body is cheap, only 49 yuan, and subsequent downloads have been very stable. Although it is not as good as the first month, it still sold 500,000 copies last month.

After the steam share plus preferential policies and tax deductions, there are 14 million in Duoyu Company.

Because it is a stand-alone game, this amount will decrease month by month in the future.

Mr. Pu’s request to the game department is to operate it stably and not mess around.

Therefore, the original 30 people in their department are enough, and the daily workload is even extremely unsaturated.

Logically speaking, they are not allowed to add new people, but Mr. Pu discovered that Assistant Qi had recruited five Internet-addicted teenagers.

The kind that makes you lose your head while playing games.

What a bastard!

Mr. Pu couldn't help but admire Assistant Qi's professional ability. He actually followed his request to the letter. He was too embarrassed to speak directly to such a pure bastard, for fear of being shocked by the system after hearing it.

But Assistant Qi analyzed it from his words!

Directly meeting Mr. Pu's request, we recruited a group of college students, among whom were 5 real "talents". Their professional abilities were very poor. Mr. Pu thought about it and assigned them to the game adaptation department, and decided to rely on them 5 Go and suppress the Internet Literature Department.

Let the people in the Internet and Literature Department get used to this fishing style of work.

Inside Guangu Restaurant.

Mr. Pu picked up a piece of tuna belly with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it for a while, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Ah~ Excellent!"

“This is so delicious~”

In his previous life, Mr. Pu wanted to be like the white-collar elites on TV, frequenting various high-end restaurants. He felt particularly mysterious and yearning for authentic Japanese cuisine like this because he had never tasted it.

At that time, he had no money, so he could only order a 50-yuan self-service sushi restaurant on Meituan. The taste was hard to describe.

The feeling in your mouth is that of rice mixed with vegetables.

Just very dull.

But this one is different.

After the sushi enters the mouth, the caviar first slides into the mouth with a round texture, and then the top-quality tuna fillet melts in the mouth, and the pure fragrance spreads in the mouth. At this time, the teeth gently chew the rice and caviar, and the aroma is exploded!

After eating one, it is clear and clean, with rich taste, and the aroma can be sprayed from the throat.

“It’s great to have money”

It was rare that Mr. Pu was in a good mood during the dinner party, and he also tasted the delicious food.

Next to Mr. Pu, Assistant Qi sat and chewed his food gracefully, smiling with satisfaction after finishing the meal.

Expensive, there is a reason why it is expensive.

The only disadvantage of good things is that they are expensive.

At this time, hearing Mr. Pu's emotion, Assistant Qi had an extra understanding of Mr. Pu.

Mr. Pu has been poor, and he is remembering the hardships and thinking about the sweetness.

She didn't bother Mr. Pu at this time.

On the other side of Mr. Pu is Chen Xiaoxue.

It was rare today that Mr. Pu realized that she was outrageous and famous because she dressed up specially and changed into youthful clothes for her age. She looked young and energetic, and she looked like a sunny girl.

Mr. Pu sighed inwardly: "It's a good girl, but it's a pity that her brain is not very good and her ideas are too outrageous." ’

Opposite the three men were three African brothers.

Got a tan.


"Mr. Pu, we are back!"

"Do you know how I spent these two months?"

“It feels better to feel at home.”

Seeing the three of them looking like they were surviving a disaster, Mr. Pu felt that he was in a better mood today!

have a look!

This is the result of making great achievements!

Although I can't say it clearly, I hope other people can take this as a warning and stop trying to make money for the company by being clever!

Otherwise, don’t blame me for not practicing martial ethics.

After a few people reminisced about old times and talked about the customs and local specialties.

Meng Xingkong changed the subject: "Fortunately, this time we went to Africa to negotiate a deal, and the operation of the overseas version of Duoyu Tingshu can be put on the agenda. Fortunately, we have lived up to our mission!"

Mr. Pu: "?"

Liang Sepi: "In the past few days in Mauritius, I talked with international friends from various countries, and unexpectedly found that the international version of our "Strategy Goddess Simulator" has been well received. They think Dongfangmei's modeling is amazing. I plan to be a translator and create a few other skin-colored beauty models to add to the game. When the domestic sales are weak, I will launch a wave of sales abroad. "

Mr. Pu: "??"

Niu Zi: "Huh? You are so strong. I haven't negotiated any deals in Algeria, but I have some inspiration for new online writing genres. Maybe I can talk to the authors below. I might be able to produce some good books."

Mr. Pu: “???”


What the hell!

Are you really investigating the market in Africa? ? ?

I thought it would be great if you came back alive!

What do you mean by this strategy that sounds very reliable?

At this moment, the sushi in Mr. Pu's hand no longer tasted good.

The waiter brought a piece of sea urchin and sturgeon roe. Mr. Pu took a bite and it tasted like wax.

"You guys really surprised me."

When the three of them heard Mr. Pu's 'praise', they all showed modesty and waved their hands in unison.

"It's our responsibility to do harm."

The corner of Mr. Pu's mouth twitched slightly, saying that you are fat and even out of breath!

Okay, he can now start to think about how to arrange the three struggling guys (turtle version).

at the same time.

Xiaoxing's phone rang.

Caller: Styx.

PS: 2 updates today, please vote for me, it’s almost the end of the month, give it a try, thank you all!

The update time is not stable recently, due to personal reasons, I have to adjust my work schedule.

Staying up late is too harmful to the body

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