I really want to hit the street

Chapter 319 This time, I really can’t see through Mr. Pu...

Chapter 319 This time, I really can’t see through Mr. Pu

Pu Ding's "Infinite Time and Space" just finished two weeks ago.

It is still ranked first on Qidian’s best-selling list.

Before leaving, Styx even gave Pu Ding another complete book to recommend.

Many book readers have forgotten the previous plot and are reading it from the beginning to catch up on the plot.

On the Longkong Forum, Pu decided to get 100 million in copyright royalties for this book, and the glory of the 100,000-yuan subscription is still being talked about.

People who are addicted to sour pu have not exhausted their vocabulary.

At present, it has only reached the stage of "shady", and there are still many highly pregnant words that have not been used.

Authors on other novel websites have just been asked by their editors to learn unlimited streaming and strive to write a book with good grades.

The Qidian editorial department has just been immersed in the emotion of the departure of the second group editor Ming He. It has not even arranged who will be the second group editor, who will take over the author Pu Ding, and who will go to Pu Ding to sign the master. about.

When no one was prepared, Pu Ding suddenly released a new book on Zhongshan Novel!

Caught off guard!

No precautions, no worries.

Just appeared in front of everyone.

For a moment, Pu decided on three words and rushed to the hot search!

On Weibo, the author who once became famous for "if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless" has not yet opened a Weibo account, but his story is already known to many people.

Not to mention that with the blessing of a billion-dollar copyright fee, it is impossible to ignore the three words "Pu Ding".

This person changed his website.

No news was revealed in advance.

Everyone who paid attention to the online literature industry started discussing it overwhelmingly.

Your Li Bai: "What's going on? Is this Pu Ding of Zhongshan novel a real person? Why is there no news? Is it because the author of the same name is cheating? The website is not afraid of being sued?"

You Ma Chaoguang: "How could it be fake! Someone's website is promoting it so hard and creating fake news? Isn't this just trying to smear yourself? Can you be a little more thoughtful about what others think? But having said that, Qidian edited it some time ago Everyone said they were going to make an appointment with Pu Ding, why did he run away? "

Arthur came in quickly: "It's bad! It must be because the money is too much over there! A stinky writer of online articles will go to whoever pays more. What else can it do? You don't really think that the person who writes online articles will go there. You wrote it for a dream, right? There can’t be such naive people, right?”

I, Cao Cao, was wrong: "It's possible to eat birds' food. I often see it in Zhongshan novels during this period. They are really fierce in advertising, and they are willing to spend money! I accidentally clicked on it and downloaded one. I haven't read it yet, and now it's just right. .Check out Pu Ding’s new book. This author’s "Infinite Time and Space" can be called this year’s sacred book. "

Lao Huang Zhong said: "Let's go together! Just download more software. I am also a fan of Pu Ding's books. I will consider other authors, but Pu Ding really needs to support him, otherwise he will not be able to write "Infinity" "Time and Space 2"? I'm still waiting for Chu Dake and the others to be resurrected!"

Give it to me Daji: "Hey, people die for money and birds die for food. Pu Ding has never signed the Great God Agreement. It turns out that it was premeditated. I don't know how much money was given to him to make him give up Qidian's Great God Agreement. Although I’m not optimistic that Pu Ding will live a better life if he runs away, he will definitely make a lot of money.”

Xiao Lian Po was confused: "Look at Gou Ba, a hot-blooded author, the damn paid novel is so expensive, why don't you grab it?"

Everyone: "???"

Well, wisdom is never lacking at any time.

Little Lu Bu said, "Why do you all only talk about male authors? Are you deliberately ignoring female authors? Are you engaging in discrimination?"

You're awesome Mark: "How could that be! You can tell just by looking at my name."

Little Lu Bu said: "???"

I have Dian Wei: "Okay! Who said our human race doesn't have a great emperor! This counterattack directly shattered the avenue!"

The comments on Weibo gradually moved away from the original topic, and started to engage in daily boxing again.

The editors of Qidian were instantly alert, this damn Zhongshan novel was poaching their people!

Can this be tolerated?

Especially Xingchen looked gloomy.

I walked to the editorial office and wanted to find out the person who had disgraced the great author.

Then he discovered that the River Styx had just left yesterday.

It was the resignation form he signed.

The editor-in-chief left, and Xingchen couldn't find anyone to vent to, so he turned around and scolded a group of chief editors.

Editor-in-chief of other groups: "."

Disaster is coming!

"Gan! This guy Styx caused trouble, let us take the blame for him!"

"Did he already know that Pu Ding was going to leave, and he was afraid that the boss would scold him and be demoted, so he left early?"

"It's not like being demoted. At most, I'll deduct a bonus. But I felt it. Yesterday, Styx left very fast. It seems that there is news. I don't know where he went to work."

"Could it be Zhongshan novel?"

The editors were stunned for a moment, and then all took a breath: "It's very possible! Maybe Pu Ding's departure has something to do with him."

"Hey, Zhongshan Novels is our channel. If something like this happens, how will we live in the future?"

"How about stopping their channels?"

"How can we just stop? We have signed a contract, and the senior management will definitely not agree. In order to vent their anger, I cut off a channel with good performance. The money earned by the channel is much more than that of a great author. We cannot care about one and lose the other. ah."

"By the way, Zhongshan Novel is rich. How much did it cost to poach Pu Ding?"

A group of editors were aggrieved, but in the end they had no choice but to let it go.

What can be done?

Are you kneeling down and begging Pu Ding to come back soon?

In short, the news that Pu Ding changed his website was very popular and attracted a large number of people to Zhongshan Novel.

Downloads soared!

Then readers came across the book "Online Games: Almighty Druid" one after another.

Most people’s first reaction is this: (;д)

So stupid!

Pu Dingliao actually wrote an online game novel!

People who came to watch "Infinite Space and Time 2" were disappointed, and there were many more readers who didn't understand it.

Pu Ding has never written about online games. Why did he suddenly change his career?

Such a big span?

But I felt relieved when I thought that Pu Ding changed the genre of each book.

"Is there another mystery?"

The second thought of many readers is that once Pu is settled, a new theme may come up.

But looking at the introduction, it’s very ordinary.

No matter, let’s take a look at the content first.

This is the benefit brought by the name of a great god.

Even if the title and introduction of the book do not arouse readers' interest, there are still many readers who click in to take a look.

What if you like it?

The quality of books written by great masters is definitely guaranteed.

Then those who read the first 10 chapters fell silent.

An unpretentious online game article.

There's nothing wrong with it, but it's not outstanding either.

If it were an ordinary author, that would be it.

But this is Puding!

How can an author with an average subscription of 100,000 be only at this level?

For a time, there was a lot of doubt in the book reviews of "Online Games: Almighty Druid" in Zhongshan Novel.

"No way, right? Is this really a new book that has been published? Why do I feel a little nervous?"

"Online game articles? I don't even read it! Farewell, uninstall it!"

"No. Wouldn't it be better to write "Infinite Time and Space 2" well? I downloaded the software just for you, and you just use this to fool me?"

"One thing to say is that the writing style is indeed that of Pu Ding, but the writing is really average. There is nothing bad about it. However, except for the game system and props, which are relatively new, there is nothing outstanding. It is almost the same as the old online game novels."

"Disappointed, disappointed. I suggest that people who come later should not watch it. It is better to watch "Infinite Time and Space" for the second time."

"No way? How dare you publish a book of this caliber for everyone to read? It has made such big news. If I had this kind of traffic, I would have become popular a long time ago. I strongly recommend that everyone go to Qidian and read my "Questions from the Sky" "Love" can not only beat his book, but even the one with an average subscription of 100,000 yuan can barely compare with my book. "

As much as Pu Ding was praised at the beginning, this book will be ignored by many people.

It's not that it's ugly or poisonous, it's just that the expectations are too high and the reality is too ordinary.

Public opinion has changed dramatically.

Multifish Company.

Ridiculously looking at the background of Zhongshan Novel, the data of "Online Game: Almighty Druid" increased very quickly.

But there are also a lot of places to lose.

Many people who downloaded the software chose to delete the software after reading the first ten chapters of this book.

It can be seen in the background.

The data is not optimistic.

She also fell silent after reading Mr. Pu's new book.

"Why does this book feel a bit ordinary? It's not like Mr. Pu's level."

"Is there a time when Mr. Pu's talents are exhausted? Or is it that in order to cooperate with our publicity strategy, he published the book before it was ready?"

"The only bright spot is a game system that seems reasonable. But, does Mr. Pu really want to use a book to let others recognize the game world he wrote? Or is there some other operation?"

"How on earth is Mr. Pu going to make this book popular?"

"This time, I really can't see through Mr. Pu."

It was ridiculous to feel that this was the only time that I failed to follow Mr. Pu's train of thought.

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