I really want to hit the street

Chapter 321 Beauty Trap

The shooting efficiency of big film and television companies is far lower than that of small directors.

Huayi started the project of "Resident Evil 1" when it bought the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space".

It took three months to complete the preliminary preparations and start auditioning actors.

There are many important characters in the whole story, and they all play a lot of roles.

For example, the female captain Rayne, as well as Spencer, Matt, and the artificial intelligence Red Queen girl.

But the most important thing about the whole play is the heroine Alice.

Big heroine.

This main role runs through the entire Resident Evil movie series. After the first movie is cast, if nothing unexpected happens, all subsequent movies in the series will use this actor.

A film contract is equivalent to 3 films.

As the first world in the infinite universe, Resident Evil occupies a very important position in the readers' psychology.

Key to the entire cinematic universe.

Just like Robert Downey Jr.'s role in the Marvel Universe in "Iron Man 1" on Earth.

One person, one character, runs through the entire first phase of the Marvel Universe.

Comparing with gods in a mortal body.

With a snap of his fingers, a glorious life ended.

Several years later, everyone still remembers the appearance of a generation of Iron Man, and even the audience thinks that he is Iron Man!

Obviously, Alice, the heroine of Resident Evil, will also play the role of the beginning of the entire infinite universe.

Choosing the right actors is very important!

At this time, Huayi's senior management had to be cautious and specially invited Pu Ding, who portrayed the character of Alice, to check the situation.

His opinion is very important.

"The Man from the Earth" was extremely successful because of Chen Mingdao's performance, and after being launched on the streaming media platform, the Douban score is still very high, with an 8.2.

The subsequent income from the film is also slowly growing, and if the film sold abroad is divided into the hands of Pu Jie, there is probably more than 1 million.

A very considerable income.

Even more money than the book "Infinite Time and Space"!

After the money was divided into Pu Jie's hands, he planned to renovate the new house, and saved the remaining money to maintain Pu Jie's daily personality.

After all, it is unreasonable for a boss with such a high net worth to have an extremely difficult personal life.

Considering that "The Man from Earth" is written by Pu Ding, the character selection was very successful.

Huayi's senior management has spoken. The crew must fully refer to the opinions of the original author and screenwriter, and all actions must be in the service of making a good movie.

After Pu Jie arrived, he discovered that he was valued.

Everyone was waiting for him to start.

The producer and director are very enthusiastic. Both of them expressed their love for the story of Resident Evil and their willingness to make this movie well.

Director Bob is a white man with a beard, but he has a mouth full of Beijing movies.

"Brother Pu, don't worry if you leave this script to me! I promise to train those foreigners properly and film according to our rules."

Pu Jie had a dark look on his face.

Are you embarrassed to say that someone is a foreigner?

You are obviously the most unrestrained looking foreigner!

However, this kind of Kyoto film cannot be said without having been in Kyoto for ten years.

"Are you Hua Guotong?"

Bob said disdainfully: "What are you talking about, brother? I am at most an American expert. We are serious Kyoto people and have a household registration, okay?"


The choice of director is very reasonable.

It is indeed good to hand over a film with a foreign background written by a Chinese to a director like this, and it is conducive to the integration of the two cultures.

The content is also more inclusive.

Pu Jie had a brief chat with Bob and found that he had made many Chinese films and had won some international foreign language film awards. He was a capable person.

It can be seen that Huayi also paid great attention to the selection of directors.

"By the way, Editor, tell me, should we use a Chinese as the heroine or a foreigner?"

"Well, it's still Chinese, after all, it's our film."

Pu Jie always felt that it was a bit inappropriate for a white man with a beard to call other white people "foreigners" when he opened his mouth.

"Okay! I think so too. Then, let's start auditioning from Chinese actors first?"


Today's audition will begin soon, and the actors will prepare to enter in order.

Behind, there were two actresses who had been staring at Pu Jie since he came in.

A woman who looks more mature, with bright appearance, delicate facial features, a plump and round face, white and shiny skin, and a pair of big watery eyes. Whenever you look at her, she always looks affectionate, which can impress almost anyone. Staring at her man.

She said: "Zaha, as far as I know, this editor is the soul of this movie. The top management of Huayi attaches great importance to him. Who can play this heroine in this movie? What he said will work. I will think of a solution later." I want his contact information and we can have a date with him later. He is still young and likes little girls like you."

Malzahar was dressed very formally today and focused on dressing up, which was completely different from when he usually stayed at home.

The already beautiful facial features accentuated the exotic charm, as if she were the Daji who charmed King Zhou.

She blushed slightly: "I hate Sister Mi. If you use a beauty trap, who can stand up to you? Didn't all men say it? Young people don't know how good Sister Yu is, and they mistake girls for treasures. I think Pu Bian must have experience. If you ask for a call, he will never refuse. Who in the circle doesn’t know your charm, Sister Mi?”

Yang Mimi raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Although she had heard this kind of words many times, it was very effective when it was said in the mouth of another beautiful woman.

She debuted at a young age and is already 29 this year. She is about to enter the third year of her career.

He has achieved certain results in his career and has filmed several popular TV series, but he has never had a masterpiece on the big screen.

She needs this work.

It is an excellent step forward for her personally and for the studio.

And Malzahar is an artist under her studio, and the restrictions are not strong. The two are good sisters, so they brought them together. They will compete anyway, so as long as someone gets involved, it is a good thing for the studio.

Both of them are the best in terms of appearance among most female artists, and they are the protagonists wherever they go.

In this audition, it was also a major concern for other actresses.

But the good thing is that I heard that this film is all about strength and there are no hidden rules.

Other actresses still have a chance, otherwise Mimi would just say "wait a minute" and win directly.

She is a woman who can sacrifice something for the sake of advancement.

But her Malzaha is different. Zaha is a flower in the greenhouse, completely hiding under the protection of her good sister, and has never seen the dangers in the world.

The two people chatted and laughed, and soon arrived at Yang Mimi.

After entering, she greeted with a smile: "Good afternoon, Producer Li, Director Bob, and Editor Pu. I am Yang Mimi, come and try out this role."

After all, Yang Mimi was smart, and everyone else smiled and responded.

Only Pubian.

There was a look of surprise on his face!

How does this person look like that person on Earth?

From the face, they are exactly the same!

It's a pity that I can't look inside, otherwise Pu Jie would be able to identify it more accurately.

Pu Jie seemed to be thinking of the short film he had seen before, with a sweet smile on his lips.

Yang Mimi looked at Pu Bian's interested eyes and seemed to understand something.

‘Zaha, it seems that my sister’s luck is indeed better than yours. ’

PS: There are 3 updates today, and there will still be 3 updates tomorrow. Updates in the early morning. As per the old rules, the Whispering Time of the Evil God is between 4 and 5 o'clock, so don't watch it.

Remember to vote monthly, brothers. It’s almost enough to draw 1,000 tickets.

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