I really want to hit the street

Chapter 326 Internet Addicted Boy

Wang Yin.

An ordinary college student.

Studying a major that I don’t know what I want to do in the future, skipping classes that won’t be called, and playing games that I can’t play enough every day.

He is an Internet addicted boy.

The fighting is average, better than Dachun.

I can play all kinds of games, online games, single-player games, competitive games, cultivation, farming, and butter.

Whatever is fun to play.

Occasionally, I also like to watch short videos and refresh the news.

Very nerdy.

On this day, he finished the new game "Elden's Ring" and felt empty.

The original pleasure of collecting all the bosses and challenging them is no longer there, and there is no motivation to start a second game.

Suddenly, enter the sage time.

Turned off the computer and lay down on his bed.

Suddenly I thought of my future and didn't know where to go.

He was scrolling through short videos boredly, and then a short video was pushed to him.

"A boy plays games and gets a mysterious ring, becomes a full-time game master, and earns 100 million in real life."

Um! ?

Element detection!

Wang Yin, who was a little bored at first, was no longer sleepy.

He was about to click in to see what game it was and whether he could play it, but then he realized it was an advertisement.

"Tch! It turned out to be a novel. I was wondering how it was possible to make so much money playing games!"

He curled his lips, feeling that all the short videos nowadays were like this, selling sheep over dogs and deliberately exaggerating.

"For videos like yours, I will report it directly, thank you!"

He chose the three dots in the upper right corner. Just when he was about to report it, he suddenly felt that this story seemed very interesting.

He had read online novels before on the recommendation of others, but after reading them twice, he found them boring, so he uninstalled them as he was more comfortable playing games.

Now he suddenly wanted to read this novel.

His hand slid down from the "Report" icon.

"It's okay now anyway, why not take a look."

Being idle also means being idle.

The short videos are boring.

The young lady twisted her waist until her dick went numb.

During the window period when there are no new games to play, he needs a new love to spend time with.

At this time, Zhongshan novel comes at the right time.

So, he downloaded the Zhongshan Novel app software and opened the "Online Game: Full-time Druid".

An hour and a half passed.

Wang Yin's face gradually turned rosy and he felt happy.

And then, snap, the book is at the end!

Very soon!

Wang Yin: "."

"Gan!!! Where's the fucking back? Where's the author's back? I'm so confused!"

“It’s so uncomfortable!!!”

He just saw the key moment!

The protagonist Sun Can was besieged by several old silver players in the wild. When he was about to die and exploded his equipment, he chose to jump off the cliff of the wild map without giving them a chance to pick up his equipment.

"Even if I throw away my equipment, I won't let you guys pick it up! Just wait. When I come back, none of you will be able to escape."

After Sun Can finished speaking, he fell off the cliff.

This map is a high mountain map in the novice area. There is an abyss below. If you fall down, you will die and you will lose the level directly.

Many unbelieving players have already tried it.

In the process of falling, Sun Can had an idea and remembered a consumable item he had dropped when he defeated a cat demon boss alone.

[Consumables: Silver Cat Tail]

[Quality: Rare]

[After being installed on the body, it can offset one landing damage. 】

At the time, I thought it was useless and I wasted so much time on it.

After all, for a normal player, who would be so stupid and have to jump off a cliff?

There is no need to spend a big boss's drop to offset things that can be avoided by operating.

"I'll go! I didn't expect that Heaven's Endless Path would actually be used! As long as you don't die, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with them in this ranking list. In the early stage, every second counts!"

"Wait a minute. Where is this cat tail installed? A plug-in or a pendant?"

In mid-air, Sun Can took out a beautiful cat tail from his backpack and fell into deep thought.

But the whistling wind in his ears and the getting closer to the ground told him that he couldn't think about it anymore, so he quickly stuffed the cat's tail behind his buttocks and clamped it with slight force on his buttock muscles.

"Damn! This game is so real!"


Sun Can fell off the cliff and was supposed to turn into a white light and return to the resurrection area of ​​Novice Village.

The tail swayed slightly from behind, decelerating to the limit, and then falling gently, unscathed.

"Huh~ If there is no danger, just open the [Teleport Talisman] and go back. Those little bastards, wait until I complete the hidden mission and kill you!"

Just when I was about to activate the [Teleport Talisman] and return to Novice Village to continue my hidden mission, there was a sudden 'ding' in the game.

[Ding~ You have opened the ‘Holy Snowfield’ map, recommended level: 80~90. 】

The smoke in front of Sun Can gradually dissipated. He was standing in a snow-capped mountain valley. In front of him was a huge snow giant and a terrifying white bird. They were fighting. ,

Snowflakes are flying.

[Creature: Snow Mountain Giant]

【grade:? ? ? 】

[HP:? ? ? 】

【characteristic:? ? ? 】

【weakness:? ? ? 】

In addition to the name, there are a lot of question marks!

Sun Can took in a breath of cool air that turned into a holy snowfield.

"Hey~ What a guy! There is actually a high-level picture under the cliff! This monster is too exaggerated. With my small body of level 9, I will die if I touch it, so I have to leave quickly."


Looking at the fighting snow giant and big bird, he showed a thoughtful expression.

The story ends here, it’s the latest chapter.

When Wang Yin saw that there was no more behind, he immediately had a withdrawal reaction!

I lay in bed twitching for a long time, feeling helpless and furious.

Finally, I can only accept that today’s story ends here.

He looked at the comments section, looking for brothers who had the same withdrawal reaction as him.

I found that everyone was actually much more irritable than him.

"Damn! Is this a bad author who just stops updating? Is it because Qidian has spoiled you? I order you to update immediately!"

"It's decided. I'll tell you a number, and you'll give it to me immediately. Chapter 1158!"

"This is a broken chapter? Isn't it too silly? Does anyone know the author's address? I'll go see if he still has the manuscript and send it to my brothers."

"Oh! Just wait, you can watch it tomorrow. Fortunately, Pu has set a daily update of 10,000 words, so it's still very enjoyable to read."


5 chapters a day?

Isn't that too short?

Wang Yin looked at himself and saw that he had read 50 chapters today, and he had only lasted less than 2 hours.

If it’s Chapter 5, wouldn’t it be like squatting on the toilet and disappearing?

Wow! It’s so uncomfortable!

He had never read an online article before, let alone followed it.

Directly numb.

In the end, I had no choice but to imitate what other book friends said in the latest chapter: "Update quickly, I can't sleep at night!"

Wang Yin is not the first new reader to fall into this trap.

In China, you can do a survey. Do more people play games or read novels?

Obviously, the answer can be obtained without answering this.

There are so many people playing games!

These game enthusiasts who had never read online game novels were attracted by the advertisement of Zhongshan Novel.

Naturally, I became a fan of "Online Game: Almighty Druid".

And this group of new readers has supported the continued reading of this book.

Pu Ding persuaded a group of old readers to leave and admitted a group of new readers.

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