I really want to hit the street

Chapter 328 It’s not a big problem, it can still be operated

November 2, early morning.

Pu Jie was lying on the bed, looking at the first order of "Online Game: Almighty Druid" 7544, with a dull look on his face.

After a moment of silence, he waved his palms and shouted:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How is it possible that this book has 7544 first orders? Isn't this a joke!"

Pu Jie refreshed it several times, even thinking that there was something wrong with the software in Zhongshan Novel Author's backend.

But the bloody data told him: You are the first to order 7544, and your book is awesome, you stinky boss!

Pu Jie was speechless.

Last month, I read the comments and data in the first week since he published the book.

It's so miserable.

There are too many people who criticize his books for being bad. At first glance, it’s not just the one or two who are leading the way, but the regular readers generally think that what he writes is crap.

As we all know, the beginning of a book determines the upper limit of the book.

Readers from ten years ago may give you some face and look back.

But today's readers are reading more and more fragmentedly. If they are not interested, they will quickly skip the next book. They are far less patient than previous readers.

Pu Ding's title is quite good and can make readers endure to follow the book for a week.

However, if others get 3 golden chapters and leave after being dissatisfied with it, Pu has already decided on 30 golden chapters and still doesn’t retain readers, so there’s nothing we can do about it.

The reader's patience has run out.

After confirming that his book was an authentic virtual online game, he abandoned the book without any other new ideas.

Therefore, one week after publishing the book, Pu Jie looked at so many negative reviews and felt that it was stable.

It’s hard not to pounce.

Especially the new platform Zhongshan Novel has a small number of readers and is unstable.

These old readers who have followed from Qidian don't buy it, which is obviously a failure.

Zhongshan novels did not gain many readers from him.

It can be said that Mr. Pu Tianhu started the game.

"Then how could this happen? Which step went wrong again?"

"Huh? Why did I say again?"

Pu Jie shook his head, feeling that something would go wrong every time and all kinds of weird things would happen to him.

He started looking up the data for his book.

Then I found that there were a lot of new collections added every day.

Basically, there are about 5,000 a day.

This is a very scary number.

Although many readers only glanced at it a few times and accidentally collected it, without any intention of further reading or subscribing.

But the base is large enough, which proves that there will be many readers who can pay.

The base number of 5,000 is a bit too big!

If nothing else, this means that at least 5,000 new readers have read the first few chapters of his book every day.

"Damn! With such a huge traffic, there must be some blind readers! Why is it so high?"

With questions, he went to the Zhongshan Novel app to find answers.

At a glance, I saw the recommended book hanging in the most conspicuous position on the homepage: the great god Pu Ding has a new book "Online Games: Almighty Druid".

I also made a very beautiful cover.

Pu Jie: "."

"Okay! Last month I put up a banner to celebrate my coming from Qidian to Zhongshan Novel, and it hasn't been taken away, right???"

This is so fucking awesome!

You know, the biggest traffic of a website is the home page.

Every reader who comes to read the book will notice it.

Regardless of whether you are interested or not, you have the opportunity to click on it.

Especially the long hanging time is visible to almost all readers.

Once the impression deepens for a certain number of times, you can’t help but click on it.

Otherwise, why do you think many brands advertise?

Did he ask you to place an order immediately after placing the advertisement?

Obviously not.

He wants to strengthen his brand impression and make you always remember the good things of this brand!

Reinforce this concept in your mind over and over again.

Until one day, when you need this thing, the first thing that comes to mind is these advertising brands.

When you go to the mall to shop, you will see this brand and say, "This is good, it's a big brand, and the price is reasonable."

If other brand products were put on the shelf, you would shake your head and say: "This is not a brand, there is no guarantee."

There are many things that you can’t tell the difference in appearance, so naturally you have to choose a familiar brand.

Same goes for books.

Many books are listed in recommendations and lists, but readers may not click on them immediately.

But if you hang it for a long time, readers will subconsciously think that this is a good book, and one day when there is no more books to read, they may click in and take a look.

Therefore, the top ones on Qidian’s best-selling list will remain on the list once they are on the list.

Because of the head effect.

Their new readers are endless.

Pu Jie's "Infinite Time and Space" has been completed for a month now and is still No. 1 on the Qidian bestseller list.

One reason is that before Styx left, he gave him a relatively powerful complete book recommendation, the kind that was broadcast to the entire site.

Another reason is that many people who have read the book have begun to read it, and many people who have heard of it before but have not read it have begun to read it after hearing about it.

The number of new readers is more than in the last month of the series!

"So! I have so many collections because of the recommendations on the homepage!"

"That's right! Zhongshan Novel places so many ads every day. New readers will be able to see my books when they come here, and they will naturally collect more of them. This achievement is justified. This is all achieved by relying on traffic. ah!"

"Gan! This is like I've been promoted for a month!"

"It's outrageous, it's outrageous! You are more ruthless than Styx and Xiaoxing! It's really your fault!"

Pu Jie has been writing books for so many years, but he has never encountered such exaggerated recommended resources!

Problem found!

There's a traitor among them!

Mr. Pu immediately called Li Ke and asked him to remove his big tweet from the home page.

It's outrageous and I want to make some quibbles.

But Mr. Pu didn't give her a chance and said seriously: "That's outrageous. Do you know what are the three most important points of a novel website?"

"Fair! Fair! It's fair to repay the ****!"

"If we don't treat authors equally, how can anyone be willing to come to our website to write a book? The majority of authors have seen that my book has been listed in the best recommendation position on the website for a month and has not been removed. What? Feeling? Envy? Hate! Why don’t we give them such good resources and let me take all the money?”

"If the author of a website hates this website, can we still get ahead? No! Therefore, for the sake of other authors, my recommendation must be removed!"

"Besides, do I need this little money?" Mr. Pu said with tears in his eyes.

He is lacking!

He is so lacking!

But what he lacks is personal property that he can spend freely, not virtual numbers on the system!

But Mr. Pu’s righteous words were so outrageous that he immediately stood in awe!

This is Mr. Pu!

Personal interests are far less important than the overall interests of the website!

Even though the results of his books are getting better and better, he doesn't take it seriously at all, and he doesn't even mention that he ordered it for the first time!

Why? Is Mr. Pu unhappy?

Obviously impossible!

It was naturally extremely difficult for Mr. Pu to get this first order from Zhongshan Novel, but the first moment he saw this result, he did not rejoice. Instead, it triggered Mr. Pu who was in a state of making money.

Start reflecting and introspecting.

Then I quickly found the problem with Zhongshan novel.

And quickly guided her to correct it.

Libi was moved and said: "Mr. Pu, I was not thoughtful enough. I thought it would be easier to attract new readers by hanging your name and book on the homepage, but... I ignored the feelings of the authors who wrote books on our website. It was me. Mistakes, if the readers of a website are gone, you can try to attract more traffic, but if the author is gone, the foundation of the website is gone. I will remember your guidance!”

"Ah, very good!"

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Pu almost laughed out loud.

It’s outrageous and yet it’s serious!

"Hahahaha! We live in Bengbu, and there are only a few authors on this website. Don't think I don't know that you all use books from other websites to attract traffic, and then distribute money to others, acting like stupid rich people and laughing to death!"

The seemingly reasonable suggestions are full of Mr. Pu’s calculations.

Solve your own problems for the sake of problems that have not arisen in the first place.

He doesn't care what the website looks like, as long as he doesn't make money from his books.

"Well, now that there is no exposure, my grades will naturally start to plummet. It's still stable!"

"Fortunately, I reacted in time and performed a series of severe operations."

Mr. Pu looked at the quilt next to him and threw it aside with disdain.

Laughing to death!

This cycle, there is no need for it at all!

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