I really want to hit the street

Chapter 331 Mr. Pu has opened up a new path for us!

"I can translate what Mr. Pu just said."

As soon as Xiaoxing said this, He Tian Gou was immediately shocked!


Mr. Pu actually has other intentions?

But we were listening together just now!


Why didn’t I hear the meaning behind Mr. Pu?

Libi immediately asked: "Editor Xiaoxing, weren't you drinking milk tea just now? When did you come back? Why didn't I see you coming?"

Xiaoxing was obviously choked: "Ahem. I think Mr. Pu seemed to have something to say, so I came back quickly to listen. Don't worry about these details!"

"I know that what Mr. Pu just said may be too shocking for you. Some of the details cannot be seen clearly. You may even think that Mr. Pu is teaching us to lose money."

"But obviously, you still don't understand Mr. Pu's working methods well enough. Next, I will focus on analyzing the path Mr. Pu just pointed out."

Xiaoxing's serious look and twinkling eyes instantly conquered Li Biwei and Tian Gou.

The two of them sat down and took out their notebooks.

"Editor Xiaoxing, say it!"

The left corner of Xiaoxing's mouth slightly curved, and she lowered her head slightly. The edges of her glasses reflected a ray of light in the sun.

"Mr. Pu has given us two strategies in total. The first one is to support the authors of this site and adopt a differentiated strategy with Qidian's works. At the same time, we can meet the needs of users for finding books. We will try our best to expand the audience while maintaining the rapid growth trend of existing new users. Mountain novels make total profits and create a healthy full-category original novel website!”

Outrageous: "."

Tian Gou: "."

The two looked at each other, and they could see something in each other's eyes: Did Mr. Pu say so much just now?

Shouldn’t we just tilt the recommendation towards the author of this site?

Why are there so many strategies?

Seeing the puzzled looks between the two people, Xiaoxing didn't feel strange at all. He explained patiently: "Don't just listen to what Mr. Pu said on the surface. He still has many unspoken subtexts that you need to understand for yourself. I'll teach you. The first major premise to teach you to analyze Mr. Pu’s strategy is that Mr. Pu will definitely aim at making Zhongshan Novel profitable!”

"Under this premise, if we carefully analyze every sentence Mr. Pu said, we will naturally get answers that are closer to the truth. For example, Mr. Pu said that we should leave good recommendations to our own authors and not over-cultivate Qidian works. This This shows that Mr. Pu has realized that relying on Qidian’s works to attract traffic and retain customers is not a long-term solution. Only by developing our own group of authors can the website become more profitable, and it will not be controlled by others in the future. We should not just As a channel provider, what we want to do is create original websites for all categories!”

"But you have to look at Mr. Pu's words dialectically. He said not to over-cultivate Qidian works. Does it mean that we will no longer use Qidian works to retain readers? Obviously, it is impossible. If we really do this That completely misunderstands Mr. Pu’s true intention. If users can’t find good books to read, they will definitely uninstall a lot of software! Will Mr. Pu make such an obviously flawed decision?”

"So we need to understand this part. Mr. Pu praised our advertising strategy when he came up. It was an affirmation of our new users and thought it was worth spending money. If we didn't have this number of new users, we would have spent our money in vain. ?"

"What Mr. Pu asked us to do is not to just focus on the authors of this site, but to find a more optimized solution that can not only promote the authors of this site, but also ensure that users can find good books to read at any time!"

"At that time, the income of the authors on this site will increase, and users will also be able to read good books, which is the best of both worlds!"

Before listening to Xiaoxing's analysis, Wada Gou's expression looked like this:


After listening to Xiaoxing’s analysis. The expressions of the two people:



I see!

Search and beat him to death!

Got it, got it all!

Ridiculous immediately drew inferences: "In this case! We can work hard on our UI interaction and use big data to extract the types of users' favorites, so as to match more suitable books and push them to them. On the homepage recommendation position, 55% will be our own good Books and Qidian’s good books share the world equally. The category pages are mainly new books from our own website to help them successfully go through the new book period. When our books become more and more mature, we will allocate better recommendation positions. Give us our own book."

Tian Gou added: "The rankings are based on fair and equitable treatment. Our books and Qidian's books are compared together. Good books will always be on the top. Users can see good works through the rankings, and the authors will be convinced." ”

Seeing that the two of them had completely understood Mr. Pu's first suggestion, Xiaoxing was very satisfied.

This is why Mr. Pu specially recruited him to Duoyu Company!

Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!

Xiaoxing continued: "As for Mr. Pu's second opinion, about allowing users to read books for free, it is obviously a trap question!"

It was so outrageous that Wada Gou was shocked!


The corner of Xiaoxing's mouth curled up slightly: "You have never worked in the Internet Literature Department. If you ask Lao Meng, he should be very familiar with Mr. Pu's operations. He deliberately set a trap, but there is a real method of success hidden in it. Only by seeing through it Mr. Pu’s trap is worthy of being the manager of Duoyu Company!”

"Remember, I only say this once, you have to rely on yourself from now on."

The two of them were shocked!

Good guy!

Outrageously, he raised his hand and said, "Please edit Xiaoxing to clear up the confusion!"

Xiaoxing: "Mr. Pu's words must be analyzed together with the context. This is not a separate guide, but needs to be linked to his previous overall meaning. What did Mr. Pu say? Mr. Pu said that he is very satisfied with the current situation. Progress, this is good news for him, and it also praises us for cultivating online game themes, and allows us to support our own authors and make more money. All these things show that Mr. Pu needs us to make a profit! A strategy that allows users to engage in prostitution for free, is this reasonable?”

Two people: "It's unreasonable!"

Xiaoxing: "Mr. Pu will definitely not give inconsistent guidance! This is hidden in the last few sentences of Mr. Pu. Readers who come to our website to read books do not have to pay! This is to remind us that users are resources. ! Don’t always use traditional online article subscription profit methods to constrain yourself! If we do everything the same as Qidian, how can we defeat them?”

"You need to have an open mind! Mr. Pu has already hinted very clearly! We have a net loss of 20 million in advertising fees every month. Why did Mr. Pu say yes? Is it because he appreciates that we are losing money? Obviously not! That's because Mr. Pu sees that How profitable it is to buy traffic! At this time, we can definitely make money by selling traffic! We can’t make money from subscriptions, but we can make money from advertising!”

"Why does Mr. Pu give bonuses to people who want to give users free coins? Why do you want to give users more free coins? It's because there is money to be made! Since users don't want to subscribe, but they have time to sign in and complete the task, Naturally, you can watch our advertisements!”

"We directly sell traffic, and there are many advertisers who are willing to pay for us! We can set how many coins a user will receive after watching an advertisement. Isn't it much better than their large-area advertisements? Advertisers also value the completion rate. Ah! We can earn at least 10 profits from one completed ad! After we earn this money, we will use some of it to give users coins so that they can support themselves, readers, and the website by watching the ads!”

“Who said that novel websites can only sell novels?”

Xiaoxing's last sentence was so impactful that it instantly opened up the boundaries of Wada Gou's outrageous thoughts!

"Damn it! Mr. Pu is so awesome!"

Take this step and the sky will be brighter!

this day.

Under the guidance of Mr. Pu, Zhongshan Novels made a decision to change history.

Novel website sells ads!

It is not a sin for users to engage in prostitution for free. Here is a win-win-win solution. Do you want it?

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