I really want to hit the street

Chapter 334 The Mountain Novel Gathered by King Juan

Multifish Company.

The online literature department is operating like crazy.

Other departments are not idle either.

Duoyu Tingshu added a maternal and child section last month and it was a huge success!

In a situation where the number of new users was gradually decreasing, the curve of new user additions has been pushed upwards.

This function is very suitable for pregnant mothers or full-time housewives at home.

They have some characteristics: they have time, manage money, and are easy to cheat

The key target of telecommunications fraud!

Many people don’t think about how they can make a lot of money if they can’t even get a good job at work.

In other words, if there is an opportunity to make a lot of money, why not give it to those who work harder, have more resources and have a higher vision, but give it to a pregnant mother or a pregnant mother?

Therefore, the maternal and infant section of Duoyu Tingshu also focuses on how to prevent fraud!

It has been well received by many people.

A husband left a message: "Thank you so much for your channel! I have advised her many times before not to believe some scammers who teach pregnant mothers to make money on the Internet, but the effect has not been good. Fortunately, Duoyu listened to Professor Shuguo's class and my wife After listening to it, I will no longer fantasize about making a lot of money without leaving home. As my wife often says, others are better than my husband. Thank you Duoyu Tingshu!”


What a great thing.

Not to mention courses on nursing, childcare, and maintenance.

This kind of content lectured by professional university professors has been heard by more ordinary people.

It only costs 1 yuan to subscribe to a professional course.

It’s much more reliable than paying thousands of dollars to listen to some expert lectures outside!

After all, this is a true expert found by Duoyu Tingshu!

To put it bluntly, if you don't go to their school, it's hard to have the opportunity to hear lectures from professors of this level.

Subscriptions to the new channel have skyrocketed!

Over a million people subscribed in a month.

It brought huge profits to Duoyu Company.

Last month, after paying the professor’s column fees and subtracting the production costs of Duoyu Tingshu’s foreign edition, the entire department still made a profit of 10 million!

No profit was lost at all because of the development of new things!

Meng Xingkong sighed: "If Mr. Pu knows that we can make money for the company, I'm afraid he will be very happy!"

"Building overseas versions of software cannot be at the expense of the department's profits. Mr. Pu fully supports us in making overseas versions. We cannot let Mr. Pu lose money. The Internet and Literature Department is burning money. Let's do our best!"

Chief Designer: "Qingshi. As long as we can continue to expand the profits of Duoyu Listening Book, Mr. Pu will not be short of money to spend."

Meng Xingkong: "I discovered a good thing recently. Isn't smart home very popular? Smart speakers of various brands. I think we can cooperate with our Duoyu Audiobook. They all rely on sound to spread content, and the fit is very good. !”

"Next step, we will attack the smart speaker market and seize the top spot!"

Meng Xingkong still remembers that when his studio was disbanded and he was lonely, it was Mr. Pu who rescued him from the abyss.

If Mr. Pu hadn't disliked him and given him a high-paying position, he might be driving screws in the factory now.

Whenever he thinks of that time, Meng Xingkong will always be filled with emotion.

‘Mr. Pu, you treat me like this, how dare I disappoint you? ’

It feels more exciting to work!

The writing branch of the Internet Literature Department.

Niu Zi led his old friends to conduct live broadcast classes, review manuscripts for Zhongshan novels, and discover authors.

Maintained housekeeping.

In the future, Zhongshan’s novels will have to rely on their original content.

Fortunately, Duoyu Company has a group of authors who can continuously provide works.

It is much better than when other novel websites started by hiring a large number of studio gunmen to write a bunch of broken manuscripts to fill the library.

This also makes the starting height of Zhongshan Novel higher than that of ordinary novel websites.

Zhongshan Novel also accepts manuscripts from all categories, but the current mainstream works are still the ones they brought out themselves: simulator, sign-in, and survival.

There are many books written on these types of books, and less on others.

Of course, with the recent call for essays on virtual online games, a number of new authors have published books on online games.

It’s just that we can’t see anything yet. We’ll wait until 2 months later.

And Zhongshan novels have a strange culture.

The update has a lot of words!

Thousands per day is the basic operation.

This is the trend brought about by the old authors of Duoyu Company.

As a result, the entire website was rolled up!

There's nothing you can do about it if you don't roll it up. People with more updated data are better and can get recommendations easily, while those with less updates are so watery that you can't even drink enough.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves, new authors who wrote books in Zhongshan Novel also followed suit.

Niu Zi took the opportunity to let technology create a recommendation space on the homepage - the "Recent Updates Column".

As long as it is updated, it will be recommended on the homepage. The book that the user sees at a certain point in time is the one that has just been updated!

Therefore, the more chapters an author updates every day, the greater the exposure!

This also gives diligent authors a chance to have recommendations.

Niu Zi did this because he saw the shortcomings of the Qidian combat power list.

Although when it first came out, many people had confidence in this list, and users were also very curious and would look for more newer works.

But soon it became a hydrology that only focused on explosion but no quality.

Ridiculously low quality!

Readers are numb!

After reading a few books, I became addicted and died.

Many authors have even started using machine hydrography in order to get bonuses from that list.

It’s a mess!

Although readers say they should read more and more updated articles.

But they essentially like high-quality articles, and they need to update them more while maintaining quality.

Anyone who thinks that readers only care about quantity and not quality is putting the cart before the horse.

Especially after finishing the book, the gap is huge!

Good books, people will always look for them.

For a book that relies solely on updates, once it is completed, the royalties will immediately fall to the bottom.

Because no one would recommend a hydrology book, even if he has finished reading it.

It's just like eating.

Everyone will only remember a particularly delicious dish and recommend it to their friends.

Instead of taking out the steamed buns that I usually eat the most to show off to others, you see, I should be more careful with my steamed buns.

That's too stupid.

Niu Zi thought for a long time, and then used the "Recent Updates" column on the homepage to allow authors to update more without making a useless list.

Readers will also be able to see more new works depending on the reading time.

When Niu Zi was grasping the content of Zhongshan's novels, he often thought back to his two-month trip to Africa and always felt that he had overlooked something important.

"Africans don't wear shoes, and pessimists and optimists can see different sides."

"Then why do Africans not like to read our novels?"

"Why can I only see the downside but not the opportunity?"

Niu Zi has been thinking about this question recently. He remembers that he seemed to have figured out the answer to this question at some time, but now he has forgotten it.

Subconsciously, he felt that the answer was very important!

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