I really want to hit the street

Chapter 349: Zhongshan Novels? It's just a small website that relies on us for its livelihood

Zhongshan Novel Channel’s high share of royalties has triggered a wave of channel craze in Qidian.

Compared with new media channels that don’t know when they will take off, or in other words, only specific themes can take off.

The income of Zhongshan Novels is very stable.

Although new media often releases hits, with a monthly income of hundreds of thousands per manuscript, for such a big publisher, there are only two or three books per month.

New media channels are winner-take-all.

Once the data is good, it will continue to recommend it, and the channels will focus on this book to keep making money, and then both the website and the author will make a lot of money.

But... other books are not good. If the data is not good, there is no recommendation, not even one.

Only when the number of keywords is reached, for example, 100,000 words will give a small recommendation to test the waters, and 1 million words will give a big recommendation to try. If the 1 million words have not been used, the chance of it rising again is very small.

Therefore, although many people have opened new media channels, there is almost no royalties.

A few hundred yuan a month is normal.

After all, life is unpredictable, no matter how poorly written it is, there will always be a few readers who find your book inexplicably.

Zhongshan Novels is different. It is another starting point, a platform specifically targeted at "low-end readers".

It’s completely the opposite of new media platforms.

The pricing is cheaper than Qidian, and it caters to a wide variety of readers, including new readers and old readers, as well as a large number of free readers.

Therefore, readers have mixed tastes, and each book may stand out, or make a small profit.

This phenomenon was also noticed by Qidian editorial department.

Start a group.

Editor-in-chief Bao Nai is enjoying the high-quality Longjing tea he just purchased online from his sister, a tea farmer.

"Hmm~ This taste is indeed cooked by a beautiful woman, it's so fragrant!"

While sipping tea, I browsed the web version of Zhongshan Novel, and the development over the past few months has turned out to be very impressive.

If you are not an old reader, you won’t even be able to tell the difference between Zhongshan website and Qidian website.

It looks very much like that.

It's even better in web design.

"This website is really rich, not a pheasant company. Come prepared."

From building the website to the book library to recommending works, it was all done in a well-organized manner, which made him, an old editor, interested in searching for two good books on the website.

It can only be said that the appearance is also very important.

"The interface of Qidian has not been updated for a long time. I don't know whether it is due to lazy operation or... they say it is a classic inheritance."

Now is the era of mobile Internet, and mobile clients are used more often, so it makes sense to focus on that.

But looking at the home page of the Zhongshan Novel app, Bao Nai showed a slightly worried expression.

"They actually moved our Qidian works to the secondary classification. What is this for? Rebellion?"

Several editors from a group of offices heard the question about roasted milk and happened to have a few words.

"The Zhongshan novel has become very popular recently. Many of my authors asked me if I could open a channel. Of course, more people directly clicked the authorization button without consulting me. They were attracted by the royalties there. I I’m afraid if this continues, some authors will go directly to their website to write books.”

"Harm! According to me, your worries are unnecessary. It is a small website, and it only has some traffic when it burns ads. Once there are no ads, just cross over. I have told my authors directly not to think about going to small websites. To make money, Qidian is your forever home, and you can receive money every month after finishing your studies.”

"Goddess of Milk, they put our Qidian books on the secondary category page. Their own library is enough? Are they going to kill the donkey in just a few months? I think they are going to kill themselves. "

Bainai flipped through the pages on his phone and pondered for a moment.

"No. They dare to do this because their books are of such quality. There must be some explanation. I have to discuss it with several other editors."

Roasted Milk instinctively felt that this was not a good thing, so he mentioned this matter to the editors of the other seven groups of the male channel during the regular meeting in the afternoon.

The second group of ghosts: "As far as I know, Styx Ju should work at Zhongshan Novel. A 10-year-old editor like him should have good control over the content. If the books on this site do not have this quality, the author cannot be retained. , won’t do that.”

The three sets of buck teeth are constantly urging each other on QQ to update the perfect goddess and said:

"Harm! What a big deal, a small website is a small website, how can they make such a big deal? Readers will still read high-quality Qidian articles. Our current products are not what they were two years ago. They are noobs who were taken over by Pu Ding. The writing style is popular, and many authors are beginning to move closer to this aspect. It is also very good for new readers. Just wait and see. Within two months, their Zhongshan Novel homepage recommendation has been reduced to a decoration and has become the launch of 'Qidian Boutique' "

Buck Ya is quite confident in Qidian's works and believes that no one in the online literary industry can beat Qidian in terms of the quality of his works.

She even directly asked everyone in her author group to apply for authorization and collect the wool of Zhongshan's novels.

Xiao Fang, Editor-in-Chief of the Fourth Group: "Yes, our Qidian's work is a dimensionality reduction attack for new websites. How long has it been since they established the website? 4 months? How many authors can there be? Except for Pu Ding. Can they find one? Can you fight?"

Lan Yu, the editor-in-chief of the fifth group: "You really don't have to worry. Zhongshan Novel is just a small website that relies on us to make a living. Can they still steal Qidian's business? Hahaha~"

The other editors laughed.

Let alone grabbing Qidian's business, even if they can compete with Qidian a little bit, even if their website is capable.

For a time, the Qidian editorial office was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Roasted Milk and Ghost looked at each other and shook their heads.

They were the only two people in the Quan Qidian editorial department who felt that Zhongshan Novel was a bad person.

But judging from the current situation, it does not pose any threat to Qidian. Even after some of our authors opened their channels, their manuscript fees increased and they became more motivated to write books.

Roasted Milk: "Hey, let's take it one step at a time. I hope we can keep this rhythm. By the way, Ghost, after Pu Ding decided that the author was swept away by the River Styx, have you contacted him?"

Ghost shook his head: "I contacted him, but there was no result. I am determined to open a book there, but... he said that the next book may be back to Qidian."

Roasted Milk understood: "It seems that they only signed a contract with him for one book. It's not a big problem. If the data of his book was not falsified by the website, it would be okay. An online game article can cost tens of thousands on a small website." Very good. ”

Ghost smiled helplessly: "How could it not be fake? Let me tell you, this Wan Ding. In other words, the website didn't want to see the data of the master it invited to be so popular, so he deliberately arranged it. Everyone just knows it. He is like this If this book is like this, he will definitely return to Qidian in the next book, and they will not retain him. By then, he will not have any appointments with the great gods. I really don’t know what the author is thinking. What is he trying to do? ?”

Roasted Milk pouted: "I wonder if in the dead of night, when Pu Ding looked at his bleak data, he would wrap himself tightly in the quilt, recalling the good things about Qidian, and feel so sad that he would burst into tears?"

Ghost: "Definitely!"

Seeing that Pu Ding was not doing well after leaving the starting point, the editors felt much more comfortable.

Roasted Milk: "By the way, I have nothing to do after get off work. Do you want to go watch a movie together?"

Ghost: "Okay, the recent movie "For Fans" is very popular. It is said that it is a movie that urges the author to change, which is interesting. There are many people watching the promotion recently, and I am afraid that I will make a lot of money."

Roasted Milk: "Some people rush into the street, and some people make a lot of money. Life is so wonderful."

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