I really want to hit the street

Chapter 352 The concept of “Metaverse” is a big hit

January 1st.

In the West, today is the first day of the New Year.

This day is very representative.

Many companies will choose today to hold their press conferences, indicating that they will have a new style in the new year.

United States, Silicon Valley.

This place where IT elites from all over the world gather, is always following the future trends of the world's Internet.

Today, Facebook, a company standing at the top of Silicon Valley, officially changed its name to Meta.

Zuckerberg stood in the center of the stage set up for him, telling his views on the future world with excitement.

He also asserted that the future is an era of virtual world, and the Metaverse will become the biggest way for people to socialize. You can meet and play with anyone at home without leaving home.

And dropped the big news: Meta Corporation invested US$800 million to build a super-large-scale data center for massive data storage in the Metaverse.

At the same time, it released its first AR (augmented reality) product: Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses.

The glasses allow users to send and receive Facebook Messenger messages while wearing them. They have built-in microphones, speakers and smart assistants. The frames are equipped with two front-facing cameras that allow users to take videos and photos.

A very mature product, Zuckerberg showed off its amazing design and practicality at the launch event.

Let users around the world know that this is not a toy worn on the head, but a practical first-generation product that connects to the Metaverse.

On this day, Facebook shocked the world!

The three words "Yuan Universe" instantly became the hottest words on the Internet at home and abroad!

Because this world-leading social networking company announced to the world that they made a desperate move and put the future of the entire company on the Metaverse.

This wave is ruining everything!

Domestically, countless people are discussing the word "metaverse".

Knowledge bloggers, science popularization influencers, marketing accounts, everyone started explaining it regardless of whether they understood it or not.

The number one spot on Weibo's hot search list has changed from a middle-aged male star releasing a new album to # The Era of the Metaverse is Coming # .

Bilibili, Douyin, and Kuaishou all began to explain what the Metaverse is, and what shocking things Facebook has done.

The next day, a large number of Chinese people were playing Douyin at home, and suddenly it became the space of the metaverse.

It seemed that everyone started talking about this matter.

At this moment, not knowing the concept of the metaverse seems to be about to become obsolete.

On the second and third days, major domestic Internet companies announced that they were also planning to enter the metaverse.

They also showed off some of their smart products and the research progress of Metaverse interfaces.

There is even a major manufacturer that posted practical and screenshots of its almost-complete VR social software online, publicly announcing that their Metaverse social platform will officially begin test operations next month.

This trend has spread all over the Chinese Internet in just three days.

It seems that the major manufacturers have a tacit understanding. It would be a shame for anyone to say that they do not have a further layout than Facebook!

Everyone is optimistic about the future of virtual reality.

In 3 days, the stocks of companies related to virtual reality soared!

The meta (Facebook) sector surged by 10%, and its market value soared by US$57.7 billion!

Virtual reality companies are making money!

Some listed companies were originally just burning money to raise funds, but before they could reap the benefits, the sudden surge obscured all the capital behind them.

This is so sudden!

The world was thrown into confusion because of a fruit about the future thrown by Zuckerberg.

It is as if human beings are about to enter the metaverse to survive.

After Chinese netizens finally figured out what was going on, a more sober friend asked a very philosophical question:

"You don't have to eat when you enter the Yuan Universe?"

The concept of the Yuan Universe, which had been going crazy for many days, began to waver in China because of the appearance of this sentence.

"That's right! As long as people still need to eat, drink water, live in a house, and raise children, they have to go to work. Who is in the Yuan Universe every day? The real world is the eternal home. Brothers, you can take a look. When you can lie down in the Let’s talk about it when we plug in the nutrient solution at home and don’t need to move it.”

"Wait a minute. What you're talking about seems like a virtual online game in an online article! In it, you put on a helmet and enter the nutrition warehouse, and then don't come out for many days. Think about it, is this the case?"

"F*ck! Don't tell me, you can't think about this more and more. The more you think about it, the more damn it looks like! I've been working on this metaverse for a long time. Is it a virtual online game in a web article? That's it? I've known Zuckerberg since I was in junior high school. It’s ahead of its time, right?”

"Bah! What the heck is the current metaverse? It's far worse than what's written about online games. Not to mention the brain-computer interface, it's good to be able to understand AR and VR. Everyone should just wash their hands of it. Go to sleep, it’s not too late to be happy when that day comes. I’ve been quite excited these days, thinking it’s going to come true. Forget it, I’ll just read this online game article. Do you guys have any recommendations? (No old books!!! I’ve read them all!)”

"Brother, I am also a long-time reader of online games. I highly recommend a new book by Zhongshan Novels, "The Almighty Druid of Online Games". Thief Gouba is a good read!"

"New website? New book? Is the quality guaranteed? I don't like the ones that are updated slowly every day. It makes me irritated and panicked."

"The daily update is 10,000, and occasionally the update is 12,000."

"Downloading Zhongshan Novel."

For a moment, everyone on the Chinese Internet was speechless. Is this it?

Isn’t it just that the concept of online game writing has been brought into reality?

It’s just a concept, so panic!

Those foreigners are so ignorant!

One netizen said on a whim: "It would be great if someone could translate two online game articles for them to read. Instead of making a fuss every day, as if they have never seen the world, just make some leftovers for us to play and treat them as... New concept!”

"It's harmful! You just want to translate what you say? Do you pay me? How many people abroad can read online articles? Which company does this?"

"Yes. But I still hope to see foreigners reading our online game articles. It must be very interesting."

"Bird food."

New Year's Day these days.

Mr. Pu went to Hengdian to find his Yuhan for sweetness.

The lights are brightly lit at Duoyu Company!

At this time, both Zhu Yinyin and Yuan Hua, who had finished filming "Legend of the Stars", returned to Kyoto.

One directly entered Yang Mimi's studio and became an artist under her banner. Under the arrangement of her manager, she accepted a black silk advertisement.

Yuan Hua returned to school excitedly and couldn't wait to share with his roommates what he had seen and heard in the past six months, the secrets of the screenwriting industry and his new script.

But when he arrived at the dormitory, he found that it was empty!

The entire dormitory was covered with a layer of spider webs.


The box in his hand hit the ground hard, and the souvenirs inside were scattered on the ground.

At this moment, it seemed as if I had been abandoned by the world.

Yuan Hua knelt down in the dormitory, covered his head with his hands, looked up and shouted:

"No! No! No!"

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