On the evening of January 3rd.


Pu Jie and Jiang Yuhan walked out of the hotel hand in hand. Looking at the flush on Jiang Yuhan's face that had not completely dissipated, it was obvious that they had just been together, learning shuttlecock dancing with Liu Genghong.

The amount of exercise is huge.

Pu Jie visited the class and rewarded his little brother.

Of course, when he saw Jiang Yuhan's unfinished expression just now, he felt that he couldn't tell who was rewarding whom this time.

Lu Xun once said: "Women can always be without, but once you have them, you can't live without them. Men really want to have them, but after they have them, they can't always have them. This is the difference between women and men."

Pu Jie feels like this is what he is like now.

Looking at the beautiful innocent little girl in front of him, he touched his waist again.

"It's okay. I'm still young."

The saddest thing in life is probably that when you get rich, you can no longer live there.

"What did you say?" Jiang Yuhan put her arm around Pu Jie's shoulders and walked unscrupulously on the street.

The residents around Hengdian have become accustomed to any celebrities they have never seen before, let alone a small star like Jiang Yuhan who only has one movie.

Besides, she is not afraid of being seen or photographed. Just upload it to the Internet so that you can see how good my boyfriend is.

In the crew, under the care of Pu Jie's old friend Director Wei Fan, she has been living a good life, and she is better off than a few people in the dormitory, especially the roommate who left with the coal boss. Recently, she refused to go with the coal boss. The Q Club was refrigerated.

He also asked Jiang Yuhan on WeChat whether he wanted to go or not, and whether he would be able to love him all the time after going.

Jiang Yuhan said she had nothing to say about this. She could only be glad that she came to the entertainment industry helpless and was protected by Pu Jie when she was like a little sheep.

Pu Jie put his arm around her shoulders and said, "What are your plans after you finish filming?"

Jiang Yuhan did not answer him, but asked: "Do you know what Zhu Yinyin has been doing recently?"

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"She signed a contract with the studio, the one opened by Yang Mimi herself!"

"Oh? Really? She and Yang Mimi got together?"

Pu Jie thought of that very attractive woman, exuding a charming feminine aura, especially the charming voice shouting "Wait a minute", which made people's hearts swell.

Jiang Yuhan nodded: "Yes. It was said recently in our dormitory group that she has found a good boss, Yang Mimi, who still takes good care of her, and being a woman is convenient for many things. Malzaha knows that, right?" She is also in Yang Mimi’s studio and has been doing well in the past few years.”

Pu Jie nodded and motioned for her to continue.

"How about I also sign a studio?" Jiang Yuhan said.

Pu Jie pondered this plot for a moment and said: "Don't you want it? Look, when the time comes for you to sign a contract with a certain studio, you will definitely encounter obstacles from your agent, difficulties from your boss, and finally you will be morally kidnapped and asked to accompany you for drinks. There will be perverts who drug you, and if I step forward in the end, it will become a bloody plot. This is not good, and readers will scold us. "

Jiang Yuhan blinked Kaziran's big eyes: "Where are the readers?"

"It's this kind of plot. It's a plot that often appears in early online plots. It's even a bit sadistic and can make you lose your virginity. In the end, the two of us regretfully separate, and then you come back 20 years later with a child. When the child saw me, he twisted his mouth: √." Pu Jie has already imagined 180 episodes of the TV series.

Jiang Yuhan's cherry mouth opened wide, feeling that her IQ had been pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"Pu Jie, no wonder you are so good at writing novels and have such a rich imagination, haha~"

Jiang Yuhan hammered Pu Jie's shoulder with her small fist and smiled sweetly.

Pu Jie hugged Jiang Yuhan's shoulders hard: "So! Don't sign with other companies. When the time comes, you will sign with Duoyu Company. The first artist signed by our production department will be you. Under the protection of my employees , you don’t have to go through those unhappy things. If you want to film, just film. If you don’t want to, I’ll support you, okay?”

Seeing the confidence on Pu Jie's face, Jiang Yuhan's heart melted. She clamped her legs together and leaned her mouth against Pu Jie's ear and whispered: "Pu Jie~ let's not go out to eat, okay? Order takeout and go back to the hotel. I'm going to Just want it”

Pu Jie: ( ̄口 ̄)!!

"Deduction of 1 does not mean kidney deficiency!"

After Pu Jie returned to the company, he saw Tian Gou posting this kind of fishing post in the work group.

With a contemptuous smile on his lips, he raised his hand and typed:

"No way, right? It's already 2021, and there are still people who believe this? Is straight hair interesting?"

Forgive Mr. Pu, I really can’t bear it lately.

In Hengdian, I asked for it 6 times during the 3 days of New Year's Day.

Even a strong kidney cannot withstand such torture.

If he weren't still young, Pu Jie felt like he would be paralyzed there and unable to come back.

And I just came back today. I wonder if Han Ruyan is jealous. She said she would check on him when she gets home in the evening.

Oh my God!

Mr. Pu’s beatings in his last life combined were not as many as these days!

What? Were you still a virgin before you traveled through time in your last life?

That's okay.

But recalling the scene where Jiang Yuhan choked with sobs, Mr. Pu was still very happy.

Maybe this is the two sides of life, just like what Mr. Lu Xun said.

In the group, after a bunch of people were arguing about how to deduct "1" without being discovered, suddenly a little brother from the Internet Literature Department said:

"Tian Gou, isn't this the five-word lie you said that day?"

Tian Gou: "Damn! It's really five words!"

On the 4th, Duoyu Company went to work normally.

Mr. Pu made a special trip to the Internet and Literature Department to inspect it, and focused on asking about the mental state of the four giants in the Internet and Literature Department who had returned from Sanya. They all seemed pretty good and full of motivation.

"Very good, it's really good to have a good attitude. Keep up the good work, don't be afraid of spending money, and go for it if you have an idea! Temporary gains and losses are not important. With the support of the entire company, you can accomplish anything you want to accomplish!"

After Mr. Pu said this, he left.

I just muttered in my heart: 'Why did these four people go to Sanya for three days and not get a tan? Is the sun milder in winter? ’

Shaking his head, as long as the mental state of the four people is fine anyway, judging from their operating standards in the previous five months, this cycle is definitely going to be a loss.

No one can stop it.

"Assistant Qi!"

Qi Fei came to Mr. Pu's office with a small notebook: "Mr. Pu, please tell me."

Mr. Pu: "Let the finance department clear the accounts as soon as possible. Tomorrow, the 5th, before get off work, I want to see all the accounts of Duoyu Company. By the way, don't forget the money from the movie share."

"Okay Mr. Pu."

There is one month and 4 days left, settlement will be on February 8th.

Mr. Pu needs to grasp the final economic situation of Duoyu Company. If he does it well in the last month, it will be stable.

“It’s been stable for such a long time, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”


The settlement was about to come, and Mr. Pu suddenly became less confident. He decided to take a good look at the company's bills tomorrow.

Nip problems in the bud.

Internet Literature Department.

After Mr. Pu left, the four giants looked at each other in confusion.

Xiaoxing pondered for a moment and looked at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees: "Who leaked the news?"

"How does Mr. Pu know that we have new ideas?"

Tian Gou: "It's amazing! Mr. Pu actually discovered that we are making new things. Sure enough, this company can't hide anything from Mr. Pu. I'm really convinced."

Niu Zi: "Manager Li, the foreign website has been set up. I've asked someone to make a simple interactive interface based on the style of our four books first, for your translation."

When Li Ke heard Manager Li's words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The people in this company are getting more and more outrageous.

Has everyone forgotten that my name is Chen Xiaoxue? ? ?

"You should call me outrageous. Manager Li is too ridiculous. My real name is Chen Xiaoxue! I translated Mr. Pu's "Online Games: Almighty Druid" myself, and I also found three foreign students to translate those three books. I have already completed some of them, and now I have more than 20 chapters ready to be posted. After I become proficient in the operation, it will be no problem for each person to translate about 10 chapters a day.”

"Okay, Manager Li, let's go out and test the waters first and promote resources. I've found a few YouTubers to be the anchors of Huaguo Culture for paid help."

"By the way, the Metaverse is quite popular online recently. Can we take advantage of the popularity?"

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