I really want to hit the street

Chapter 357 Mr. Pu is in danger!

The beginning of the month and the end of the month are often the busiest financial times for a company.

Checking bills, making payments and collections are all completed during this time.

At the request of Mr. Pu, Duoyu Company's payments and receipts should be settled before get off work on the 5th of every month.

What Assistant Qi was holding was the financial situation of Duoyu Company in December.

After Mr. Pu read it, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

The company's finances are in trouble again!

The company's assets, which were clearly in negative territory last month, suddenly turned positive! There is still 30 million left!

It was 15 million more than Mr. Pu expected!

The company has found a traitor again!

'OK! I usually treat you well, but you actually make things happen for me at critical moments. I want to see which department is struggling again! ’

Looking carefully at the income of Duoyu Company on the report, Mr. Pu cleared the mines department by department.

The game adaptation department only sold 50,000 copies of the game last month, and the revenue was 1.71 million, which has dropped a lot. It also applied for 500,000 yuan last month to invest in new games, saying it was to buy some things, otherwise the construction period would be too late. , the game could not be launched normally this month, and Mr. Pu gave it up as soon as he heard it. This means that the game department only made 1.21 million yuan last month, and the detoxification will be completed soon.

Duoyu Tingshu, after deducting expenses last month, had a net profit of 12 million, which was 2 million more than the 10 million last month. This coincides with the current rising trend of Duoyu Tingshu. There is a problem, but there is a problem. It’s not big, it’s still within Mr. Pu’s acceptance range, and the overseas version will be online this month. There will be a lot of money spent on publicity and other things this month, and the income will drop sharply. If Meng Xingkong is more ruthless, he will spend money abroad this month. Spend a little more money and you can even make a profit.

Duoyu Production Department has a huge problem! During the off-season of movie viewing in December, it grossed RMB 100 million in box office, with a share of revenue of RMB 39.4 million, which dealt a fatal blow to Mr. Pu. However, Mr. Pu already knew about this, and had prepaid 30 million in advance through the Internet and Literature Department.

Logically speaking, there should not be such a situation out of control.

That's obvious!

The problem lies with the online literature department!

All the financial statements of other departments add up to one piece of paper, and the website department’s own financial statements total 3 pieces of paper.

very complicated!

It involves multiple websites settling settlements for their authors, and they settle settlements for authors, channels, Qidian authors, etc.

Fortunately, Assistant Qi very considerately classified Mr. Pu into categories so that he could see the conclusion more clearly.

The authors under the Internet Literature Department only have more than 100 books that are still being serialized on external sites, and the others are almost completed. After all, they write books very quickly, which is completely different from the regular army. Eat and drink.

These more than 100 books were written because the results were not bad, or the authors subjectively did not want to finish them, so they wrote about their feelings.

Most of the remaining authors have switched to Zhongshan Novel because of the high-guaranteed contracts given by Xiaoxing. A very small number of them chose to leave Duoyu Company and go to other websites to write books on their own. There is nothing they can do about it. After all, they cannot all People will follow you from start to finish.

so! The online writing department’s studio writing income has plummeted! Last month it dropped directly to 1 million.

This is because the remaining books are all with good grades, so the online literature department can get so much money, and the other books with bad grades have already been cut and opened for new books.

The problem with the online literature department lies with Zhongshan Novel!

Last month’s profits actually increased dramatically!

Revenue reached 40.53 million!

So scary!

You know, their expenditure last month was only 60 million!

In other words, they only lost less than 20 million!

Mr. Pu is not happy!

Why did they pay 20 million when they were given 30 million before, and now they only pay 20 million when they give 60 million?

The inside and outside are so good that you haven’t lost a cent of the money you made from the movie!

"Assistant Qi, tell me about the income structure of Zhongshan Novel and see what went wrong."

Question marks appeared in Assistant Qi's eyes.


Oh, I understand, Mr. Pu looks at why he still can’t turn a profit!

"Mr. Pu, the revenue structure of Zhongshan Novel includes four parts: reader consumption subscription of this site, self-operated channel subscription of WeChat public account, new media channel sharing, and advertiser revenue. Among them, the subscription revenue of this site is 9.71 million, and the WeChat public account revenue is 5.9 million million, new media channels share 5.51 million, and advertising revenue is 19.41 million!”

"What!? Earn so much advertising revenue? Which advertisement is the problem? Wait! How can we earn advertising fees for a novel website???"

Mr. Pu has a head as big as three, full of question marks.

When did I become an advertiser?

Am I not selling novels?

Seeing Mr. Pu's question, Assistant Qi explained: "Due to insufficient profits, Zhongshan Novel has launched a campaign to give out book coins for watching advertisements. It should be that the advertisements are played well, right? Advertisers still value the completion rate of advertisements. If If you can keep users watching the ads, the money will be higher than ordinary ads.”

"Huh? Get book coins for reading the ads??? Who told them to do this!? Go and call Weibo in!"

"Okay Mr. Pu."

This looks like an outrageous move!

There's no way that bastard Xiaoxing can do that.

When Li Ke came in and saw Mr. Pu with a dark face, he thought to himself: It's broken!

Mr. Pu was unhappy because he failed to turn a profit last month!

Although they have tried their best, the income cannot reach the level. However, with the help of Overseas Zhongshan International this month, they should be able to recover a lot of costs.

There is a new batch of leeks from abroad that can be harvested. As long as they maintain a certain frequency of publicity, take advantage of the popularity of the Metaverse to publish Mr. Pu’s book, and then let it take its course and start paid reading, they will be able to make a profit this month!

Ridiculous. Thinking about it, the subscription price in more developed foreign regions must be higher than that in China, and it’s time for them to make a difference in pricing.

It doesn’t have to be particularly high, just 10 times. One yuan per chapter is equivalent to 0.1473 US dollars.

Can I translate it for you for free?

Laughing to death! Mr. Pu can make a lot of money from just one book!

So, Li Ke immediately said with confidence: "Don't worry, Mr. Pu, I have already found a way to turn losses into profits this month!"

Mr. Pu, who was planning to criticize her, was stunned.

Damn it!


I thought making 40 million was outrageous enough, but you actually want to turn a loss into a profit for me? ? ?

Damn it! Off the charts!

Mr. Pu was stirred up in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

"Oh? Then tell me what you plan to do?"

As soon as he saw Mr. Pu’s question, he immediately understood. He had guessed the idea!

She had a look of struggle on her face.

"Mr. Pu, we have tried our best by pushing the novel overseas, and the effect is actually good! I plan to do this next."

Ridiculously said in high spirits.

But he didn't notice that Mr. Pu's face was getting darker and darker.

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