I really want to hit the street

Chapter 371 Qidian’s actions

The development of online literature in recent years has made ordinary people feel the charm of online literature.

Whether you have read the online novel or not, you must have heard of TV series and animations adapted from the online novel.

These have become daily life around us.

Nowadays, new TV series have basically gone away from the era of original screenplays by screenwriters. They all use online novels as the original version, then buy the copyright, and the screenwriting team adapts them into a script suitable for filming and shoots them directly.

This model saves money and is highly productive, and you don’t have to worry about running out of ideas.

Internet writing is a great collection of fantasy literature!

Martial arts, fairy tales, fantasy, science fiction, urban. There are popular works in any category. Here, there is never a shortage of creativity!

Let’s put it this way, all the traditional literature authors in the country write less than one day’s worth of online books in one year!

According to official media statistics, the average daily output of Chinese online articles exceeds 150 million words!

What a concept! ?

Even if you only pick one out of ten thousand, there is still a large amount of high-quality literary output every day!

Especially since there is not much high-quality literature in this world, and TV drama scripts are almost monopolized by online literature!

The twists and turns of the plot that the screenwriter racked his brains are just a slightly brilliant layout in an online article. The audience has seen too many creative ideas.

Therefore, online literature has slowly moved from its previous marginal status to mainstream literature.

The government also attaches great importance to the development of online literature. Writers' associations from various places have attracted a large number of online writers to add fresh blood and usher in the writers who can best grasp the audience's emotions in this era.

How can we not be shocked to see that the culture of online articles has been exported abroad? How could it not make people happy!

People's Daily Online commented directly from the scene, and even more confirmed the hot discussion: a good thing!

It’s a good thing for Chinese online articles to go overseas!

Internet articles belong to China and the world!

Our culture can be appreciated by people all over the world!

As the protagonist of this incident: Zhongshan Novel Network, it is even more popular!

The hot discussion on the video platform has attracted 5 million new users to the website. Whether they are watching the excitement or actually reading, some people will stay, and this is all money!

People's Daily Online's comments made the public who had no interest in this kind of news pay attention to this website.

More and more people are entering Zhongshan Novels, wanting to see what novels that can give foreign guys a lesson are like.

At the same time, Pu Ding's "Online Game: Almighty Druid" once again rushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Netizens can see from the data provided on the Zhongshan International website that this book is the most popular.

Suddenly, a lot of complimentary voices appeared.

"It's a very interesting article! The plots in it are interlocking, and every upgrade of the protagonist makes me want to stop. No wonder I can conquer foreign guys, it is really top-notch!"

"I have long said that Pu Ding's work must be a high-quality product! So many people didn't believe it at first, thinking that he has exhausted his talents. I laughed to death! If you say this book is not good, then you must not understand it. , the rigorous data inside fascinated me, as if I was really playing a virtual reality game.”

"My humble opinion: This book is still lagging behind "The Love from the Sky" written by a friend of mine. You can go ahead and read this book. It is absolutely beautiful! Half a step up to the level of signing a contract!"

"Haha~ Every fart abroad smells good. I really don't know where there are so many walking 500,000 people who are so good at licking. Why don't they just immigrate?"

——Reply: "Get away from your M robot! Fuck you!"

——Reply: "The AI ​​bully is showing up again and disgusting people, please report it and block it immediately!"

"Although I don't like reading this type of online articles, but just to reward you for exporting our culture to those American guys, I'll give it to you! The leader of the alliance will give it to you!"

"This wave of criticism is real, I am really impressed by the boss!"

"By the way, who said that Pu Ding was so cold??? Oh, I remember, it's a group of clowns from Longkong, right? Come on, come on, everyone, go to Longkong's posts and find these people, whip the corpse them!"

Longkong Forum: "???"

Damn it!

You just chatted under Zhongshan Novel, how come you ended up on our website?

Lie down and shoot!

However, as the most gossipy place in the literary circle on the Internet, Longkong will only be faster than other places, not slower. At this time, it has already exploded!

Keywords such as Zhongshan Novel, Zhongshan International, and Puding are already dominating the screen!

The Internet literature circle is discussing this matter!

Among them, a small number of black people have begun to delete their previous posts to avoid being dug out and slapped in the face.

Especially those who mocked Pu Ding for being really defeated this time, looking at his original analysis, as if all the truth is in his own hands, Pu Ding is definitely doomed this time, it is a large-scale social death scene!

If you let people pick it out, you are the kind of person who is shameless.

While the entire Internet was hotly discussing it, the author of Qidian was naturally not idle either.

The major author groups started discussing like crazy!

Today, the editor is rare and does not care about his own authors discussing other novel websites.

Usually, if you dare to write a book on other websites, other websites offer better treatment, and a certain book on other websites is better than Qidian. In the least case, you will be banned, and in the worst case, you will be kicked out of the group.

Now, no one does that.

Zhongshan Novel Network has taken over the trend!

What they do is so beautiful! The official media has been alarmed. This is a model for the higher-ups!

Who dares to make others unhappy?

Besides, the editors at Qidian are also chatting.

A group of chief editors took a deep breath of cigarettes: "Hiss~ I have told you that Zhongshan Novel has a very big agenda. They are definitely not satisfied with being just a channel provider. Now that they have obtained the authorization for a large number of our Qidian works, they are showing their fangs. Our Qidian work was kicked to the second level, and we went directly to fight such a beautiful battle abroad. It was really unexpected.”

The second group of ghosts: "And we are fighting this battle with our books. I have read the books on Zhongshan International, and half of them are our Qidian books, such as female videos, fantasy, and martial arts. All high-quality books that are not available on the website are translated into English. Zhongshan International is really rich in categories and good at planning!”

To be honest, although Zhongshan Novel Network has its own good works, the number is too small. The first batch of 4 books is already the best of the best. It is really difficult to come up with more good works of different categories in the future. We can’t do what we want, and we can’t produce dozens of sign-in articles, Dragon King articles, and simulator articles at once like in China. Translation costs money!

Especially after the initial search for translators, translators were very scarce!

There are very few talents in this field in China!

This is a new profession that requires learning to get started. The price of translating novels is currently gradually increasing.

From 100 yuan per chapter, the price has increased to 200 yuan per chapter before you can find talents willing to learn and translate.

Therefore, with such an expensive translation fee, Zhongshan Novel must ensure that each book is a representative work in the genre, and strict quality control must be carried out!

Naturally, the book authorized by Qidian to operate their website channels must be used.

Foreign channels are also channels!

It’s not like I won’t give you money!

The authors of these translated books can definitely make a fortune!

It’s outrageous that they only choose works with a lot of words or even completed works to ensure the quality in the later stage.

It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to retain foreign readers with multi-category, high-quality, and high-speed translation.

But Zhongshan Novels did it.

Qidian felt uncomfortable.

Qidian’s editors immediately realized something was wrong.

As the boss of the editorial team, Bao Nai went to President Xingchen and said with difficulty: "Boss, we seem to be being used. Our works have become guns in other people's hands. We have nothing to do."

Authorization has been given and the contract cannot be terminated easily.

Xingchen's computer was full of news and data about Zhongshan Novels. He saw traces of operations from the rise of this novel website, and Qidian's library was obviously a part of their plan.

After a moment, Xingchen clapped his hands and smiled: "Okay! Very good! I give them 9 points for this operation, with 1 point left. It leaves them with a fatal flaw."

Roasted Milk asked in confusion: "What's the shortcoming?"

Xingchen stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and stood on the 48th floor overlooking the magical city.

"Their background is not enough to bear such a huge victory, so let us help them digest it together!"

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