I really want to hit the street

Chapter 373 Qidian’s two plans

Zhao Si, 48 years old, is a gentle man, wears glasses, and exudes the aura of a successful person.

This is Qidian’s trump card.

His record is brilliant.

Helped Qidian acquire a number of novel websites, integrate resources, and expand itself.

Introducing Penguin Capital, injecting capital into Qidian, and integrating Penguin's popular Penguin Reading, it has established its leading position in the industry in one fell swoop, and has a high degree of internal autonomy, making it a god-level trader.

What this person is best at is combining vertical and horizontal lines.

Take all the external advantages and make them part of Qidian itself.

Qidian is now so big that it alone holds more than 50% of the online literature market, and Zhao Si is indispensable.

Today, he came to Kyoto with a mission from Qidian Group and had a face-to-face conversation with Pu Jie.

"What do Mr. Pu think of the future of Zhongshan Novel? What kind of website do you plan to make it into?"

Regarding the question raised by Zhao Si, Mr. Pu really wanted to tell the truth!

"Mr. Zhao, actually I'm just building a website casually. It doesn't matter whether I make money or not. It's best if I can share the money with everyone. I'm not interested in money at all!"

Zhao Si smiled: "Mr. Pu is right. The most taboo thing about business investment is opening and closing your mouth to make profits and losses. As long as you grasp the general direction, increase market share, and make money, it's all incidental. I'm in this industry. It took 20 years to realize the truth. Mr. Pu has already seen through it at such a young age. It is true that heroes emerge from youth.”

Mr. Pu: "."

"No, I'm really not interested in money! You have to believe me."

Zhao Si nodded.

He remembered hearing this sentence from the mouth of a certain richest man.

Anyone who is not interested in money is a loser.

This Mr. Pu has a big plan!

"Mr. Pu, what do you think of the current development of Zhongshan Novels? Are you satisfied?"

Mr. Pu shook his head: "I'm very dissatisfied!"

Too much money to make!

We are about to make a profit!

Is this possible?

I was originally going to lose 50 million this cycle, but now my psychological expectation has reached 30 million!

Damn it!

Hearing Mr. Pu say this, Zhao Si glanced at Mr. Pu in surprise. Judging from his many years of experience, traders who suddenly took off when this kind of software caught up with the trend were all full of enthusiasm and confidence. Even though he was being self-effacing, his sense of superiority couldn't help but show up.

This Mr. Pu's eyes are very sincere and don't seem to be fake.

He nodded inwardly: 'It seems that the news from the group is correct. This Mr. Pu is really difficult to deal with. As the head of Duoyu Company, he will never become complacent just because of making money, and he is very clear about future development. He is a sensible person. ’

"It seems that Mr. Pu has realized that such huge traffic and new customers are too difficult for today's Zhongshan Novel. You do not have operational experience on this scale and do not have a professional team to deal with various emergencies. Then Then we can talk about how to help Zhongshan Novel.”

Mr. Pu: "Huh? How can I help?"

Zhao Si stretched out his hand to the side, and the assistant put a plan he had prepared in his hand.

There was a line of large characters written on it: "Draft Regarding Qidian's Acquisition of Zhongshan Novel and Zhongshan International."

"Mr. Pu, Mr. Pu Dingliao, you have written several books at Qidian, so it is obvious that Qidian is now the best platform for incubating online articles, and it also has the most professional operation, editing and copyright teams in the industry.

If Zhongshan Novel can be merged into Qidian at this point in time, it will undoubtedly be the best choice for the website. For Mr. Pu personally, you can also directly achieve financial freedom. You will not have to face any risks from now on, and you will also be able to communicate with Now you still keep your original team, manage Zhongshan Novel, let go of your hands and feet to do business, don't worry about funds and operations, Qidian will develop Zhongshan Novel and Zhongshan International into the best channels and the largest foreign online writing platform. "

Assistant Qi was surprised next to him.

Qidian actually wants to acquire Zhongshan Novel!

Theoretically speaking, the integration at this point in time has huge benefits for both websites!

With Qidian’s logistical ammunition, Zhongshan Novel will be more at ease with domestic channels and foreign translated online articles. We no longer have to worry about the problem of the work library, and more outstanding authors can be used by their website.

Content will no longer be the shortcoming of Zhongshan Novel. The two companies will use this integration to drive Qidian's stock to rise sharply, and the management of Zhongshan Novel will definitely get its own shares.

Go straight to the sky in one step.

You no longer have to worry about losing money in the future. With Penguin as your back, everything can be done easily.

Penguin controls WeChat, the largest traffic portal in the country.

Everything will develop in a good direction.

Except for autonomy.

But Duoyu Company is not just a business of Zhongshan Tingshu. If this department is separated, Duoyu Tingshu, Duoyu Games, and Duoyu Productions, which are now getting better and better, will remain.

This seems to be a good choice.

Mr. Pu hesitated for a moment and said directly: "No, I can't accept it."

Zhao Si was surprised and said: "Don't you want to listen to the quotation before making a decision?"

Mr. Pu covered his chest and said with an ugly face: "Don't say it! I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Mr. Pu feels uncomfortable!

Zhongshan novels cannot be sold!

At this time, four days before the settlement, once Zhongshan Novel was sold for the extra money, half a year of Mr. Pu's operation would be turned into ashes.

Mr. Pu thought about it with his penis and knew that the amount would definitely not be less than 50 million.

Maybe even reaching the level of small goals.


It’s several small goals!

Mr. Pu really couldn't hear this number, otherwise he was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

"Three billion plus shares of Qidian Group." Zhao Si said directly.

Mr. Pu: "."

"No! No!! No!!!"

"I can't sell it"

After a while.

Zhao Si failed after trying to persuade Mr. Pu many times, and found that Mr. Pu's mood was low.

I also understood in my heart that this was an iron-headed boy.

People who look humble on the surface are actually proud people on the inside!

Same as him.

Sometimes, people who are more humble on the surface are arrogant in their hearts.

In this regard, Zhao Si did not panic. He waved and his assistant came up with a second plan.

"Qidian Investment Zhongshan Novel Plan"

Since they couldn't acquire it, they turned to the next best thing and invested in Zhongshan Novel and became his shareholders.

If you want to make money, let’s make it together!

Anyway, when the time comes, they will all be companies invested by Penguin. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone can share their knowledge and work together to become bigger and stronger?

In fact, before coming here, President Xingchen was not optimistic about the plan to directly acquire Zhongshan Novel. He clearly knew what kind of person he was dealing with. A very smart operating genius!

He can not only grasp the psychology of readers, but also grasp the changes in the market. Every choice he makes is just right, and his vision is extremely forward-thinking!

Always turn something that seems like a loss into a huge profit.

Therefore, the main purpose of Zhao Si's visit this time is to promote the second plan.

If you can't be the father of Zhongshan novels, just be brothers!

Let’s all be great penguins together!

Mr. Pu: "You want to inject capital into me? In other words, you want to give me money?"

Zhao Si: "That's right! I've calculated that this is the time when Zhongshan Novel needs money!"

Mr. Pu’s face immediately turned red!

Giving money to Duoyu Company will make things difficult for me, Mr. Pu!

Damn it!

"Don't mention this matter again! Even if we at Zhongshan Novel have no money, lose money, or lose everything, we won't ask for a penny from you Qidian!"

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