I really want to hit the street

Chapter 376 Mr. Pu’s spending tips

Zhao Si's little assistant was very efficient. He worked all night and got the data about Mr. Pu.

Early in the morning on the 6th, it was handed over to Zhao Si.

A thin piece of paper.

That's right, he can collect too little data!

"Mr. Zhao, this Mr. Pu doesn't have many friends in the Kyoto Internet circle, and he never participates in gatherings in this area. We know some Internet companies, but we have never met Mr. Pu. Several bosses have invited Mr. Pu, but He was declined, he is a lone wolf type boss.”

Zhao Si nodded: "I guessed it. Mr. Pu looks humble, ordinary, and even a little abnormal on the surface, but he is a very arrogant person on the inside. Such a person does not look down on others who are inferior to him, so naturally He won’t attend those parties, and he won’t waste time on useless social interactions. Since there is no news about his friends, how about the appointment with the resigned employee of Duoyu Company in the morning or in the afternoon? "

His breakthrough lies in these people who have worked under Pu Jie.

Only from their mouths can we see the real Mr. Pu.

Upon hearing Zhao Si's question, the assistant looked a little strange.

Zhao Siyi frowned: "What? No time? Didn't you mention the consulting fee? Xiao Huang, let me tell you, money can be greedy, but the bottom line is that it cannot delay the company's affairs. Do you understand?"

Assistant Xiao Huang immediately said: "It's not Mr. Zhao, it's Duoyu Company. In the past year and a half, no employee has resigned."

Zhao Si: "???"

"What do you mean? Their company can only be entered and exited?"

Seeing the assistant nodding, Zhao Si waved his hand: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How can there be a company that can only be entered but not exited? For a company as big as Penguin, many people resign every year. As long as they are human beings, there is always mobility. This is a problem that even the Fortune 500 cannot avoid. This is a small emerging Internet company. can do it?"

He shook his head, feeling that this conclusion was not reliable.

But after the assistant showed Zhao Si his investigation results, Zhao Si became confused.

"Your multi-fish company's treatment is relatively high? What does this mean?"

Assistant Xiao Huang: "According to people from surrounding companies chatting with people from Duoyu Company, I found that people in their companies generally receive salaries that are much higher than the highest standards in the industry."

Zhao Si nodded: "I understand, elite strategy!"

"It seems that Mr. Pu has a high understanding of talents and is willing to spend the company's money on high-end talents. This may be the reason why his company can rise rapidly. He is indeed a high-level boss."

Xiao Huang nodded in agreement: "Sparrow food."

"But the elites should also be mobile. How does Mr. Pu keep them? He can't always give the highest price, right? There can't be internal conflicts, right? I can't figure it out."

Next, the assistant did not collect any useful information. It was just scattered snippets from employees on other floors of Hengtai Building.

After all, in the entire Hengtai Building, only Duoyu Company gets off work on time at 5:30 pm. There are many people working overtime in other companies. You can find out by asking a few people.

And Zhao Si looked at a bunch of useless information and fell into deep thought.

"Mr. Pu is not a man who is short of money, so what is his weakness?"

Mr. Pu was in high spirits early in the morning, with a good look on his face that reflected the light of day.

The whole person's state seemed extremely excited.

"Assistant Qi, bring the finance department over. We are going to spend a lot of money today!"

Although Assistant Qi didn't quite understand, he did whatever Mr. Pu asked him to do and immediately went to make arrangements.

On the 16th floor of Duoyu Company, a bunch of people looked at the boss's office and wondered what Mr. Pu was going to do.

It seems serious.

In the game department, Liang Sepi said with a worried look on his face: "Mr. Pu, you are not really going to give us the 'Effort Effort Award', are you? What do people in other departments think of this? I feel that Mr. Pu is too partial to us. "

There are three thousand beauties in the harem, but only one of us is pampered.

Dachun heard this: "It's too small, the structure is too small. Don't say that our department has not made achievements, even if other departments have not made achievements, we will pay tens of millions! President Pu will not do anything to them, as long as The bonus is definitely in line with Mr. Pu’s arrangement!”

"Really?" Liang Sepi didn't believe it. If any department really lost tens of millions, would Mr. Pu still look good on them?

Not realistic at all!

"Brothers, no matter whether Mr. Pu gives us a bonus today or not, Mr. Pu has been generous by not punishing us for this incident. We must remember Mr. Pu's kindness and work hard to improve the "Sect Cultivation Immortal Simulator". Reversing word of mouth and making big money for the company! ”


Everyone in the game department is a member of the team.

After Mr. Pu made his explanation, the people from the finance department left with an exclamation mark.

Without him, it would be too outrageous.

Accountant Zhang from the Finance Department whispered, "Why do I feel like Mr. Pu doesn't treat the company's money as his own? He's really willing to spend it."

"Sister Zhang, Mr. Pu is showing his heart to us. As long as Duoyu Company does not close down, I will retire here from now on!"

"Mr. Pu, he really makes me cry to death!"

The whispers from the finance department aroused the curiosity of other departments.

Mr. Pu, what big thing is he doing again?

Before anyone else's expectations could build up, Assistant Qi made the official announcement.

"The phased company-wide bonus plan is officially launched!"

"In order to motivate the company's employees to better complete the tasks assigned by Mr. Pu, and to reward the hard-working employees, a bonus is hereby set. The bonus is not based on departmental profits, but is based on the completion of Mr. Pu's instructions as the only criterion. As long as Once the tasks assigned to Mr. Pu by the department are completed, you will receive periodic bonuses.”

"This time, the outstanding representatives of the department's periodic bonuses are: the Game Adaptation Department! They completed the game requested by Mr. Pu with excellent execution. Although they have not made money for the company yet, this spirit is worth learning from everyone. The personal bonus is 25,900 yuan and the manager’s bonus is 51,400 yuan!”

When talking about numbers, Assistant Qi's mind flashed to Mr. Pu's progressive left-right and horizontal-jump explanation method.

The bonus for each person in each department is accurate to two decimal places.

Although I don’t understand why, I think it’s very professional.

Mr. Pu is very meticulous at first glance!

"In addition, the audio reading department also successfully completed the tasks assigned by Mr. Pu in the last month and invested the money earned overseas without any burden on the company. The bonus amount is the same as that of the game department!"

"Finally, because the production department changed the script without consulting Mr. Pu, and the online literature department did not spend the arranged money in time, it was a pity that the film was not selected for this award."

Internet Literature Department and Production Department: "."

The people in the two departments looked at each other, and a question came to their minds:

Didn’t we make money for the company?

"But! Due to the excellent performance of the two departments, Mr. Pu will award an additional 'consolation prize' this time: a bonus of 20,000 yuan for each person, and an additional mysterious prize at the manager level, which can be collected in person from Mr. Pu."

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