I really want to hit the street

Chapter 378 Settlement

Pu always couldn't hear Zhao Si's words.

On the night of the 7th, Mr. Pu had already huddled under the quilt, listening to Chenggong's lecture while waiting for the system's verdict.

"Should I say it, I never understood how people became successful in my previous life, and thought it had nothing to do with being a street writer like me. But in this life, I actually started a company and made money inexplicably. It must be because of me. Some of the requirements required by Success Studies resulted in the situation getting out of control.”

The more Mr. Pu listened, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but clap his hands.

"Understand the applause!"

"Bah bang bang!"

Mr. Pu, who was heartbroken, could only rely on successful learning videos to numb himself.

The "successful people" in the video are obviously very good at doing business. They talk about one thing after another, which arouses bursts of applause from the audience below, which is very convincing.

"If I did the opposite of success, wouldn't that mean I learned to fail!"

Mr. Pu seems to have found a new door.

Late at night at 0 o'clock.

The sound of the system sounded, announcing that Mr. Pu's failed operation in this cycle was over.

[Ding~Pei's online article operation module challenges for settlement]

[It is detected that the current total capital of Duoyu Company is 44,592,999 yuan, compared with the initial capital of 52,447,310 yuan, a loss of 7,854,311 yuan. 】

[Based on the system profit and loss conversion ratio, a subsidy of 78,543,110 yuan will be issued to the host, please check your bank card. 】

[Unfortunately, the business operation of the host in this cycle was not satisfactory. While expanding the scale of Duoyu Company, it did not take into account the need for profitability. As a result, the final result was slightly eclipsed and unprofitable. It could only obtain a small subsidy of 78.54 million yuan from the system. . If the host can reasonably handle the company's profits and expenses, there is a good chance that Duoyu Company's online writing business will be developed all over the world, and a new era will soon unfold in your struggle]

[PS: Temporary losses are not terrible. With the backing of the system, you and Duoyu Company will definitely rise in the next cycle! 】

Pu Jie looked at the system's rich lines with no expression on his face.

got used to.

“I always feel like this system is weird.”

What is a "small subsidy" of 78.54 million yuan?

I have all this money thanks to my personal efforts, Mr. Pu!

If I relied on the people in the company, it would be difficult for me to get 78,000 yuan this cycle!

"Damn it! My more than 400 million yuan is gone! 4 sets of courtyard houses in Kyoto!!!"

Late at night, a man's miserable howl came from the Hengtai Dijingcheng community.

Those who hear it cry, those who listen are sad.

The two men in the woods downstairs said: "Hey~ I've never been able to make this sound until I went bankrupt."


This sad state lasted for a full night.

Pu Jie finally regained his composure.

He took off the three-layer quilt from his body and walked out of the house sniffling.

"Hiss~ No matter what happens, life will go on. Think on the bright side. At least there will be a systematic 'small subsidy' to spend."

In fact, looking at this amount alone, it is very impressive.

But it was so different from his own psychological expectations that Mr. Pu was not excited, but was always in sadness.

This is just like an ordinary good girl who felt quite happy with her boyfriend of 3 minutes before.

And he also praised him: "3 minutes is already great~"

Later, she fell in love with a new guy with abs, and she always boasted that she could do it in at least an hour, and if it took more, she could do it all night.

It raises the psychological expectations of a good girl, and when the day comes... 8-pack abs in 8 minutes.

The sense of loss in my heart can be imagined.

Although these 8 minutes are much better than the previous 3 minutes.

But I just can’t be happy!

This is the mentality in front of Pu Jie.

I keep convincing myself that I have earned 78 million and can enjoy a lot of life that I could not enjoy before. Apart from the big courtyard in Kyoto, my ideals can basically be realized.

But it has little effect.

Pu Jie now has only one thought in his mind: "I don't accept it!"

Why did I, the dignified Mr. Pu, give 78 million after running like crazy for such a long time?

Half a year, 78 million, sent to beggar! ?

The dogs shook their heads after hearing this!

"My fate is up to me! Ma Yun earned these 500 million, Hua Teng earned it, why can't I, Pu Jie, earn it!?"

"Prince and General Xiang Ning has the guts!"

At this moment, Pu Jie was already at odds with the system.

You want me to make money?

I don't!

I have to lose all my company!

Mr. Pu walked into his office angrily and shouted in his heart:

"Dog system, open the next challenge for me!"

[Ding~Start the 4th challenge. 】

[Pei's online article operation module]

[Company name: Duoyu Culture Co., Ltd.]

[Total funds: 51,220,095 yuan (6311,902 yuan of manuscript fees have been transferred to the system to store)]

[Challenge period: 240 days]

[Challenge rules: One week before settlement, the company must not have backlogged copyrights, unreleased movies and TV series, unsold products, etc. If there are, it will affect the system settlement. Please pay attention to the time. 】

【.(Click to expand detailed rules)】

[Conversion ratio: Profit settlement 100:1, loss settlement 1:10]

[There are 240 days left before settlement]

"Um? Has the system saved so much royalties?"

In the last cycle, in 6 months, he actually earned another 6.31 million yuan in royalties.

A monthly fee of 1 million is ridiculously high.

Pu Jie looked at it in detail.

"Oh, "Infinite Time and Space" is still a great work. It's finished. The average subscription has increased by 20,000, and it has become a work with an average subscription of 120,000. I am a really good critic."

If you copy it, you can write it better than yourself.

The story written by copying so many movies is much more interesting than his own narration alone.

"Infinite Time and Space" earned 4.1 million in royalties, and all other books earned 2.21 million in royalties.

The second highest paid book is "Online Games: Almighty Druid". Although the main website has average subscriptions and the current traffic is booming, it can only reach 30,000 average subscriptions. It is the most powerful book on the entire website.

But the subscription income can reach the starting point of 42,000 works with an average subscription.

It’s because Zhongshan Novel has the only author website on the entire network with a 7:3 split.

Not to mention that "Online Games: Almighty Druid" has become popular on Zhongshan International abroad. This book will make Pu Jie a steady stream of money.

Harvesting new foreign readers one after another.

The translated titles in the past are very consistent with the aesthetics there: "The Almighty Druid of the Metaverse"

More class!

"In other words, this cycle has been extended to 240 days, a total of 8 months, and we have to lose almost the same amount of money as in the previous cycle."

It is impossible to make money by making money.

The top ten money-making ideas Mr. Pu had in mind could only continue to be hidden.

He wants to wait for the company to make a successful loss, then use it to make money in one cycle, and then convert it tenfold in the next cycle.

As long as he can successfully operate it once, it will be at least 10 billion!

Of course, it is more important to lose all the 51.22 million first.

However, all the good ideas were used in the last cycle, and Zhongshan Novel seems unlikely to lose money. How can it lose money in this cycle?

Just as Mr. Pu was deep in thought, the company’s front desk Xiaoyu reported:

"Mr. Pu, a guest named Zhao Si has invited you to meet. Are you here or not?"

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