I really want to hit the street

Chapter 384 Wang Dachui

Xiaoxing received an initial capital of 10 million from Duoyu Company to establish his own long video studio.

Establish a subsidiary company affiliated with Duoyu Company.

With the help of Assistant Qi, the formalities were quickly completed and half a floor was rented in a nearby Hengtai Building.

That's right, a full half layer.

The headquarters of Duoyu Company occupies 2 floors in Block A of Hengtai Building, with a total area of ​​3,200 square meters.

Because there is currently no suitable location in Tower A, Mr. Pu arranged for Xiaoxing to rent half a floor space in Tower B next to it, a full 800 square meters.

Very exaggerated!

It took a long time.

Basically, Xiaoxing tried his best to dissuade him, but Mr. Pu insisted on going his own way.

Oh, Mr. Pu even tried to bargain with himself once.

As a veteran employee of Duoyu Company, I am no longer surprised by this situation.

Mr. Pu is good at self-reflection and self-subversion. Only through constant thinking and weighing can he come up with the best solution.

It's an old craft.

Although I don't understand it, I feel it is powerful.

Some employees even gave Mr. Pu this state a nickname: The Balancer.

Xiaoxing carried her things to the 6th floor of Tower B of Hengtai Building. Looking at the large space of 800 square meters, she was speechless for a moment.

He didn't even know what to do with such a big place.

In his words, it is a normal idea to set up two offices, recruit like-minded people, and then think about what long videos to shoot. When the business becomes bigger, hire more people, and then expand the venue.

Boss Pu, no!

I don’t have any projects yet. Let’s build a big office area first.

"Fortunately, Mr. Pu weighed in. Otherwise, he came up and directly said that he wanted to rent a floor. It would really scare me to death. You can't build like this if you have money."

Putting his things on the desk, Xiaoxing started to think.

"Why did Mr. Pu ask me to set up my own company?"

"Mr. Pu never makes his plans without aim. All his arrangements have profound meanings, and seemingly random actions actually hide mysteries."

"There must have been a plan for me to come out this time!"

There is no doubt about this. If you think that Pu always acted on an impromptu basis, that would be too little fish.

"It's just that Mr. Pu arranged for me to set up a subsidiary and shoot a long video. Why exactly?"

Even Xiaoxing, who had the deepest understanding of Mr. Pu’s meaning, was a little confused at this time.

There are too few clues to analyze.

Xiaoxing sat in the middle of an empty 800-square-meter flat floor. Next to an editing company, people kept coming in and out, and she was full of curiosity about her new neighbors.

"You see the place next to it has been rented. I don't know which big company is coming here."

"The guy sitting over there looks like a loser carrying the boss's bag."

"Sparrow food. Usually when the boss isn't here, the assistant comes to confirm the situation first."

"Hey! You said that our company's business is not doing well. I heard that we still owe the rent. If the company next to us is also engaged in editing, wouldn't it be nice to just jump there?"

"Hush! Be careful! We still get Mr. Lin's salary."

Xiaoxing was deep in thought here and didn't notice what the people passing by were talking about.

"Why did you let me out? Why?"

Xiaoxing thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

"Forget it, let's do it first. You will gradually understand Mr. Pu's meaning later."

Pu always takes one step and counts it as a hundred steps, and his pulse is thousands of miles long.

Sometimes it is normal not to see it, but as long as you follow Mr. Pu's footsteps and implement the strategies he gives, you will suddenly understand at a certain stage.

“The question now is what to film?”

Xiaoxing recalled Mr. Pu's instructions three days ago: "It's okay to shoot anything. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. The main thing is to dare to think and do, and shoot something that no one else has ever photographed."

Xiaoxing ignored the second sentence intuitively.

Obviously, this is Mr. Pu's consistent rhetoric, which is mainly to reduce the pressure on employees. It is a psychological soothing phrase and has no actual function.

"Then the key point is the other three sentences. The guidance given by Mr. Pu is hidden in these three sentences."

"Make some long videos that no one else has taken? Do you want to create a category of your own?"

Xiaoxing recalled the many long videos she had watched

Unboxing reviews, popular science knowledge, live game play, certain strategies, and personal combat.

"There are so many. How do you find something that no one else has photographed? How can you find something that is completely different from others?"

This is too difficult!

Just like today's online articles, who dares to say that what they write is completely original!

Nowadays, the categories of online articles have been determined: fantasy, science fiction, immortality, martial arts, urban, games, etc.

It hasn't been changed in several years.


In recent years, there has been a book that vaguely feels like it has broken through this limitation, and that is "Infinite Time and Space", which was published in the suspense category!

This book no longer defies simple classification.

Suspense? Yes, science fiction? Also, fantasy? besides

A book that embraces all things.

It has been called by netizens: Infinite Streaming, a genre that is different from all other works.

"But Mr. Pu is so talented that he can make such a pioneering move. How many years will Qidian be able to produce a Pu Ding?"

The development of long videos has gone through such a long period of time that Xiaoxing could not think of any subjects that had not been filmed before.

"There are no new themes in online articles, so how can we create something new in long videos?"


Xiaoxing looked happy and suddenly stood up: "Yes! Internet article!"

He remembered a very interesting author.

He took out his phone and started searching for chat records from a year ago.

Xiaoxing remembered that he had seen an idea before, which was very interesting at the time!

"Oh right! He seems to have come to the first online writing training class"

"Found it! Wang Dachui!"

At this moment, Xiaoxing was grateful that he was single, so he didn't have the habit of deleting chat messages.

Wang Dachui is a very interesting new author. He wrote his own experience into online articles, which is particularly interesting.

Xiaoxing still remembers his article "I, a new author, hit the jackpot"

It was written about his personal real experience. People who read this article remembered his Taekwondo father who had to bow before hitting someone and his boxer mother who was ruthless and taciturn.

"What he wrote is very interesting. Shooting a growth video is really a very novel subject."

Apart from anything else, he now thinks that if he shoots this article, the effect will definitely be good!

"Try it first. Anyway, Mr. Pu said that we can shoot whatever we want, so let's try to find inspiration from online articles!" Xiaoxing asked the online article department for Wang Dachui's phone number and called him. Wang Dachui is a sophomore at Beijing Film Academy, majoring in film and television special effects. He usually attends classes and writes online articles. He is currently serializing a novel in Zhongshan Novel, with a good guaranteed contract, which is not low or high, and he can get a monthly fee of about 6,000 yuan. It's quite comfortable. The main reason is that he writes slowly. His peers, everyone updates 10,000 words, only he writes 4,000 words a day, unshakable. In his words: "The daily inspiration is only enough to support a 4,000-word article, and it's not interesting enough if it's a little more." Look! How refreshing and refined the lazy saying is! Recently, his friend asked him to do a job to help a small crew make special effects. "Fuck! What a poor crew, I'll make a fortune for you with this little money!" If it weren't for his friend's entrustment, he really wanted to curse. 3,000 yuan for special effects for a movie. This amount of money was not enough to cover the electricity bill for his computer rendering.

He was going to just make something up to fool the other party, since the other party didn't demand quality anyway.

For a moment, he wanted to complain so much that he couldn't help but write such a weird thing into his novel.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

The phone rang.

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