I really want to hit the street

Chapter 394: Did he also take this into account?

Chapter 394 Did he also count this?

Facing the computer room, Zhang Yang became more creative!

"Come on!"

He took out the Bluetooth keyboard he carried with him, connected it to his phone and started writing.

"This time I will write a hard-core science fiction story about the omnic crisis!"

The success of "For Fans" has given Zhang Yang great confidence in his screenwriting skills. Now that their production department has no work to do, they just need a top-notch script. When the time comes, they will ask Brother Jie for tens of millions to shoot. Go straight to theaters and make a fortune!

Steady, steady!

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more reliable it became. He found a stone in the warehouse, sat down and started writing.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, a morning passed.

Zhang Yang looked at the few hundred dry words on his phone and fell into deep thought.

"Damn! Hardcore science fiction is too difficult!"


Zhang Yang put away his Bluetooth keypad, got in the car and left.

Sometimes it's like this. When I see something, I suddenly have a brilliant idea, and I feel that if I write down this idea, I can get it out of the air in seconds.

Turns out I was an idiot when I started writing.

A good idea is perfect only when it is an idea.

Duoyu Company's data center construction speed is super fast.

Because their company is very generous with payment, let alone not defaulting, I wish I could pay the full amount directly before installation!

Who doesn't like doing this kind of corporate job?

The royal decoration team of Duoyu Company especially likes to cooperate with this company.

Naturally the same is true for other companies.

In the Hengtai Building in Kyoto, the style of Duoyu Company has spread.

With the money in hand, all the data center equipment was assembled in just one week.

The computer room is completed!

Mr. Pu also specially came to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Others celebrate that the company has its own database, which can provide stable back-up for the website.

Mr. Pu celebrated spending another 6 million yuan.

Everyone laughed happily.

Xiao Hua has arranged for people to attack the cloud server of Zhongshan Novel.

Penguin Cloud's Lao Sun secretly helped him obtain some permissions, which allowed them to attack more smoothly. The reason could not be found out afterwards.

On the evening of March 16th.

Xiao Hua led his secret troops to launch a secret battle.

A large number of hackers launched an attack on the cloud space representing Zhongshan Novel!

They want to send huge pressure packets, causing the website to freeze or even crash.

During this period, users of Zhongshan Novel will find that the books cannot be loaded, there are problems with recharging, and page bugs.

Xiao Hua looked at the dark clouds in the sky and smiled evilly: "At night, the peak time for users to read books, do this a few times and let me see if you can stand it?"

It’s a murderous night with a dark moon and high wind.

Tonight, it is better to make a sneak attack and avoid hesitation.

Xiao Hua's secret troops bombarded the cloud space of Zhongshan Novel.

The server on the opposite side couldn't bear it anymore and started to restart, and then stopped temporarily.

"Haha~ Let me see, can Zhongshan Novel still be loaded?"

After Xiao Hua finished speaking, his subordinates smiled and said: "If you want to reload it, it will take at least half an hour for a server of their level. During this period, all user data will be lost, and the amount of user recharge will not be displayed. That is, Damn it, a lot of people will start criticizing their website tomorrow.”

Xiao Hua: "Haha ~ tomorrow? I have arranged for people to start leading the rhythm tonight. You can see it everywhere in a while."

"High! Mr. Xiao is high!"

Xiao Hua smiled: "If you do it, you have to do the whole set, hehehe~~hehe~hehe~ eh?"

His laughter suddenly stopped, and he fell into deep thought while looking at Zhongshan Novel, which was still running smoothly.

"Are you sure you are attacking the Zhongshan novel server?"

Subordinate: "That's right! This is their database. I just changed some data in it and got me 100 million book coins."

Xiao Hua looked at Zhongshan Novel, which was still running smoothly, and felt something was wrong.

"If you continue to mess with him, you may not have been strong enough just now."

"This makes sense. Okay, let's continue to increase our efforts!"

A group of people started operating frantically on the computer.

Half an hour later, the hacker leader wiped the sweat from his head: "Mr. Xiao, it's definitely possible this time! The database of their website is guaranteed to be paralyzed, don't worry! We haven't encountered any resistance. It seems that no one is paying attention to them at this time. Your own cloud server.”

After listening, Xiao Hua's face became even more gloomy.

He pointed to Zhongshan Novel, which was still running perfectly on his phone, and the record that he had just recharged 6 yuan and asked: "Is this the paralysis you are talking about?"

Hacker leader: (`д′)

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I guarantee my career, their database was blown through by us! If we hadn't been careful, we could have wiped the data directly for them, how could it be possible... Wait!"

He suddenly realized something, and after some operations on the computer, he took a breath of cold air.


Xiao Hua frowned and asked: "What happened!?"

"They. Their website no longer uses Penguin Cloud's database. There is no backend connected to Zhongshan Novel at all!!! We were deceived!"

Xiao Hua: "???"

"What do you mean! They have obviously been renting it! How could it be?"

The hacker leader had a phone call with Penguin Cloud’s Lao Sun, and then said with a bitter look on his face: "Mr. Xiao, Zhongshan Novel has transferred all the data this morning, and what is left is just an empty shell. Their data has been moved to another place. ”

"What!?" Xiao Hua was stunned.

They planned an offensive, but nothing was accomplished. The opponent transferred their data in advance.

Suddenly, Xiao Hua felt cold sweat fall down his back.


What they did was discovered!

At this time, Duoyu Company suddenly transferred the database of Zhongshan Novels. It is definitely not a coincidence!

Either the opponent knows their plan, or they have predicted this move and taken precautions in advance.

No matter which situation happened, Xiao Hua was shocked!

He originally thought that the other party was a soft persimmon who could be ravaged by others. With just a wave of Qidian's big hands, all the novels in the mountains would be wiped out.

did not expect.

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of what CEO Xingchen said to him after the previous meeting:

"Old Xiao, you must pay attention to Pu Jie, the boss of Duoyu Company. He is an extremely talented person with business talent. His control of the market is like a monster. What he is best at is deducing the market and can tell the market from clues. To be honest, our business at Qidian has increased significantly in the past two years, and it has a lot to do with this person. We must treat him with caution and never underestimate him."

He didn't think much of it at the time.

He read Pu Jie's information. How much insight can a kid who is still in college have?

With 30 years of experience in the industry, he has licked more abalone than Pujie has ever eaten salt!

Still salty!

At this moment, he realized that he was wrong.

Big mistake!

Anyone who can defeat his plan twice in a row is definitely a master among masters.

He looked up at the dark sky, and there seemed to be a man in black robes holding two transparent balls in his hands, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, staring at him.

"Hiss~ This child is so terrifying. If he is not eliminated, he will become a serious trouble! We must take some measures!"

PS: Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month! Brothers, thank you!

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