(The story is purely fictional and has nothing to do with reality, please do not substitute it!)

The authors were surprised to find that their author backend was not authorized by Zhongshan Novel Channel!

No one informed me, and it suddenly disappeared!

That’s weird!

Uncle Tian shouted: "Fuck! My money!!!"

He was able to write this book only with the money from Zhongshan Novel Channel. If he didn't have it, his monthly income would be 1,800, and Shui Qun would burst out laughing!

I immediately found my editor Niba and started asking random questions.

Then I got the news that this function is only temporarily offline, but the channel will not be canceled by the authors who have already activated it.

Uncle Tian felt relieved.

At the same time, I secretly rejoiced: ‘If there are no new books on the Zhongshan Novel Channel recently, then those of us who are already on it, won’t we be able to monopolize the channel traffic? ’

It is not just Mr. Tian who has this idea, but also many Qidian authors who have opened channels. They all have the same idea.

Although I know this is not good, I feel really good.

You know, in the field of online writing, there are new strong people taking over every year, every month, and every day. Everything is about work. If you write well, you can always find an audience.

We are now in the era of big data, and it will not be the same as before, when hundreds of thousands of words of good books were written and no one read them.

There is no such thing as working hard after a million words.

Qidian has created and improved the recommendation mechanism for so many years, and has solved this problem in the era of big data, ensuring that each book can find its potential readers, and readers can also find books in their favorite genres.

Therefore, if there are no new books coming to Zhongshan Novel, those books that are already on the channel will not be pushed down by new books and will continue to make money.

Except for some authors who were secretly happy, most of the authors who thought about opening channels for their old books felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Seeing that Zhuge Wanyu's two-year-old book has become so popular in Zhongshan International, others are lying if they say it's not sour.

But this time, the channels for opening authorization were blocked, so people could only feel sour.

There is no way to operate it.

Before long, Qidian’s editors were all confused.

"Dad, when will the channel authorization be opened again?"

"Boss, why don't you help me open the backend? I'll give it to you directly. I'm in a hurry to make money!"

"Shit! Brother! Please be sure to open the channel for Zhongshan Novels for my old books. I am a Western Fantasy! It is definitely a foreign novel with great potential! (PS: If possible, can you give it to Zhongshan International? The editor pushed it?)”

"Isn't Qidian breaking up with Zhongshan Novel?"

The editors were fed up with the annoyance, and they all posted comments saying that they needed to modify the authorization contract for some reasons, and that it would be temporarily closed until the opening date was notified later. I would not reply if I asked again.

Only then did the authors stop asking questions.

But the authors of Qidian did not stop exploring.

We don’t chat in the official group, but in the various small groups they created, it has become a hot topic.

Three groups of milk people.

Yeying Lianji: "My dear. Just now my editor said that the channel authorization cannot be opened for a short period of time. Something may have happened. Thinking about the temporary commotion on the Internet last month, Xiao Hua, tsk tsk~ It seems to be true. ”

Idiot: "Qidian is really going to go to war with Zhongshan Novel? Why not acquire them directly? This way our author's channels can still be guaranteed, and Qidian can take off on its own. It's the best of both worlds!"

Xiao Pen: "Haha~ It seems to be the best of both worlds for our Kaidian series, but Zhongshan's novels don't want to be sold like this. Zhongshan International has finally gained some fame and has been praised by the official. It can make others easily You picked peaches? Do you want to eat them?"

Idle people: "If they beat them, what does it have to do with us authors? How much money will we make if we don't open up channels like this? Although my books are all open, what about other people? What about the next book? For the great master This may not be a lot of money, but for people like us, earning 1,000 yuan per month through channels can make a big difference.”

The secret recipe of Krabby Patty + V: "Bird food. What can I tell you when I go to Kangkanglong Mountain?"

This matter has a great impact. Many authors who have made money from Zhongshan Novel Channel and authors who have not yet opened the channel are paying attention. This is related to their monthly manuscript fees!

Everyone can get by without it before, but it's just like a girlfriend, once you have it, you can't stop.

On the Longkong Forum, this topic has long been a hot topic, and everyone is discussing it.

"There was a strong feeling that a storm was coming, and the whole building was filled with wind. Everyone quickly moved the small benches and ate melon in the front row. I just pushed a small cart with melon seeds and peanut mineral water, and the feet in front gave way~"

"It's probably because Zhongshan International is doing so well abroad that it panics!"

"The status of the industry leader is in crisis."

"Stop talking nonsense! If you ask me, Ten Mountains Novel can't beat Qidian. How long has it been open? It has no background at all. If it weren't for Qidian's library over there and the price was cheaper, I probably wouldn't be able to beat Qidian. Readers, go check it out! Don’t brag too hard. I can see it from Qidian. You can’t let this website suck blood. Well done!”

"What the fuck! Are you the author? The channel gives the author so much royalties every month, so I can't authorize it anymore. I'm going to drink the northwest wind."

——Reply: "Ah, didn't you have a good time before when you didn't have channels?"

——Reply: "Well, what a shame, your monthly income is 1,800, and I'm starving to death! Now you give me about 800 in channel fees every month, and I can finally eat KFC once a week!"

"If you ask me, you writers who can't afford to eat still can't think of a way, typical poor people's thinking! You can rent out your unused house at home, or use your own car to run around Didi after writing a book, say You are not allowed to make more money than writing novels every month.”


——Reply: "Master, what do you do?"

——Reply: "That's very good! I think there is another way. You can deposit a few million in the bank first. In this case, you can still live on the interest every month. What do you think?"

There are a lot of various discussions on Longkong, but everyone has a unified understanding: Qidian is going to war with Zhongshan Novel!

Many of the great gods at Qidian felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

Because as a master, their channel authorization is the most cautious, mainly to maintain the subscription data of the main site and not to allow readers to be diverted to the channel.

When they reach this point, the books will not only be read by readers on Qidian, but also many book promoters will continue to spread these works. Readers will come here admiringly. When the time comes, they will be distributed to other channels, and there will be fewer subscriptions to the works. For one thing, this is detrimental to their ability to sell copyrights.


This premise is to only look at the domestic market!

What the heck, Zhongshan Novels still controls the foreign market!

The editors of Zhongshan International have contacted them and are preparing to translate their works, either new books or old books.

If this translation goes overseas, not to mention how much more money can be made, this influence will directly extend to foreign countries! It would be great if we could create a big IP and make the world excited!

Who doesn’t want to be the next J.K. Rowling?

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