I really want to hit the street

Chapter 413 I’m looking for a team that can shoot everything from flying to the sky and escaping to

Use real-life capture technology to shoot a true 3D animation that spans the ages?

Dachun and the others were shocked.

Xiaoxing did not show off and said non-stop: "Mr. Pu's hint is already very obvious, that is, let us find a group of people who are not specialized in animation to make animation. Who else can we find? Could it be those newcomers who have no experience at all? Isn’t that just a direct hit and a loss of 100 million?”

Dachun responded quickly: "That's obviously impossible!"

"Hey! Mr. Liu can also see that Mr. Pu definitely doesn't mean this. So what does Mr. Pu want us to do? He wants us to innovate! Don't forget, Mr. Pu has been emphasizing in the first half of his words not to be bound by old thinking. The idea is to innovate and forge ahead. In the second half, it was said that it is best to find people who have never done animation! Isn’t this obvious? That means we should use a professional team that shoots long videos and special effects movies to make animation! We want to make an anime with the same standards as a 3D blockbuster!”

"With these advanced technologies of real-life motion capture, performance capture, CG technology, 3D modeling, and fusion camera systems to shoot this animation, do we still need traditional animation practitioners? Do we still need so many people with experience in 2D animation? We can just find a few people who can connect with the animation style, even college students can do it! That’s why Mr. Pu said that we want to recruit those who have been in the animation industry for a long time, because we have already changed the track! Ordinary anime!”

"Brothers, according to Mr. Pu's request, let's make a large-scale 3D animation together!"

Xiaoxing’s words are shocking!

It only took 15 minutes for the five HRs to go from being confused at the beginning to complaining to being surprised to being enthusiastic.

When the conclusions and reasoning were revealed, everyone was shocked!

Because they feel that this is Mr. Pu’s request!

Mr. Pu definitely thinks so!

Only those who think this way are the bosses who founded Duoyu Company!

That Mr. Pu who looks ordinary with a smile is actually all an illusion!

In fact, the real Mr. Pu has never been shown to everyone. Through Xiaoxing's mouth, they learned the tip of the iceberg of Mr. Pu's majestic wisdom.

Dachun took a breath: "I see. I asked Mr. Pu how he saw my browser records and decided to let me do it. It seems that he is indeed planning to attack 3D animation, and with Xiaoxing, what you said is the same, it’s not a simple pseudo-3D, but a truly large-scale production 3D using new technologies!”

Otherwise, why would Mr. Pu give them so much money?

The cost of one episode of these best-selling 2D animations in the island country is generally controlled at 10 to 20 million yen, which is 500,000 to 1 million yuan when converted into RMB.

In other words, it can be stopped with a maximum of 1 million yuan. That 24-episode animation costs only 24 million yuan.

If the production difficulty is low, one season of animation can be produced for less than 20 million, so why does Mr. Pu give them so much money?

Could it be that it was created intentionally because of the extra money?

Obviously not!

Mr. Pu just wants them to make a Chinese comic with a super high standard!

One hundred million!

With a budget of 100 million per season, they have been in Bilibili for so many years, but they have never heard of any Chinese comic that dared to invest money so much.

This is simply insane!

But then again. If you don’t lose your mind, you’re still Mr. Pu?

Dachun and Xiaoxing reached a consensus in their hearts that they would make a high-standard Chinese comic for Mr. Pu.

After Xiaoxing finished speaking, he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, returning to his sunny and shy look:

"The above is my analysis of Mr. Pu's practices. It may not be complete, but I can only see so much now. If Mr. Pu has further instructions in the future, be sure to share them with me. Let's further improve the response to Mr. Pu's requirements. Come on, we at Wanhe Company will fully assist you in completing this animation project while filming our short drama!"

Dachun was moved and held Xiaoxing's hand: "Brother, please help me! Now, I feel more confident."

Dachun turned to look at the five HRs who were still in a state of shock with their mouths open, and said majestically: "Now, do you know what to do?"

Touto Miao-san among the five people quickly expressed his position: "I understand! I understand everything! We are going to find the best live-action special effects capture team, senior film CG technical team, and photography team. By the way, we are also looking for some freshly graduated animation college students. Come and start."

Dachun nodded: "Children can be taught."

Just when Miao Sang was about to go out and have a big fight, he suddenly thought of something

"Mr. Liu, we haven't said what type of animation we want to make yet? Is it urban or martial arts, fantasy and horror?"

Dachun pondered for a moment, remembering his time in the game club. Those people had been calling Xiuxian for several months, and they had already made him numb.


"Making a movie about cultivating immortals! I'm going to look for a leading novel about cultivating immortals. You guys can find me a team that can film everything from flying to the sky to escaping to the earth!"


Five HR staff set off, full of confidence!

They know that the scale of this investment and their advanced vision will definitely attract the attention of many teams.

Sometimes it's not about the money, but the work.

A work with big investment, good script, and good ideas, no need to worry about actors and teams, they all rushed to film it!

Just like the first movie "Resident Evil 1" that Huayi spent 100 million to buy the copyright of "Infinite Time and Space", domestic first-line actors were randomly selected, and the filming team was also top-notch.

After arranging things here, Xiaoxing went back to the 6th floor downstairs, where their office is.

This afternoon, we will be filming the third episode of "Never Expected".

After the second episode of "Liao Shen Ben Martial Arts Drama" was released, it received rave reviews!

A hit on multiple platforms!

Short videos and long videos are all available.

It has been called a treasure short drama and has prompted numerous updates.

The playback shares of several websites have recovered more than half of the cost.

After all, as a trial work, Xiaoxing did not invest much money, and the production cost for one episode was 30,000 yuan.

Especially the "fire special effects" and "frost special effects" in the second episode were done by an intern who had just joined the company, which is quite appropriate.

Of the 10 million that Mr. Pu gave him, less than 1 million has been spent so far, and most of it has been used to purchase company hardware.

After all, Mr. Pu requires all standards to be consistent with Duoyu headquarters.

Otherwise, he could save even more!

"If Mr. Pu knew that I had saved the company so much money, wouldn't he be able to praise me?"

"No. I can't report the news to Mr. Pu now. I'll wait until I receive the advertisement. I'll save up and give Mr. Pu a big surprise!"

Xiaoxing felt happy when she thought that the money she saved could help the animation department make better products.

"By the way, let Mr. Liu use some of my professional talents to help him start the project quickly, otherwise the six months will still be very tight."

But he knew that the deadline set by Mr. Pu could not be changed and could only be brought forward but not postponed.

Time may seem tight, but it’s still possible to make an anime like this in time, as long as the money is available.

Obviously, Duoyu Company is never short of money.

He couldn't help but want to see how much surprise this 3D animation with the theme of cultivating immortals could bring to the industry.

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