Pu Jie has heard of all the four awards just introduced by the instructor Wang Xiang, and they are very representative domestic literary awards.

But the gold content is too high.

Ridiculously high.

Pu Jie is a novice writer, but even if his level of proficiency has increased, it has not reached such an exaggerated level that he can win the Lao She, Mao Dun, and Lu Xun Literature Awards for his writing.

As for the last "Cao Yu Drama Literature Award", it is specially awarded to good scripts. He can try for this. If he and his teacher join forces, they may not be able to produce a script that can win the award.

But unfortunately, the system requires writing web articles, which is not applicable.

Pu Jie had to find other awards that were easier to win.

Wang Xiang scratched his sparse hair: "The simpler Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award, Dream of Red Mansions Award, Shi Naian Literature Award, and Bing Xin Literature Award are all fine."

Pu Jie: "."

This sounds too serious!

"Teacher Wang, since the creation of these literary awards, has any online article won?"

Wang Xiang said naturally: "No, what's wrong?"

Pu Jie: "???"

Hey Hey hey! What the hell is that natural look on your face! ?

"Then do you think this is something I should consider? Are there any literary awards that are close to my industry, even those from abroad?"

Pu Jie asked the system about these literary awards just now, and they all count, as long as he does not use other means and wins based on his strength.

But Pu Jie feels that this is not realistic. Some literary awards actually despise online writing.

Even if he tries his best to move closer to other people's traditional literature, it is still essentially an online novel. Naturally, it will be viewed with colored glasses. In the end, it is very likely that he will get nothing out of it and it will be all in vain.

As we all know, neither Pu Dingling nor Mr. Pu will fight an unprepared battle.

Generally, the operation will be started only after the plan is approved.

Obviously, the plan given by Teacher Wang does not make sense.


Wang Xiang thought for a moment.

A sudden realization.

blurted out: "Nobel Prize for Literature!"

Pu Jie: ( ̄口 ̄)!!

"Teacher Wang, please stop playing tricks on me. Give me a feasible direction. I really need this award."

Wang Xiang nodded and patted his thigh: "You are looking for that kind of Pheasant Award, right?"

Pu Jie's face darkened: "What's wrong with it? The main thing is that it allows authors like us to have a chance to win awards."

If the gold content is very low, it is estimated that the system will not recognize it.

Fortunately, Pu Jie can consult the system at any time to see if it is possible.

Wang Xiang pointed his fingers at Pu Jie and said: "There are still many small awards. For example, in the online literature industry, there is a 'King of Internet Literature' award. Have you heard about it? It is held every two years, and it is considered an online literature type award. The highest award.”

Pu Jie directly turned on his phone and searched for this award.

"I'm stupid, I'm a bit arrogant"

The King of Internet Literature is a person selected in two years. He is the author with the highest overall strength in the Internet literature field in the past two years. It depends not only on the book he is serializing now, but also on the impact of previous books.

Most of them are great masters who have accumulated a lot of experience.

That record is simply terrifying. Even if Pu Jie now holds a copy of "Infinite Time and Space" with an average subscription of 100,000 yuan and a copy of "Online Games: Almighty Druid" with an average subscription of 50,000 yuan, he has just entered the threshold. He can still Compete with the great gods who have emerged in the past two years.

"Hey~ This. Looks a bit difficult."

You know, the system task [伱 is a good book, but I chose something else] requires that his book cannot have more than 30,000 orders on the website, so his book is not comparable to others at all. Next year’s online article The king will definitely not be able to take it.

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult! Is there anything less difficult?"

Pu Jiedan knew he wanted to win a prize, but he didn't know it would be so difficult to win a valuable prize.

Wang Xiang added: "How about the Chenggua Internet Literature Award? This award is awarded to 10 works every year, which is considered a good award."

Pu Jie was very happy, there will be a drama in 10 movies!

"This sounds good. Let me kangkangcao!"

Pu Jie just consulted the system and found that this award was not qualified at all, was not valuable enough, and would not be recognized.

damn it! The system is quite finicky.

"Any more, Teacher Wang?"

Wang Xiang also talked about several emerging domestic awards, most of which lacked gold content, and some of which Pu Jie could not satisfy at all.

"By the way, there is a domestic science fiction Galaxy Award, which is only for science fiction works. It has been held for more than 30 years. The quality of the works in it is good. Several online books are selected every year. Do you want to give it a try?"


Pu Jie's eyes lit up, this sounded pretty good.

Science fiction is also a popular subject for online writing, and if it only targets science fiction works, he does not need to confront so many traditional writers and various quasi-kings of online writing. He can take advantage of it and win it directly from here.

Moreover, he just asked the system, this award is considered valuable!

Isn’t it true that everything is ready and all that is left is the east wind?

Pu Jie searched through his storage of good ideas in his mind but could not find a science fiction article.

".Shit! I can't write science fiction at all!"

Pu Jie has never written science fiction in his last life or this life, and he has read very few.

The only book I have finished is called "The Three-Body Problem".

"Wait, can't I just copy it?"

Pu Jie suddenly became excited. This magical book has been tested by the market and will definitely become popular!

There is no problem at all in winning this small prize.

After being excited for a minute, Pu Jie fell into deep thought.

"How was "The Three-Body Problem" written?"

He only remembered a few keywords in his mind: me, Luo Ji, wall-facer, and making money.


How to write this?

Pu Jie felt that he couldn't figure out the logical relationships. It gave him a headache when he first read it. Now it's even harder to reconstruct it with Weibo's memory!

Wang Xiang asked in confusion: "Three-body? What three-body? Is it famous?"

Pu Jie waved his hand: "Don't worry about these details. Are there any other awards besides science fiction? Are there any awards for immortality, games, suspense, etc.?"

Wang Xiang thought for a moment: "If it weren't for the pheasant prize, there would be no prize. You kid, you have quite a lot to ask for. Are you doing the task?"

Pu Jie was shocked!

"Teacher Wang, how did you figure it out?"

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Wang Xiang's mouth, he shook off his fan with "Gold Medal Screenwriter" written on it, and said with a proud face:

"Don't think I'm old just because I'm over 50. When I was young, I was more playful than you. It was just my master's task. Tell me, who is your queen?"

Pu Jie: (;д)


"Teacher Wang, you don't want your wife to know what you said today, right?"

Teacher Wang was startled and said quickly: "Hey~ I suddenly remembered an official grand prize, and it seems you have a chance to win it."

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