I really want to hit the street

Chapter 459: I thought the boss of Zhongshan International was the traitor we filmed in Qidian.

A week later.

The Internet Literature Department almost immediately successfully upgraded the Zhongshan International website and app, added recharge channels, changed the previous free + advertising model, and became an official paid website.

They had already urgently notified all site users the day after receiving Mr. Pu’s notice.

Although it is a bit sudden, it is better than changing it directly without any news.

Basically, everyone who often reads books on the Zhongshan International website and app knows about the scrolling notification that lasts for a week.

During this time, there was a lot of discussion.

They talked about everything, and the customer service chat was full of chatter.

The news is really shocking.

Watching a free novel suddenly become charged is no different from eating hot pot and singing and suddenly being intercepted by gangsters.

However, fortunately, the notice issued by Zhu Shiheng stated that Zhongshan International has been operating at a loss, and the money received from advertising is very meager. If it cannot be changed to paid reading, the website will definitely not be able to survive.

Such rhetoric still works.

Although everyone thinks it is sudden, a large number of foreign readers think it is acceptable.

These people are basically the ones who really love online articles. They would rather spend some money than let such beautiful Chinese online articles disappear.

There is resistance to reform, but not all users will be offended.

Especially wealthy users who have long been fed up with pop-up ads.

"Oh my god, this website is finally getting rid of that annoying advertising page! I really don't want to buy airplane cups, and I don't have a weak kidney. Please don't recommend those damn things to me! My sister will feel like it when she sees it. I'm a pervert!"

"I have already made a suggestion to the owner of the website. We must have a feature that allows you to pay a membership fee and avoid advertising. I really don't lack the money. Although the results are not the same now, it looks pretty good."

"This new charging guideline is US$0.05 per thousand words? Oh my god, is there one more decimal point? My nephew's pocket money can read online articles for a long time. It is so cheap! Hua A nationally responsible enterprise!”

In terms of fees, Zhongshan International is directly on par with Qidian International. They both have a pricing strategy. There are also systems such as junior VIP and senior VIP. If the recharge amount is enough, it can be cheaper.

Although it may not seem high, it is six times more expensive than in China. After all, the price in China is 0.05 yuan/1,000 words.

The units are different.

This is also a pricing strategy specifically aimed at foreign countries. The cost of the books they see will include the cost of an additional translation. This money can only come from the readers, and the website can also make a little more money.

Many foreigners think that the price is not expensive, but after they read more books, they know what the Golden Cave is!

A 2 million-word online book costs $100.

Of course, a large number of foreign readers who could not accept it also vented their anger in the backstage of Zhongshan Novel and in various book reviews.

"Shit! I can't accept it! Why should we charge for this kind of Chinese fast food literature? I reject this decision and I will go to the American Internet Association to protest!"

"I hope it can be maintained as it is. This will be good for the website and our users. If we have to charge, it will obviously lose a lot of users. It is recommended to open a donation account and let rich people donate. Don't always think about us. These poor people took away this little savings.”

"I warn this website set up by Chinese people! Solemn warning! If the website changes to charge, then all the content of your website will appear on various public forums the next day, and everyone can browse it for free. I think, you You don’t want to see this happen, right?”

Niu Zi looked at this comment and pondered for a moment.

He dialed the number of Duoyu Data Center: "Fang Ke, do me a favor. I'll send you an IP. Follow his comment and check to see who this person is. If there is a threat, deal with it."

"Little things."

Half an hour later, in an apartment in New York, a handsome boy's computer screen flickered, and a cute little panda holding an incense occupied the entire screen.

"Oh! Shit! Who did it! What a heartless thing! You are finished! You will be counterattacked by the greatest hacker in the United States!"

"Let me see what little virus it is"

"When I fix the computer, I want you to look good!"

After a while, the handsome guy known as the greatest hacker in the United States sat slumped on the ground, looking at the smoking host and more and more red pandas, showing a desperate look.

After struggling for a long time, he unplugged the network cable and power supply.

Only this primitive approach could save his computer, which had rendered the software and code completely useless.

“Where do scary hackers come from?”

At this time, his cell phone rang, and a message appeared in his mailbox.

"Please do not promote or conduct illegal hacking operations, and have a conscience!"

Sender: myself.

"It's over. It's over. All my account information has been taken away by this person. Damn it!!!"

He still doesn't even know which god attacked him.

"Why do you say not to carry out illegal hacking operations! It's obvious that you have to wait first!"

He suddenly realized something, opened the Zhongshan International software on his mobile phone, and remembered the comment he posted.

In an instant, I understood.

"Fuck! This website is protected by a god! I'm so fucking stupid! I'm a fool!"

He quickly used the account he used to post comments to send a message to Zhongshan International’s backend customer service to apologize, sincerely.

Regardless of whether it works or not, the computer needs to be repaired after all.

"There are people outside the world, and there are people outside the world. Chinese hackers are too fierce."

Tonight must be a sleepless night, he will definitely have a nest of red pandas as soon as he lifts the quilt

In the online literature department, Niu Zi received a reply from Fang Ke.

Just two words: "Done."

Niu Zi said with emotion: "It is indeed a talent that Mr. Pu personally recruited. When he came here, he was not very talkative and was a bit afraid of society. I thought that Mr. Pu deliberately recruited a waste. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a hidden master, that is, Only with Mr. Pu’s vision can we see the essence through the outside.”

However, Mr. Pu is not very friendly towards rewards for meritorious officials.

Niu Zi thought of Mr. Pu who was excitedly watching outer space travel in the office before, and secretly shrank his shoulders.

It’s better to leave it to Manager Zhu to report the good news.

Work more and talk less, and give full play to the small star working method.

The revision of Zhongshan International caused quite a stir, shocking other domestic novel websites. They all couldn’t figure out why Zhongshan International, which was booming, had to cut itself off and switch to the same charging system as Qidian.

The people inside Qidian were also shocked!

The board members all felt that this was too outrageous. Last week they were still discussing how to catch up with Zhongshan International and how to counter their free strategy. A week later, their opponents simply abandoned their martial arts skills and became the same charging standard as them.

"If you didn't know the inside story, you would have thought that the boss of Zhongshan International was the traitor we Qidian photographed."

"There's a traitor among them?"

"Now, it's a fee-based system. You can't say you can't beat them, right?"

Xingchen ignored all the sounds, and he had already vaguely sensed Mr. Pu's plan.

"We should have thought of going together. The foreign market is huge and primitive. To steadily export Chinese online articles and form a cultural value similar to Hollywood and export it to the world, we must join forces to help each other and make the cake bigger. Make money together.”

Although he didn't have a direct phone call with Mr. Pu, he already knew that Mr. Pu thought the same way.

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