
Pu Jie got up from the bed, stretched his waist, and felt that the fatigue from last night was gone. He couldn't help but feel happy for his young body.

"Lord of Fools" was released yesterday. Based on the data analysis given to him by the Internet Literature Department and his own judgment, he came to a conclusion: it's a done deal.

The initial order of 3,000 should be the upper limit. If you are a bit unlucky, you might be able to get 2,500.

The results of this first order have basically declared that an author of his level has failed.

“Data doesn’t lie!”

So, Pu Jie was very happy yesterday. He attended the party organized by He Mi in the evening and went to the bar to play until late. In his confusion, he still remembered releasing something in the toilet.

Fortunately, He Mi caught it and did not dirty the public area.

All in all, it was a blast!

After having fun, the group in their dormitory went back, and Pu Jie found a driver to take him home.

I slept until now.

"Huh? It's 12 o'clock. I'll order takeout first, then check the news, sort out my status, and then welcome my glory!"

That's right!

Fighting = brilliance!

Pu Jie does not think there will be errors in the background reading data.

After ordering takeout, Pu Jie sat on the sofa and looked at his phone, and found that several people called him last night.

Didn't hear it because the bar was too noisy.

"Producer Zhao, Director Bob, Yang Mimi? Why are the entire crew looking for me? Didn't I tell them that I wouldn't go to the press conference?"

In order to reduce the first order of "Lord of Fools", Pu Jie has recently tried to reduce his exposure as much as possible to prevent others from paying attention to him, thus making everyone ignore the fact that Pu has ordered a new book to be put on the shelves.

To prevent the popularity of "Resident Evil 1" from affecting him, Pu Jie has been pretending to be dead and pretending nothing happened, so that the media will definitely not notice him!

Pu Jie called Producer Zhao back.

"Hello? Producer Zhao! Last night I was imagining the plot of a new book. My phone was muted. What's wrong? Looking at WeChat? What video did you send me? Oh, good thing? Let me take a look."

After hanging up the phone, Pu Jie opened WeChat with some confusion.

Then I saw how the several questions he answered in the video of yesterday's press conference sent by producer Zhao were cleverly guided to the book "Lord of Fools".

It was obvious that he wanted to promote this book. If the reporters at the scene were not familiar with it, they might even think that the producer was Pu Ding himself, as if he was holding a press conference for his new book.

After Pu Jie read it.

A question mark slowly appeared in my mind.


"What are you doing!!!"

Pu Jie felt that his blood pressure was a little high, so he hid for a long time and was stabbed in the back by the producer!

"What the hell!"

"You are such a dog! I'm done with you, you idiot!"

"Fortunately. The influence of Producer Zhao is average. Most reporters and film critics should pay more attention to the director and the heroine. It is possible that the reporters did not record these embarrassing boasts of his, haha~ That's right! That must be the case. ! It won’t affect my grades!”

Pu Jie calmed down a little and suppressed the urge to call and curse.

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good. It is not good."

After relaxing for a moment, Pu Jie regained his calm state of mind, and then dialed Bob's phone to see what the director had to say to him.

He must be on to something!

For example, the script of the next play or something.

The money from the script is quite a bit of income.

Now the box office has reached 180 million, the reputation is very good, the number of films scheduled and the attendance rate have not decreased but increased, and the data in the next 19 days will definitely not be low.

A conservative estimate is 400 million.

He gets a 3% share, which is .12 million in his own hands!

Quite generous!

"No! There is also overseas box office! According to Huayi, it is more popular than domestic. The final box office is definitely higher than domestic but not lower than domestic! Then my share is still 10 or 20 million? Hiss~ It's so cool !”

For one movie, he was the chief screenwriter and earned 30 million.

He struggled with the system for more than two years and only earned over 70 million. It was so easy to make money from this script!

The contract Huayi signed with him stated that the share of scripts would be maintained at 3% in the future, which proves that as long as Infinite Universe movies continue to be made, he can continue to make money!

Although it is not as much as the 500 million that can be obtained from the system this time, the advantage is that it keeps flowing and I keep shooting.

"Hiss~ Please call me Huaguo Stanpu!"

Pu Jie felt very energetic when he thought that the director would probably discuss the creation of a new script with him!

Then he dialed Bob's phone.

"Hi, my old friend! I watched "Resident Evil 1" in the cinema. The filming was really good. When I called yesterday, I was working. As you know, my company is quite busy. By the way, are you? Notify me of something good. How do I know? Haha~ Of course I know. Check WeChat right away!”

Hanging up the phone happily, Pu Jie opened WeChat and saw Director Bob's excellent performance at the press conference, which was better than that of Producer Zhao. It was obvious that many reporters had been impressed by him and recorded something in their notebooks. .

? ?

Two question marks slowly appeared on Pu Jie's head.

"Why do I feel like I haven't woken up? Has this happened somewhere before? It looks so familiar!"

"Hey, hey, hey! You guys are obviously fucking me together!"

"You even edited two versions on purpose! Just to piss me off twice???"

"Go to the crew of TM! I gave you guidance for nothing!!! From now on, I, Pu Jie, will eat delicacies from all over the world to death, Toru an 18-year-old girl will die of pleasure, and I will die from playing games every day! I will never cooperate with you white-eyed wolves again. !”

The more Pu Jie thought about it, the angrier he became, and then in an extremely angry state, he angrily read the meditation mantra.

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good. It is not good."

After repeating it 10 times, Pu Jie barely suppressed his anger.

Then he became cautious.

"Yesterday's press conference, both the producer and the director were the protagonists. Whatever they do together will definitely attract the attention of reporters. Maybe there will be a lot of reports on my book. There will definitely be some exposure. Give me It will have a certain impact on the first booking result, and I have to accept this result.”

"However, fortunately, this kind of news is not very topical and cannot be on the hot search. At most, people who pay attention to the film and television industry and the adaptation industry, or old fans of "Infinite Time and Space" will see it. The impact is limited and it cannot bring the essence. The ground threat just reduces the fault tolerance a little bit.”

Pu Jie took a deep breath and dialed Yang Mimi's phone number.

With a smile.

Because Yang Mimi often calls him when she has nothing to do. She has high emotional intelligence and speaks nicely. I like her very much.

If given the chance, Pu Jie would like to hear her shout in his ear: "Wait a minute. Where is my husband?"

Of course, Blue Star's Yang Mimi doesn't have a husband yet, so she can't be a tauren.

This made Pu Jie a little regretful.

After answering the phone,

"Hey! Mimi, I got stuck yesterday. I was reading other people's books for inspiration. I was so absorbed that I didn't hear anything. What's wrong? What am I looking at on Weibo!? Whose hot search?"

The smile on Pu Jie's face did not last for three seconds. He was completely stunned after hearing the three words "hot search"!


Just hang up the phone and open the backend of the Zhongshan Novel app!

"Lord of Fools" are ordered: 12750.

"Ten. Hundreds. Thousands of grass!"

"Shoo, slop, slop!"

"Why would anyone want to harm me!!!"

"What a sin!"

Pu Jie looked at the congratulations from everyone in the Internet Literature Department, Qidian and some of the author's friends on WeChat and almost lost his temper.

Reluctantly concentrating, I silently recited the Calming Mantra:

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good. If it is not good, I will calm you down! Hurry! My little quilt! Save me!"

On a hot day, Pu Jie was trembling with rage, as if falling into an ice cave, feeling the world's full malice towards him.

He reluctantly grabbed the quilt on the sofa that had not been used for a long time and wrapped himself up shakily.


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