I really want to hit the street

Chapter 485 It’s all good news! (2-in-1)

Zhu Shiheng scratched his head for a moment and couldn't figure out what "good news" and "bad news" were in Mr. Pu's case.

I could only continue to say at my own pace: "The good news is that we have already obtained the profits of the next few months in advance! In this week's recharge activity, our novel websites combined directly earned 13 million! Zhongshan International contributed Outstanding, foreigners are crazy! They keep praising our conscience.”

Mr. Pu: "?"

The question marks on his head seemed to overflow into the two-dimensional world, and Zhu Shiheng understood immediately!

Mr. Pu didn’t hear clearly!

"This week, we made 13 million yuan! Mr. Pu!"

Mr. Pu's mouth twitched slightly, he raised his hand, pointed at Zhu Shisheng and said, "You, you... who told you to do this?"

Zhu Shiheng was slightly surprised: "Isn't this the strategy you gave us, Mr. Pu? Through the recharge and gift activities, we can quickly withdraw funds. We just moved your advice on Zhongshan International to the Zhongshan Novel and Heishishan Novel websites. The effect is really outstanding!”

"Not only did we obtain a large amount of funds in a short period of time, but it also drove the website's subscription and reward data. Once users have money, their spending power will increase significantly! This will properly expand domestic demand!"

Regardless of Mr. Pu's increasingly dark face, Zhu Shiheng continued his analysis: "Recently, the profit growth of our novel website has slowed down, and the number of new users has also declined. Without a good publicity plan, our The ability to expand has been weakened, and we are worried about how to increase profits. Mr. Pu, your method of expanding domestic demand is simply amazing! New users can consume, and old users have more potential!”

"In the future, we will often hold such activities. We will do it again when old customers have spent almost all their deposits, and we will do it again during holidays. After all, users' money is money, and we have plenty of book coins."

Mr. Pu's head was already buzzing now, and he felt a huge pressure coming over him.

But at this moment, there is only one week left before settlement, and it is too late to do anything.

"Activity. Stop immediately!"

Zhu Shiheng: "Understood! We have given a deadline. Today is the last day. The countdown to the end of the event has been started. Users are recharging like crazy! Many people have waited until today, and now we are forcing them to recharge! It is estimated that they can still recharge tonight. How about you, Mr. Pu? Can you hear me?"

Mr. Pu pointed at the door with his fingers trembling slightly: "Go out."

Zhu Shiheng left.

He was still muttering to the person at the door: "I'm just saying that Mr. Pu will still find it too little, right? Lao Zhen, please go over and tell Mr. Pu the good news. It can also be considered as the performance of our online literature department. I can't see Pu." It’s always a smile, you can’t tell!”

"hope so!"

"Dong dong dong~"

Mr. Pu had just barely recovered from being stabbed in the back by Zhu Shiheng for 13 million when he encountered the true love of the Black Stone Mountain novel again.

"Mr. Pu? Our department has two news for you, one is bad news and the other is good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Mr. Pu: “???”

Such a familiar saying!

what happened?

Did you guys discuss it?

After suppressing his emotions and calming down, Mr. Pu took a deep breath: "This time, I'll hear the bad news first and the good news first."

Zhen Qiang reported: "Mr. Pu, based on your guidance, we focused on how to make money from traditional novels, contacted many well-known domestic publishing houses, and finally found 8 who were willing to publish the suspenseful horror works on our website. The publishing house published the first batch of 16 books and received a huge sum of royalties! ”

"Earned 4 million!"

"Although it's not much, I have contributed a lot to the company! I will do my best to help the company achieve its profit target!"

Mr. Pu: "?"

"Is this how I instruct you?"

Zhen Qiang: "Yes, yes!"

Mr. Pu: "."

He felt that his guidance had nothing to do with the effect he could produce.

No matter what he says, the people below will always find a reasonable way to make profits, just like TM is poisonous!

Mr. Pu said with a glimmer of hope: "What about the bad news?"

Zhen Qiang immediately said: "Oh! The bad news is that when we were talking about a publishing house, one of their old managers did not approve of our works and even issued an announcement to unite the industry to boycott our online articles, saying that they were cultural dross. .”

Mr. Pu was overjoyed: "Did he succeed?"

"Of course not! Not only did this old-timer's plan fail, but it also attracted a film and television company to pay attention to our work. After some negotiations, we sold 3 million copies of the website's top suspense work "Eyes Under the Bed" Film and television rights!”

Mr. Pu: "?"


Zhen Qiang: "Ang"

Mr. Pu: "Is this the bad news you're talking about? Good news makes 4 million, bad news. Only makes 3 million, right? Tell me! What's wrong with this???"

Zhen Qiang blinked: "Well, if we compare it, it can barely agree with the logic, what do you think?"

Mr. Pu said with a ferocious expression on his face: "You guys can always come up with something new for me! Let's go, let's go! I don't want to see anyone from your Internet and Literature Department!"

After driving Zhen Qiang away, Mr. Pu felt his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was chilly.

Sitting in the huge CEO's office, I just feel like I have no friends and I'm full of sycophants.

"Damn it! Such a big change has happened in this week. The Internet and Literature Department has made more than 20 million yuan, which makes the already wealthy company even better. You guys deserve to die!"

"I, Pu Jie, am incompatible with struggle and force!"

The company's accounts already had 50 million yuan before, and this earned another 20 million yuan, which was 100 million yuan away from his upper limit, leaving only 30 million yuan in error tolerance.

After a moment, Mr. Pu soothed his breath, patted his chest and said, "It's okay. There's just a little problem in the online literature department. As long as other departments make less money, the profit will be controlled within 30 million before settlement. Then you can still get the maximum subsidy amount in this cycle.”

"Dong dong dong~"

"Mr. Pu, we Duoyu Tingshu have some bad news to report."

Mr. Pu was so happy that he opened the door in person and invited Jia Hua, the director of Duoyu Listening, to come in.

"My good brother, come in quickly, I need this right now!"

Mr. Pu's depressed mood was finally relieved.

This is right!

He has pointed out so many strategies for losing money, there must be one that can actually lose money, right?

No, the hero is here!

"Tell me carefully what the bad news is. Don't worry! I can stand it!"

Jia Hua was flattered and sat on the sofa to report to Mr. Pu.

"Mr. Pu, based on your advice, Duoyu Tingshu invited professors from many industries to open columns with us, and offered a very suitable price, which impressed a group of professors and they agreed to cooperate with us! "

"Okay! Well done! It must have cost a lot of money, right?" Mr. Pu asked excitedly.

"Hey!" Jia Hua waved his hand: "Mr. Pu, what are you talking about? At such a critical time, the company's phased profit target has not been achieved, how can we spend the company's money? I will directly start the pre-sale course, I made 11 million backhand for the company!”

Mr. Pu: "?"

After listening to Jia Hua explain their operation process, Mr. Pu frowned all the time.

"But. So far, I haven't heard the bad news you said? Is there a twist in the end?"

Jia Hua said very naturally: "Ah, yes, yes, there is a reversal!"

Mr. Pu asked excitedly: "What about the reversal? Where is it?"

Jia Hua stood up, took a step back, and smiled evilly: "The reverse is... Mr. Pu, I lied to you, there is no bad news at all!"

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you excited?"

Mr. Pu's smile froze.

His mood had just improved, but Jia Hua poured a basin of cold water on it, which made his heart feel cold!

"I surprise you."

Mr. Pu suppressed the quintessence of Chinese culture he wanted to say and said with a smile: "Do you know the story of Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Ma?"


Jia Hua was invited out of the office by Mr. Pu.

As I was walking away, I seemed to hear Mr. Pu mumbling something behind me. If I didn't listen carefully, I would have thought it was cursing.

"Obviously, Pu will never scold me."

"Hey~ It's a pity that our income is still too little, and we can't impress Mr. Pu. It seems that we have worked harder!"

Jia Hua said to himself.

Mr. Pu could no longer moan in the office.

20 million + 11 million = 31 million.

There is not much room left for him to operate.

If there is another 19 million yuan in profit, his profit for this cycle will suffer losses.

"As long as the Metaverse project team makes no mistakes and follows my instructions exactly, the profits will definitely be contained! I don't need to panic too much, they are just small twists and turns on the road to success."

"Dong dong dong~"

The door to the president's office shook slightly.

"Report from the Yuanverse project team!"

The voices of Meng Xingkong, Liang Sepi and Liang Sepi rang outside.

Mr. Pu: (°ー°〃)

His nerves jumped, and his butt bounced off the chair, like a frightened boil.

"No way? No way? No way?"

"Isn't it true that he is possessed by an evildoer? There won't be any good things today, right?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Mr. Pu didn't believe that he could make money in the end even if he tried so hard to lose money.


If this could make money, he would really write a book: "I Can't Be a Business Wizard!" 》

"come in"

The three giants of the Yuanverse pushed open the door and walked in, with happy faces.

"Mr. Pu, we have three pieces of news here. Good news, very good news, and very good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"


Mr. Pu sat down on his large office chair and said:

"Any more bad news? I really need this right now."

Seeing several people shaking their heads in unison, Mr. Pu felt like the world was spinning and he was about to cum.

After a while, Mr. Pu said feebly: "Say it. Say it all."

Mr. Pu has become accustomed to being stabbed in the back too much, and the wounds on his back have even grown calluses.

Liang Sepi was the first to appear: "Mr. Pu, this is what happened."

After the release of the VR copy of "Metaverse: World of Warcraft", it has received enthusiastic attention from game players.

After all, this is a new thing and everyone is interested in it.

The rewards in the VR copy are also very generous.

But VR equipment is relatively expensive, and most players don’t have it.

Then Meng Xingkong directly sells VR equipment in Duoyu Game!

Customized version of World of Warcraft!

Buy equipment and receive a World of Warcraft monthly pass and VR copy, waiting for you to fight!

This directly ignited the enthusiasm of the players.

Buying VR equipment will give you a monthly pass, playing VR copies will also give you a guaranteed monthly pass, and there are other rewards you can get.

Not to mention DYChat, an officially designated social networking software, where you can bring your World of Warcraft characters into the metaverse space to play with other players. Many high-end guilds have already equipped themselves with VR equipment.

Moreover, VR equipment is divided into low, medium and high-end, and the cheap one only costs 1,499, which many players can afford.

I really don’t want to play games anymore, but I can still watch movies in VR.

Nothing is wasted.

In this way, a large number of players have placed orders on the official website of World of Warcraft.

I didn’t make much money from Dianka but I made a lot of money selling VR equipment!

Meng Xingkong almost laughed.

He cooperated with VR equipment manufacturers, and the ex-factory price he got was only half of the selling price, making 750 yuan for one machine! Isn’t this better than selling monthly cards?

As for the customized version, you just need to print a high-definition picture to the VR device. The customized version is large and the manufacturer will give it to you for free.

This wave of magical operations has made the VR copy of World of Warcraft popular!

There are also a lot of videos shared online, and some funny videos have become hot topics. They have successfully launched the VR copy of World of Warcraft. Many people are not interested in the main game of World of Warcraft, but want to play this VR copy. , go to the Metaverse to fight monsters with others, but to play the VR copy, you must first go to World of Warcraft and reach level 20.

Due to various inexplicable linkages, the profit of the main body of World of Warcraft not only did not decrease due to the monthly pass for VR copy, but actually increased greatly!

Some of the paid items on the outrageous side have been cancelled, leaving only appearance products such as skins, titles, and light effects, which are directly blown up by players after paying for them!

Especially for those who want to create their own world but are reluctant to spend money, this is a blessing from heaven!

After receiving a lot of praise, Weibo immediately launched an activity to fill up diamonds and draw skins!

Rich people: Huh? Element detection? Skin = noble feeling, full of it!

Comparison is one of the fixed attributes of social interaction.

Things that seem impractical can actually stimulate your desire for consumption!

And after the fees for various items were cancelled, more players stayed. Even if they didn't recharge, they became the background board for the most people in the game.

How can we show the nobility of krypton gold players without the support of ordinary players?

DYChat is also making a lot of money!

When he said this, Mr. Pu looked dull.

"Is this okay?"

The Metaverse project team followed his arrangement, but the effect was completely different from what he imagined.

The outrageous last shot said: "When it comes to how to improve the company's profits, Mr. Pu, you are the expert. We need to learn too much from you!"

Liang Sepi: "That's right, you will continue to learn and live until you are old."

Meng Xingkong: "Now, it is possible for us to recover the cost within the time limit set by Mr. Pu."

Mr. Pu was stunned for a moment, then grabbed Meng Xingkong's hand: "What did you say? Recover the cost???"

"How much money did you make for me?"

Recently, there have been a lot of two-in-one chapters being released, so you can click here and order them all to see if you can get the best ones (this is the method I mentioned before). In fact, the number of words is no different from the previous updates (it is still short as usual), so I am not lazy~

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