Fu Xuechen and Ran Xing replied to this post together, which made the first post on the "Top Ten Hot Posts" even more popular. Just now, there were only more than 500 posts on the floor. To the 800th floor, and still building higher at the speed of light.

    The owner of the post is obviously on the online water forum. At this moment, the title of the post is added with a bracket, (the post surprised the incident himself!!)

    A series of exclamation marks shows how surprised the landlord is.

    Ran Xing then turned the page to read the post—

    Floor 536: "Ah ah ah ah, the Great God has appeared, it is the first time that I have been so close to the Great God."

    Floor 557: "Is it the Great God himself? Oh my god, take a photo in the front row."

    Floor 598: "You didn't realize that the main point is that the great **** is on the 520th floor, and the cute one is on the 521st floor. Even the floors are so sweet, you are doing it on purpose!"

    Floor 623: "Go back to the 598th floor, the point is not that the great God has admitted it, has Xiao Kawai denied it? It feels a bit slapped in the face."

    Floor 674: "I looked at the account of Fu Xuechen, and just registered it. You are sure that it is Fu Xuechen himself, not someone who saw that the post was too hot and pretended to be."

    Floor 723: "Yes, everyone, wake up, a great **** like Fu Xuechen is too busy with his studies, how can there be such a time for a water forum!"

    Floor 831: "Fu Xuechen has posted, hurry up and watch."

    The appearance of Fu Xuechen's ID really exploded, but soon, rationally, I noticed that Fu Xuechen was a temporary registered account, which seemed... very fake.

    Ran Xing roughly finished following this floor, then returned to the home page to see the post by "Fu Xuechen".

    Fu Xuechen is the man of the school, even if this temporary registered ID looks fake, but his post will be on the "Top Ten" in minutes.

    The title of the post is: "Notes."

    Click in: "I saw a super cute girl in the online substitute class, ah ah ah ah, the girl is really super cute, I waited and watched for a week, and decided to start flirting, I will post it in this post I will report the progress to everyone, and everyone wish me success!"

    Floor 23: "God, is this a cute show!"

    Floor 39: "The Great God Groundhog screams so cute!"

    47th floor: "This tone is a girl's tone, you are sure that the so-called Fu Shen is actually a Fu Shen, not a... Si or a female man."

    Floor 88: "Anonymous forum, you can't tell the difference between a person and a dog, please be careful with online dating."

    Floor 177: "I want to see what the landlord wants to fix."

    Floor 267: "Wonderful things happen every year, especially this year. Even Fu Xuechen is fake."

    After reading the post, Yuan Qian, who read the post with Ran Xing, tilted her head and asked, "How do you feel?"

    Ran Xing looked indifferent: "It's fake!"

    Yuan Qian nodded and agreed: "It's really fake, he didn't reply after he posted the post, and he didn't take a photo to prove himself, and even if he did, he might have taken the photo of Fu Xuechen directly. "

    Ran woke up, returned to his position, and complained, "Who do you think this is, it's all boring, actually pretending to be Fu Xuechen."

    Yuan thought for a moment and suggested, "Didn't you add Fushen's WeChat? Why don't you ask him on WeChat if it's him on 98?"

    Ran Xing shook his head: "Fu Xuechen, a scholar who swept Qiu Sai, must be busy with super difficult math problems at the moment, so I won't bother him with such boring things!"

    Yuan Qian pinched her chin and said in a deep voice, "That's right, after all, a scholar like Fu Shen, how could it be possible to use the forum."

    Ran woke up and turned on the computer, planning to chase something, she said leisurely: "The rumors stop with the wise."

    As a wise man, how could Ran Xing believe in the groundless scandals on the forum!

    She and Fu Xuechen basically have no intersection!


    On the other side, Lantian Men's Dormitory 512.

    Fu Xuechen didn't see Ran Xing continue to reply after he posted the post. Ran Xing clarified the scandal between the two in the previous post and slapped him in the face and it didn't disappear.

    Fu Xuechen swiped her phone, opened WeChat, and on the chat interface, the conversation with Hypnos still stayed last week, and she sent him her class schedule.

    Fu Xuechen looked at this page, his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

    A week later, he found that Ran Xing, the sleeping pill, was really supernatural. As long as he was by her side, he not only fell asleep quickly, but also had a good sleep quality.


    It is difficult for most people to imagine how comfortable it is to fall asleep after a long period of insomnia.

    Fu Xuechen has suffered from insomnia for so many years, and finally got a good night's sleep.

    Even if he wanted to live, he had to take the sleeping pill Ranxing for a long time, so he couldn't be in a hurry, he had to take it slowly, and he had to deceive the little girl's body and mind.


    Fu Xuechen stared at the screen of the mobile phone and said nothing.

    Yi Ju said bluntly: "That girl is called Ran Xing, right, Fu Xuechen, please do whatever you can to take Ran Xing as your own! As for you, it can only be her in this life. , don't even think about others."

    As Fu Xuechen's roommate, of course Yi Jubai knew about Fu Xuechen and Ran Xing.

    A week ago, the Shang Dynasty told him about Fu Xuechen's falling asleep. He lived with Fu Xuechen for more than a year, and he knew how badly Fu Xuechen was troubled by insomnia. The temper has become quite irritable and irritable because of long-term insomnia.

    This week, Fu Xuechen slept well, and his personality was docile and lovely like a little sheep.

    Fu Xuechen today is a gentle and easy-going person, completely two people from before.

    The Shang Dynasty did not mention this again. He believed that Fu Xuechen's IQ and emotional intelligence could handle this matter properly. He only took out a brand new set of poker and said, "Let's play poker! Chenchen and Baibai together, let's fight the landlord! Whoever loses will drink mineral water, and they are not allowed to go to the toilet tonight, let's see who's bladder is not good."

    Yi Jubai was called "Bai Bai", and the corner of his lips shook violently.

    In their dormitory, since the Shang Dynasty moved in and Fu Xuechen had enough sleep, the style of painting has been called a mutation. In the past, it was a serious science and engineering dormitory, but since the dormitory moved in a monster And the other evildoer was full of sleep and showed his true shape, and the atmosphere in the bedroom became gay.

    Yi Jubai is quite a scumbag, and he is not the kind of person who can study himself seriously. At this moment, he is so idle that he agrees: "Okay, let's go together. , let's see who can't do it first."

    Boys, never say "no"!

    It's not only about face, but also about lining.

    Fu Xuechen didn't see the news of Ran Xing, and felt a little upset. He was upset and planned to vent his anger. It happened that two dishes were sent to him to torture him. : "Come on, Doudizhu, it just so happened that I just brought two boxes of water from the supermarket, you are blessed."

    Who wouldn't let it go, Yi Jubai said: "The water you brought yourself must be kept for your own drinking."

    Shang Dynasty didn't say a word, what came to mind were two roommates who drank a belly of water and begged him to let them pee. That picture was a little dirty, what's the matter.

    This game is one afternoon, and the game is not over until all the two boxes of water are exhausted.

    Shen Cizhang came back from class in the afternoon and saw two roommates with disheveled faces and Fu Xuechen, who was calm and peaceful. In the previous gambling appointment, you are not allowed to go to the toilet tonight. But I am in a good mood recently, so I will give you a yard, and you are not allowed to go to the toilet before twelve o'clock tonight. "

    Yi Jubai was a little unconvinced, patted the computer desk and said, "Continue, I don't believe you won't lose."

    Shang Dynasty drank not too much water, but not too little. He really couldn't drink any more, so he refused: "No more fighting, no more fighting."

    He found out that Fu Xuechen is a bug.

    Fighting landlords, one is keeping cards, and the other is eye contact between farmers.

    Mathematical genius like Fu Xuechen can record cards faster than others, but he has a high emotional intelligence and a good ability to observe words and feelings. He made eye contact with Yi Jubai. Play them in various ways.

    So, lose again and again.

    Shen Cizhang asked clearly about the situation, and said with contempt: "Fighting landlords with Fu Xuechen, hehe, I have never seen the two of you sent to self-abuse like this, you didn't see that Fu Shen was in a displeased mood and took out your anger tonight. What!"

    Yi Jubai said irritably, "I used to win every time I played cards."

    Shen Cizhang sneered coldly: "That's because those little followers of yours dare not beat you, just with your card skills, I won't be surprised no matter how much you lose."

    Yi Ju Bai frowned in thought, and was silent.

    After playing cards, Fu Xuechen was naturally in a good mood with his roommate. He looked at the potted plant on the table that he had been raising since his freshman year in high school.

    It's not the common potted plants like succulents, green dills, but the less popular pink palms.

    Looking at the pot of flowers, Fu Xuechen smiled lightly, took the spray bottle, and sprayed the pot of powder palm he kept.

    This pot of pink palm has been carefully tended for several years and is now entering its long flowering period of two to four months.

    The pink heart-shaped petals bloom just right on the emerald green leaves.

    "The flowers are blooming!"

      It depends on your performance when your mother gets married."

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