Chapter 471: Fiasco

While Usa slumped on the bench in a daze, unable to get up, feeling exhausted by the trial he had encountered, Shishio and Shiina were alright, and they didn’t seem to be affected by the haunted house.

On the other hand, the reaction of Ritsu and Hikigaya was slightly strange. They were tired and didn’t want to move, but many of them could see some blushes on their faces.

While they didn’t seem surprised by Ritsu’s blush, they felt strange by Hikigaya’s blush, and they must admit it was quite disgusting.


Hikigaya wasn’t sure, but he felt someone was thinking something rude about him. Still, since he had walked out of the haunted house, he needed to calm his pounding heart. He knew the reason why his heart pounded because of the haunted house, and it definitely had nothing to do with a different reason.


Still, Shishio didn’t know why, but he decided to put some distance with Hikigaya and talked with Yui, Yukinoshita, Rui, and Momo, wondering whether there was something they wanted to play.

Shiina was obedient since she played on a roller coaster and haunted house, listening to the story of the theme park around the country with stars in her eyes.

While they talked to each other, they decided to try another attraction.

“Ritsu-senpai, do you want to come with us?” Shishio asked.

Ritsu looked at Shishio for a moment before she looked at the girls around him before she said, “…It’s alright, I need to take a rest for a while.” She took out her book and opened the page where she had bookmarked before continuing to read it. However, she looked up and asked, “Where are you going to play?”

“Mirror house,” Shiina said.

Ritsu hesitated for a moment before she closed her books. “Okay, let’s play.” Anyway, she could read her book later, and it was a rare time for her to play with everyone in the theme park. It might be her first time doing this since she usually puts her book as the first priority, yet this time, she didn’t. Still, she didn’t regret it and followed them.

Usa and Hikigaya were the same, and they also joined them since they might not come here shortly. The price of coming here also wasn’t low either, so they didn’t want to waste their money and continued to play around until they were dead tired.

Still, Usa was looking for a chance to confess, and hopefully, that chance would come before they went home. He looked at Shishio’s back and gave him a signal.


While Shishio was speechless, he only nodded helplessly, making Usa feel happy. Frankly, he hated this type of person who said they loved someone to their acquaintances, so their acquaintances wouldn’t make a move on their crush.

Usa was like that, and it started to annoy him.

Still, Shishio had promised to help Usa, and this was the last time, whatever the result be.

However, Hikigaya frowned, but he didn’t say anything since this wasn’t his problem.

Since they had played all the attractions that gave them adrenaline, they played various others attractions with a happy smile.

Still, Ritsu kept staring at Shishio from time to time, feeling helpless and complex. She had always thought of Shishio as her friend, and he had always thought of her as his friend. There was nothing more, and there was nothing less. However, sometimes, she felt it might be wonderful when she thought of having a relationship with more than just a friend.

Still, Ritsu didn’t know how Shishio felt about her. They might be friends, but she must admit she was troublesome and she was awkward. When she thought from the first time they met until now, she felt had always caused him trouble one after another. She also kept receiving help from him and wondered whether there was something she could do.

However, Ritsu knew she didn’t think she could help him unless she could give him her…


Ritsu was in silence and lowered her head since she felt embarrassed.

“What’s wrong, Senpai?” Nanami asked, feeling weird by Ritsu’s action.

“It-It’s okay. I-I am a little tired,” Ritsu quickly said.

“Ah, do you need to rest, Senpai? Do you need a drink?” Usa, who heard Ritsu’s words, quickly said while looking around worriedly.


“…It’s okay.” Ritsu wasn’t sure why Usa suddenly said all of that, but this was the only thing she could say. She looked at Nanami and said, “Nanami, can you accompany me to rest?”

Nanami was surprised, but she nodded. “Okay.”

The two walked on the bench and sat together, resting while talking to each other.

Usa looked at Ritsu for a while before he let out a long sigh, wondering whether there was a chance for them to be alone, but then he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned and saw it was Hikigaya. “Senpai?”

“Let’s play for a while,” Hikigaya said, knowing it was out of his character, but he felt it was necessary to do so since he could see how desperate he was. Furthermore, he had this type of experience in the past, so if possible, he wanted to calm Usa down.

However, was it possible?

Usa looked at Ritsu for a while before he reluctantly nodded. He could see Nanami would be there for a while, and it might take a while for them to talk, so it was better to spend his time playing since he also wanted to play for a bit.

Still, on this condition, Usa felt it was quite hard to play, and he just wanted to utter his real feeling to Ritsu.

When Usa and Hikigaya left, Nanami looked at Usa’s back before she shook her head. She then looked at Ritsu and asked, “What’s wrong, Senpai?”

“No, I am just tired, but I don’t want to be alone,” Ritsu said frankly, but she wasn’t sure why she said this. Still, she was dumbfounded when Nanami chuckled. “Wh-Why did you laugh?” She pouted and felt slightly annoyed.

“I just didn’t expect you to say this. After all, if it was before, would you say you didn’t want to stay alone?” Nanami said that she remembered how Ritsu would stay alone while reading books all the time, ignoring her surroundings.


Ritsu was silent since she knew Nanami was right. However, after she had stayed with Nanami and Shiina for a long time, she knew their relationship had become closer, and they became friends with each other.

Nanami didn’t say anything and just sipped her cola. She didn’t need to do hard work again, skip meals, or do anything to save her money since she was being taken care of by Shishio. If there was something hard, it was quite hard to take care of his sexual urge, and she only succumbed to him every time. However, she would be lying if she didn’t like it.

Still, Nanami was somehow in a daze when she thought about their last play. She acted like a housemaid who was being forced by her master. While the play might be weird, she was so excited and cried even harder. Her nectar also kept dripping at that time, which made her want him to bullet her more.

However, Nanami knew this shouldn’t be said to anyone, and it was better to keep this matter a secret.

The only thing that Nanami was worried about was whether it was okay for her to get excited about this matter.

Nanami didn’t know, but as long as Shishio loved it, she would try it too.

“Nanami, what’s your relationship with Shishio?” Ritsu suddenly asked, causing Nanami to choke.

“Cough! Cough!” The cola almost entered her nose, but she held it, and she was glad she didn’t have to show an embarrassing scene. Still, she kept coughing hard since the cola entered her throat the wrong way.

“Are you alright, Nanami?” Ritsu panicked while patting Nanami’s back from time to time.

Nanami had tears in her eyes, but she quickly got better before she sipped the cola again gently. She then let out a long sigh and said, “I am okay, Senpai.” She then looked at Ritsu and asked, “But then, why did you suddenly ask that?”

“Well, I was just curious why you often stayed in his room for a few hours…” Ritsu murmured.

“…” Nanami was in silence, and if Ritsu realized what she was doing, then shouldn’t the others too?

Nanami thought for a moment and looked at Ritsu for a while. “Don’t tell anyone, but we’re in that kind of relationship.”

“…..” Ritsu blinked her eyes and asked, “…That kind?”

“We had sex,” Nanami said with a blush.

“…..” Ritsu opened her eyes wide, but she didn’t scream or anything and only asked, “You… you aren’t dating, right?” If it was another, she didn’t overthink, but Nanami was different since she had never heard Nanami was dating Shishio. She only heard Nanami was working as his maid.



“Was it alright?” Nanami asked.

Ritsu nodded since this was the question she wanted to ask.

“I say it depends on who that person is, whether it is alright or not, but right now, I just want to be with him even if I can’t become his lover,” Nanami said firmly.

‘Be with him…’ Ritsu murmured.

“Well, you shouldn’t put me as an example, Senpai.” Nanami also knew her relationship with Shishio wasn’t something one could be proud of, especially when they weren’t even lovers. Still, she was okay with it and satisfied with it. However, she would be lying if she didn’t want their relationship to be even closer.

Ritsu nodded and didn’t ask about Nanami’s relationship again, and they talked about many things, but it was mostly about Shishio.

The time felt as if it moved so fast with a happy time.

Before long, it was already evening, and they thought about going back.

Still, before they returned, they wanted to ride on the Ferris wheel and take a picture together.

However, it might be deliberate or a coincidence when Ritsu was waiting for everyone while reading a book, Usa sat near her and suddenly asked, “Senpai, do you have fun?”

Ritsu looked up and saw it was Usa. Frankly, they weren’t particularly close, and they didn’t really talk to each other besides greeting. Still being asked, she nodded since she had fun.

“That’s great.” Usa let out a sigh of relief.

Ritsu lowered her head again and continued to read her book, but Usa didn’t let her.

“Senpai…” Usa took a deep breath and asked, “Can I ask something?”

Ritsu wondered what Usa wanted to say and looked at him quietly. “Do you want to say something?”

Usa nodded and said, “Senpai, I like you. Be my girlfriend.”


Ritsu was in a daze, and she didn’t expect she was being confessed out of the blue. If it was someone else, she would reject it without hesitation. Still, she had already had an answer on her mind, but she wondered whether it was okay to say this.

“Senpai?” Usa was so nervous that he felt his heart could jump out anytime. Still, he thought he would be accepted since he recalled how Ritsu would reject anyone without hesitation.


“Sorry…” Ritsu apologized, and right now, she felt everything was so awkward, but she knew she couldn’t be so rude, especially when Usa was Shishio’s friend. “I can’t accept your confession since I don’t feel that way toward you. I am sorry.” She then left after a moment of hesitation since she just didn’t know what to say or react to at this moment.

On the other hand, Usa only sat there, turning white pale before disappearing into the dust.

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