Chapter 744: Demon

Unlike the explosion of the car before, this explosion was brutal.

It destroyed everything.

The fire blazed and razed everything.

The impact sent everything flying.

The noise ruined the ears of everyone in the vicinity.

The flame of the explosion rose into the sky like a massive mushroom, erasing all the darkness in this place, yet instead of bringing warmth and hope, it brought despair.

Haruno was quite lucky since even if she planned to attack Yuujiro, she didn't intend to approach him carelessly and stayed in her position, hiding behind several shipping containers until she saw a chance, but when the explosion happened, she was stunned silly.

Still, while she was lucky since she was quite far from the explosion and the shipping containers also reduced the impact, she squatted down, trying to hide since many shipping containers flew everywhere and smashed everything. She closed her ears, trying to ease the pain in her ears since the explosion was so loud.

Her world was ringing, and she almost lost consciousness because of the dizziness, but she gritted her teeth, trying to hold her subconscious. She didn't know what was happening, but she knew she needed to help Shishio now, or else she might lose him.

As of now, no one could help him except for her.


While Shishio and Yuujiro were fighting, Shishio sent a signal to his subordinates to hunt down all the people who were related to Yuujiro.

Whether it was Baki Hanma, Jack Hanma, Yuujiro's mother, or many others.

As long as they were related to Yuujiro, Shishio was going to erase all of them.

Naturally, they also went to the abandoned warehouse to help Shishio since how could they let their boss fight such a dangerous existence?

Roberta also came, and she was the leader of this operation. Still, unlike her usual cold expression, her current expression was brutal, like a beast. As of now, in her heart, if something really happened to Shishio, she was going to use all of her life hunting down all the people who were related to Yuujiro before he followed Shishio to the afterlife.

On the other hand, while it was quite unrealistic, Baki Hanma also felt something. It was as if he felt something important in his heart was about to disappear, which made him wake up from his slumber.


His dog also looked at Baki cautiously, wondering what was happening.

Baki couldn't control his calm and didn't know what was happening, but he knew he felt something about his father.

"NO! NO! NO!"

However, Baki quickly shook his head. While he hated his father, he knew that man was invincible.

As the strongest man in the world, nothing could kill Yuujiro.
Even the United States had to bow down to this man.

"Yes, he is going to be alright."

Baki was about to sleep again, but he opened his eyes again since he couldn't sleep and felt restless. He didn't know why he felt this way and worried about that man since he had always wanted to kill him, especially after Yuujiro had killed his mother. He should hate Yuujiro and would be happy if Yuujiro died, but somehow he couldn't.

While Baki hated his father, he also loved his father.

As he rested on his bed, he felt conflicted.


Who could get his father into such trouble?

Still, suddenly a picture of a young man emerged in his mind. This young man... similar to others, he also dismissed him since he thought that all the people this young man had fought were weak. But, if it was a matter of artistic talent, while he didn't have an interest, all his classmates talked about him, so he knew how good he was, which made his mood worse.

Even the girl he had a crush on also talked about this young man, which annoyed him even more.

However, he knew that he couldn't look down on this young man, especially when he had defeated Kaiou Retsu, a master of Chinese martial arts.

As for defeating his father?

Baki snorted since the only one that could defeat his father was him, his son.

Still, he couldn't fall asleep, so he stood up from his bed and decided to take a night walk, but when he walked out of the door, he felt danger but couldn't react and was shot. His head smashed like a crushed watermelon, and he died.

Baki might be the son of Yuujiro, the strongest man in the world, but he wasn't the strongest man. He might also be the protagonist of his story, but Shishio had defeated many protagonists, and they were nothing in his eyes.

If Shishio wanted them to disappear, then they would disappear.

The sudden commotion also startled Baki's dog, and it realized his master had died, but as it came to his master's dying body, it was shot.

Then, in the distance, someone put down the sniper and talked with his boss from the walkie-talkie.

"The target has been cleared up."

"Roger. Continue with the rest."


A similar scene happened in many places on this earth.

Naturally, those who lived in the corner, and a place which was hard to arrive, would take a while, but for those who lived in the city, all of them were massacred.

From the beginning to the end, Shishio knew that Yuujiro was a threat to him, so he had prepared many things to handle him. Naturally, it also included all the information about his family, women, descendants, friends, and all the people who were related to him.

To be honest, he had never used it and only kept it since he was just curious, but since Yuujiro had become his enemy, he didn't show mercy. He was going to erase everything related to Yuujiro.

No matter who they were, they were going to be sent to the afterlife as long as they were related to Yuujiro.


Now, while everything related to Yuujiro was killed by his people, Shishio stood on the top of the crane, watching the dust explosion he had set up from the beginning. He held his right shoulder and fixed his dislocated bones before he sighed in relief since he had to say Yuujiro's punch was painful.

Still, he had to say everything was so smooth, making him realize that Yuujiro wasn't that smart.

Or was this guy too arrogant?

Or was his action too good?

Either way, he wondered whether this demon could stay alive within this explosion or not.

He had prepared everything, whether this abandoned warehouse or the flour, to create the dust explosion, he had prepared everything. It was also why he brought Haruno and Yuujiro to this place since he had bought this place for Yuujiro's burial.

Whether it was the shipping containers, flours, or many others, from the beginning to the end, Yuujiro had fallen into his trap. He even hacked the satellite since he knew that the United States had always observed Yuujiro with the satellite.

In this fight, no one knew it except for him, Haruno, Roberta, and the rest of his people.

When the explosion subsided, Shishio landed on the ground since he was going to search for Yuujiro's copse. Maybe, he should build a robot with this guy's body since, as a thug, this guy was so convenient, especially when even the United States bowed down to this guy.

Yuujiro's body was also good for research purposes since, as the strongest human, there should be many mysteries about it.

However, before that, Shishio was going to check whether Yuujiro was dead or not since he had a feeling that if this was over, then it would be too easy, and as the strongest man in the world, he would be disappointed if this guy fell so quickly.

As expected, even if he had expected it, he was surprised to see a figure standing in the middle of the flame. The explosion was rather intense, so the fire hadn't cleared out entirely, but even so, he could see a silhouette standing in the middle of the fire. He could hear a low groan from this person before the voice completely disappeared.

His eyes were good, so he could see Yuujiro's figure.

Unlike before, Yuujiro was burnt. His skin, hair, and many parts of his body were burnt, leaving only the muscles and bones under. Still, they were charred entirely since they were scorched by the fire.

Watching this, Shishio snorted.

Strongest human?

In the end, Yuujiro was a human, and he wasn't so invincible.

Many might say that only a nuclear bomb could defeat Yuujiro, but here he died from a dust explosion.

However, Shishio widened his eyes and quickly softened his body, raised his hands, and let himself follow the force of this attack.


Once again, he was blown away and crashed into several shipping containers before he coughed up blood. His arms were mangled in a different direction before he bit his tongue, trying to maintain his consciousness. He had tried to avert most of the force of Yuujiro's punch, but he was still seriously injured. He could feel that many of his bones were broken, which made him moan in pain, yet even if he was in so much pain, he felt speechless.

At this moment, he had to say everything he saw was unrealistic. He felt that he had traveled to a fantasy world instead of a modern world with the logic behind it since, at this moment, the scorched skin on Yuujiro's body started to peel off automatically, showing the body below.

Yuujiro might have lost his skin, but even so, his muscles were still maintaining his life. Their color was as red as blood as if they weren't affected by the explosion.

He also raised his hands high like a fighting cock, which was ready to fight to the death.

He also tensed his entire muscles, causing them to deform into the shape of a demon.

Yes, a demon.

This demon crawled back to the earth from hell, and he planned to drag Shishio down with him.

Shishio, who was just hit and seriously injured, saw another supersonic punch, which was about to punch him, and widened his eyes.

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