“Master, more wine.”

“Coming up!” (Barkeeper)

I order more wine from the Barkeeper, which is crowded as usual, and spoon up some of the stew.

Another stew today. Yesterday, another stew. The day before that too. After all, stews can be made in a large pot with a lot of ingredients at once must be a great idea.

Incidentally, it is said that a broth-based dish that contains a lot of ingredients is called a stew, while a dish that mainly contains broth is called a soup. In other words, it’s better to have something they call a stew.

I tore off a piece of black bread with my hand, dipped it in the stew, and threw it in my mouth.

Since I had recently moved up in rank and my life had become more stable, I began to wonder if I should think about improving my diet. I started to think about it. I can cook a little, and it might be a good idea to try making something myself… But then, what to make? I’m having trouble thinking about it.

I have a feeling that I want to eat Japanese food soon. However, it is difficult to make the soup stock that is essential for Japanese food. Looking at the market, I found carrots, onions, potatoes, and garlic-like ingredients mixed in with other strange ingredients that are unique to this world, but there was no sign of kombu (seaweed/kelp) or even katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes). Soy sauce and miso would be even more hopeless.

“Wine, five copper coins.” (Barkeeper)

The Barkeeper put the wine on the counter.

I put the copper coins I had prepared on the counter and took the wine. He licked and sipped the wine.

When it comes to that, realistically I can make some western food… Probably a dish that I would want to eat even if I take the time to make it myself…

“It’s difficult…”

When I looked up, I could see the cook cooking meat over a charcoal fire, surrounded by smoke and the noise of adventurers. In the back of the kitchen, you can see a large pot of stew simmering over a wood fire.

According to the level of technology in this world, it is common to use charcoal and wood flames for cooking. This means that fine control of the heat is difficult. Dishes that require a lot of heat adjustment, such as deep-frying, would be much more difficult.

Besides, from what I saw in the market, there was no such thing as a sauce for sale. If you want to eat sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc., you have to make them all by yourself. It’s all homemade here.

“Cooking is so hard.”

The next morning, I woke up more relaxed than usual and left the inn.

I didn’t want to go to the dungeon today, but I wanted to check out the market.

I thought about going outside the town to check the capacity of my magic bag using stones and such, but I had some business at the market and decided to put it off.

Well, I was satisfied with the capacity of that magic bag when I could store almost all of my belongings in it. I’m already sure that the amount I can carry will be more than doubled, so it’s already enough. There’s no need to rush to check it out.

By the way, the pot with the hot wine that I put in the magic bag. I checked it after I woke up, but it was already cold. So there is a high possibility that time has passed even in the magic bag. There may be other possibilities, but I can’t think of any at the moment, so I’ll just use it on the assumption that time has passed.

This was unfortunate. If there was no passage of time, I would have been able to stock up on raw ingredients and street food. It was not as convenient as I had hoped.

I walked along the cobblestone street to the east side of the town, passing through the hustle and bustle of people and carriages.

There are many grocery stores on the east side of this town. This may be because there are many fields on the east side of the town.

As I entered a four-meter wide street in the middle of the main street near the east gate, I saw a lively market crowded with people even in the early morning hours.

“Three Appol for one copper coin!” (Vendor)

“Freshly picked vegetables this morning! See for yourself.” (Vendor)

“Salted meat, one silver coin! It’s a bargain!” (Vendor)

Voices fly from the shops all over the place trying to outdo each other despite the chaotic streets. [T/N: The apple/appol was not Ringo “林檎” and was instead Apporu “アッポル” so it should be foreign-ish.]

I slowly made my way along the street, looking at the stores along the road and the stalls that were doing business in the middle of the street.

Appol, by the way, is a fruit similar to an apple, and the taste is almost the same. Of course, it is too strong compared to Japanese apples, but I feel relieved when I see such a familiar fruit from Earth.

However, next to the Appol, there is a Banani fruit. This is a fruit that I’ve eaten in the Southern Village, but it looks like a pear but tastes like a banana, and if it’s not ripe enough, it is something like a potato. I have to be careful because there are some crazy ones like this that will betray my expectations

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