The next morning, the entire party headed for the Adventurer’s Guild.

It seemed that Gilm-san’s business was not yet finished, and we would have to stay in the village for a while longer.

Personally, I have plenty of things to do in my spare time, such as practicing magic, so I don’t need to come here to work, but it’s also true that I don’t have that much money to spare, so I don’t really have any objections.

No, when I think about it, I only have a few gold coins in my possession, and if I get sick or suffer from food poisoning due to bad food here, I might be stuck in bed for a few days.

I shuddered at the thought.

Even the sausages I had eaten at the food stall yesterday were sold in the morning, which means they must have been made the day before or even earlier. If there had been a problem in the process of making it, or in the way it was stored, and if E. coli had grown in it, I might not have been able to get out of bed.

I don’t think there are any laws in this world that set food safety standards, and I’m sure such matters are left to the individual producer’s responsibility. If I keep on thinking that everything is basically safe in the modern Japanese sense, I am sure I will be burned someday.

I should not slack off on my preparations, but rather make sure that I have enough time to deal with any unexpected problems that may arise.

I arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild and followed the others inside.

Inside the guild, there were several groups of adventurers, and it was crowded. A number of adventurers were gathered in front of the notice board, checking their requests, and in the bar area, adventurers were discussing something with each other. There were more people here than in the Southern Village, after all.

Dan walks toward the bulletin board.

We head towards the bar and find an empty table to sit at.

Basically, it seems to be an unspoken rule that only one or two people in a party can go check out the notice board. It’s not so strict as to be a rule. It’s not so much a rule as it is a set of customs or unspoken rules.

I sat down on a chair and listened to the gossip of the adventurers around me.

“I heard that the number of monsters in Rankfurt is increasing.” (Adventurer A)

“Hmm… well, it doesn’t really matter here.” (Adventurer B)

“That’s right, it seems that there’s an increase in the number of monsters along the road from here to Rankfurt. It may be tough for the lower-ranked adventurers.” (Adventurer A)

“I see… I’ll have to be careful with my youngsters.” (Adventurer B)

“The commercial guild’s herb collection failed.” (Adventurer C)

“Seriously! Is the price of medicine going to shoot up?” (Adventurer D)

“It’s still fine for now because the Apothecary Guild has some stock.” (Adventurer C)

“I hear there’s a strange atmosphere in the west.” (Adventurer E)

“Is that so? I’ve never heard of such a rumor.” (Adventurer E)

“Yeah, I just heard about it from an old friend of mine.” (Adventurer E)

“Who is this old friend of yours? Can you trust him?” (Adventurer E)

“Well, it’s up to you to believe me or not.” (Adventurer E)

“Tsk! You’re a drunk and talking nonsense, aren’t you?” (Adventurer E)

While I was listening in, Dan came back.

“I didn’t have any good requests. Let’s just hunt some monsters.” (Dan)

“Well, it’s a hassle because you have to be quite far from this place before monsters appear!” (Mel)

Mel immediately reacted to Dan’s words.

For some reason, monsters do not approach this village. In other words, if you want to defeat a monster, you have to leave the village.

It is true that it may be a little troublesome. So there are some issues with the lack of monsters.

Rocky, who was walking in front, raised his hand and stopped. He then instructed everyone to crouch down with his hand.

We left the village and headed south, and after about two hours of walking through the forest, we finally spotted the monster.

While crouching, I looked in the direction Rocky was looking.

Moving my face, I looked for a place where I could easily see behind the gaps between the grasses.

There they were. It’s a goblin.

They number in… as far as I can see, three?

They are hitting the tree trunks with something like a club and peeling off the bark from where it was damaged. Then he began to eat the soft inner part of the bark, munching on it.

Hmmm ……. I’ve only seen goblins in dungeons before, but I wonder if wild goblins are herbivores?

Or is there something in the bark of those trees?

Some trees, like some maple trees, have sugar in their sap, so I guess it’s not surprising that some trees have some active ingredients in their bark.

“Gugaguga” (Goblin)

No… I can’t imagine that they have the intelligence to think and act in such a difficult way from the way they are eating the bark of…… trees while giggling.

I’m not sure if I’m thinking too hard or not.

…… Goblins are the weakest of the monsters and have a low ability in hunting prey. In other words, goblins, who are unable to obtain nature’s bounty such as nuts, basically have nothing to eat but grass and tree bark.

I think it’s more reasonable to think that way…

In the meantime, Dan makes a sign with his hand.

At that moment, Rocky stood up and shot an arrow.

Immediately Dan and Mel ran towards the goblins. When I saw it, I hurriedly followed.

We had already decided on our signs and what we would do if we spotted the enemy.

Rocky, who was in the lead, would give the signal when he spotted the enemy, and then Dan would assess the situation, and if it was no good, we would retreat, or if it was possible, Rocky would fire a shot, and then we would all charge immediately.

This time, I was thinking a lot, and it was too late to start moving.

In the end, Rocky shot the goblins in the chest with his first blow, Dan and Mel took them out one by one with one blow, and I just ran with my spear and that was it.

Well, there were three goblins, so I guess it couldn’t be helped.

I’ll try harder next time.

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