I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 142 – Guild master.

I left that mansion with the fat man while looking inside, looking for that girl, and when I looked upstairs, she was waving at me through the window, and I just smiled at her.

'I think she is trusting me now?' Well, I made her trust me in some way, I said that seriously, so she started to believe that I would get her out of here.

'And I will do this. I will get her out of there-'

"Hurry up. We have to go back to Grenrok tomorrow. We can't stay here for long." Before I could finish my reasoning, what the fat man said took me by surprise.

Wait, are they coming back tomorrow? I won't have time to do anything here if we leave tomorrow, I must stop it in some way, or I can just give up on this trip and let another adventurer escort them.

The only problem is, is there another adventurer descended in this city? So far, I have not been able to see anyone who showed little confidence in his strength, and they are just ordinary men holding a terrible sword.

'I am not leaving until I solve everything that is happening here, I have to tell him that.' I will lose my guild reward, but I will get it back with that mayor.

I think he has a lot of money left. Maybe he can give me some, right?

'Wait, what I'm thinking, I need this money to help the city.' I can't take the mayor's money, and I have to use it to rebuild the city or help these people.

But I don't know how to do that, I would need proper management to make this city grow again, and I don't think I can do that, maybe I can try?

Well, I don't have to think about it now. I have to tell him.

"Listen, I'm not going back with you, I think it's best to look for another escort," I said it in a calm and easy to understand way, but I think it somehow seems rude since the fat man started to turn red.

"What?" He was getting so red that I thought he was going to try to hit me somehow, but I wasn't scared, of course. I continued to stare at him while he gave his tantrum.

"Can you explain to me why you are not coming back?" He tried to calm down, but his voice still sounded harsh, and his feelings were stamped on his face, I think that is impossible for him.

"No, there's no reason to explain anything, I just don't want to go back now." Well, I wouldn't say that I want to help the city or anything, but if I keep insisting on it, maybe he'll suspect something.

I thought it would be like that, but after so much grumbling and cursing myself mentally, he said.

"Okay, let's go to the guild, but I never want to see you in front of me again."

"Hoo, so is that it? Are you sure it will be like this?" I started looking at him coldly, just to make him a little scared, but after doing that, he didn't answer me again.

So we just went to the guild.


In a short time, we had already arrived at the guild's door, the fat man's heavy steps echoed throughout the guildhall, well, he was quite irritated by all this, of course, he would be like that.

"Can I help you?" Whoever received us was the girl who works as a receptionist, after seeing the fat man's face she stepped back a little, but soon returned to her usual self, a girl who has a look without movement.

She doesn't smile or have any expression. She's a strange girl.

"Yes, I would like to inform the guild master about something, it seems that this little girl does not want to accompany us back, so it is a serious matter." Was that so serious? I thought it wouldn't matter so much.

Maybe he already knows what I want to do and is angry because he can't do anything about it? No, I think this is unlikely.

"Okay, well, I'm going to inform the guild master about this, just wait a few minutes, please." She was a very polite girl, but she seemed a little scared of this fat man, maybe she also knows what is going on here.

Now that I've started to think, maybe even the guild master knows all about it, it's entirely possible.

'Will he try to stop me?' I may have some problems if that happens, but I don't think anything like that will happen.

"I do not accept that." The fat man was still grumbling, but I pretended I wasn't listening.

What we have left now is to wait for the girl to return.


Toc ~~

Toc ~~

"Master, I have good news. That girl is here." The guild master had told me to warn if that little girl showed up again. I think he will be pleased to know about it.

"I'm fine. Come in."

"So, she's back, what is she doing now?" The guild master seemed very anxious. I think it is better to speak to him.

"Sebastian is back, but the girl doesn't want to accompany him back, so he wanted to discuss this with the master." Seeing the Master so happy is good, I think that was the best news he could hope for.

"I don't know why she doesn't want to leave, but I need to talk to this girl, send them up, and I left the rest with me."

I think my work here is done, the Master is pleased, and maybe all that we are finishing an end.

Would it be right to trust our destiny in a little girl we just met? I still have my doubts, but if the Master trusts so much that this may be possible, I can only accept.

Maybe someday I'll smile again.

"Yes, I will speak to them." I turned to leave the room, but those words made me happy for a second.

"Thank you for everything you have done." Those were the words of a father, I never had a father, but sometimes I feel like the Master is him.

A father I never had, I think it's cool to have someone like that, even if he doesn't have the same blood as yours.

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