I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 175 – Hunting monsters.

We stopped the carriage and set up a small camp for us to eat there on the ground, I used fire magic to light the fire, thankfully I have magic, I wouldn't be able to light the fire any other way.

Nobody was surprised when I used magic, of course, they both knew I could use magic and this magic I used was very simple, so Lincy's father must have seen it before, he lived a lot.

"What are we going to eat? I didn't bring anything, I thought I could leave the food with you." Lincy's father said as he sat on one of the stones that we were using as benches.

Everyone was sitting here around the fire, it was a camp, and that made me happy since I like it a lot.

But leaving that aside, I need to answer her question.

Actually, I don't know exactly what we can eat here, I still have some bread in my storage, but they will be a little sick if they only eat bread during the trip.

'Anyway, they're almost done.' And looking at it, I had to think of another way to get food, and of course, the best way I found was hunting wild monsters.

It would be a simple job since it is dark and I can use my magic without holding back if I am alone, I think I will do that.

"Okay, leave it to me, I'll go hunt for some food."

"Wait, are you serious? Do you have the capacity to hunt some kind of monster?" He was looking at me with a surprised face, I can see that he is afraid that I will get hurt.

I only have the body of a little girl, is everything okay? I am much stronger than you as well.

'Of course, I couldn't say that.' I was going to look like a nervous kid, so I preferred to keep quiet and move on with my plan, but even ignoring him, Lincy's father continued to chase me and say things in my ear.

"Dad, enough, she can do this."

"Are you sure?"

Hey, why are you so worried? I'm not your daughter or anything, I'm just a mysterious little girl that your daughter brought home, calm down a little, you'll end up having a heart attack.

"Okay, now I'm going." I started walking towards the forest that was a few meters away, to be more specific, on the other side of the camp, there were forests everywhere in fact.

This city doesn't have a lot of humans to cut down all these trees, so I understand why there is so much forest, but the more humans develop, the fewer forests there will be.

Well, it will take a while for something like this to happen, so I don't have to think about it now.

"Hey, can I go with you?" Before I was two meters away from the camp, I heard Syl's voice calling out to me.

She wanted to go to the forest with me, but I don't think that will be possible.

I won't be able to use all my strength and it can also be a little risky to take her like this. I am confident that I can protect her, but it is still better to avoid problems.

"Sorry, can you stay with Lincy for a while? It can be dangerous in the forest."

"No, I want to go with you." Wait, she won't start tantruming, right? Seeing this, I just looked at her for a while and said, "You can't come, do you understand?" Syl, who had been begging me to go before, was silent immediately.

I didn't want to have to scare her or do that, but I don't like children like that, I think it's best when they are quiet and don't bother me.

After I did that, Syl looked sad.

'Of course, she would be sad.' She walked towards Lincy and sat beside her, after that, I went on towards the forest, I hope she is not angry with me for not letting her come with me.


I arrived in the forest in a short time, and of course, I already activated my search magic. I thought about activating my drone, but I thought it best to use my magic to fly over the forest. I don't think I've ever looked for a monster that way, it will be fun.

With my search magic activated, I went flying over the trees and looking for some kind of wild boar or bird that can serve as food, I will not look for any monsters like a goblin, I think they are not edible.

After flying for some time and finding only monsters that are not edible, I ended up meeting a group of three pigs, or better saying, wild boars. They were huge pigs, I think they would kill a person easily.

'You are going to have a good dinner.' I flew towards them already with my ice sword in my hands and flew past one of the boars, and of course, I used my sword to take his head off.

As I passed by his side, I just swung my sword down hard and his head rolled on the floor.

The other boars I was reading were a little confused, but they soon noticed me flying over them, and of course, they couldn't do anything to hurt me. They kept making strange noises and jumping in my direction.

Looking at them from above, I decided not to use my sword to kill them, I just created large stone stakes that crushed their skulls with just one attack, not even a sound was made by them, it was instant death.

"Okay, I think it's okay now." With these three wild boars, we would certainly have food for the entire trip, and it was a very quick hunt.

I put the bodies of the boars inside my storage and kept flying over the trees, I was not lost, but it would be simpler if I did it over the top, and the feeling of flying is wonderful too.

But of course, before I left the forest, I started to walk, I didn't want anyone to know about my flying magic, even if it doesn't bring me any trouble for being just them, I still prefer not to show it.

I walked through the forest while I continued with my search magic activated, and in a short time, I managed to get out of the forest without any problems.

The three were still there, sitting around the fire while they talked when they saw me they fell silent and started to look at me.

"Didn't you manage to hunt anything? Was it too fast, or maybe you got scared and came back?" Lincy's father started to conclude before I could even say anything.

I didn't say anything either, just took the boar out of my storage and put it on the floor there. They were all surprised, and it was great to see Lincy's father's surprised face, take this, I'm strong, didn't I say?


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