"Have we got everything yet?" I asked Lincy, since she was going to prepare dinner, it was good to know what she would need.

"I think so, we can pay now, the other customers are already gone." We had stayed in this place for a long time, so the other customers had already left, but how had they paid for their purchase?

"Yes, but where should we pay?" I asked her, so Lincy also started looking around and then replied, "The counter is there, but there doesn't seem to be anyone, let's wait over there."

We went to the counter to wait for someone to answer us, but when we approached, we heard a voice calling us, it was the voice of a woman, but she was higher than I was normal, she even looked like a child.

For a moment I thought it was Syl, but she was standing behind me and didn't seem to have said anything. Lincy and I remained confused for a while until Syl decided to say something.

"Behind the counter." Hearing her words, Lincy moved closer to the counter and leaned over to look, when she did that I could see that she had gone pale, she had seen something.

Since I didn't want to go up on the counter, I walked over to the side of the counter to look behind him, and when I looked over there, I managed to see a woman, and now I realized why Lincy had gone pale.

The woman was looking at us with an angry face, she seemed to be annoyed with us, but did we do anything wrong? I don't remember doing anything.

She was a woman who was a little shorter than me, she had black hair tied back, and her eyes were a little gray. She wore a simple dress and also a brown vest.

I can't forget that she also had some muscles in her body, certainly, she was a dwarf, she was the first person who met a person of this race since I arrived here, it was a surprise, I would never imagine that the owner of this store was a dwarf.

Realizing this, I decided to start a friendly conversation so as not to make her even angrier.

"Hi, sorry if we made you angry for some reason, is that we couldn't see you, since you are very ... short?" I smiled at the woman trying to look nice, after that she took a deep breath and smiled at me too.

"Don't worry, sometimes it happens, I should use a bank, shouldn't I? So all customers could see me." She seemed to be a good-humored woman.

Maybe she wasn't even really angry before.

"My name is Larissa, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Abigail, nice to meet you, and other friends of hers, are they?"

"The tallest girl is my newly hired maid Lincy, and the shortest girl is my friend Syl, I've been looking after her for a while."

"I understand, but at that age do you already have a maid and also take care of a child? Isn't it too early?"

"Ahaha, I'm older than I look." I don't think she even imagines my real age.

"So you are also a dwarf? I arrived here a short time ago and I didn't find any other person of my race, the only dwarf people in this city that I know are me and my husband Oliver"

"No, no, I'm not a dwarf, I'm a human."

"I see, because the way you said it, I thought you were a dwarf." She didn't seem disappointed, thankfully.

"But you said you got here a little while ago, now I understand why I hadn't seen this store open before."

"Yes, I think we have only been here for a few days, but the store has become very popular because of the diversity of things I sell here, this is a good thing."

"I hope your store is even more successful."

"Thanks, but I think I've already taken up a lot of your time, would you like to pay for the items?"

Then Lincy took the basket with the items we had picked up and handed it to Abigail, even though she was small, she didn't seem to be having trouble carrying those baskets full of things.

She started to calculate all the items she had in there, the total value was 4 silver and 3 bronze coins, it was more expensive than I thought, but we had also taken a lot.

I handed the money over to her and then she started offering some cloth bags to take the items we bought, but I refused to pick them up and put all the items in my storage.

Abigail was surprised, but she didn't ask much about my magic, I'm sure she must think I'm a very talented wizard now.

"Thanks for coming, I hope you come back again."

"I will definitely come back."

I said goodbye to Abigail and we started walking towards the mansion, but now with the items, we needed for dinner, for the amount we bought we may not need to come back here for a while.

"I have never seen a dwarf before, they are really small." Lincy seemed in awe of Abigail since she first saw her, is it that rare to meet dwarves? Being a fantasy world, I thought they lived everywhere.

This explains why I never met humans with animal ears and the like, I think humans don't mix with them, what a pity, I wanted to find some humans with animal ears, it must be very cute.

"I also never saw one." Even Syl, who was part of the nobility and had traveled to the capital before, had never seen one, when I stayed in the capital for a while I also didn't find any dwarfs or half-animal men.

"Are dwarves so hard to find? What about men with animal ears and tails?" I asked them both.

"Hmm, normally they stay only in their own countries, they will not travel to the countries of humans, each race lives in their country and prefers not to leave, but there are rare cases like Abigail's, that living beings from other races decide to visit or live in human countries. "

"I see, although I have never met any before, Abigail is the first."

"Yes, I haven't found any before either, so I say it's rare for that to happen."

Now it all makes sense, each race is in its respective country, this is a little strange, normally in my old world, people don't care about that. Well, the rules of my old world don't work here.


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