After some time waiting for the food to be ready, and suffering because of that wonderful smell that was in the air, the food was ready and Lincy started to serve the dinner table.

There were already dishes in the house, so we didn't have to worry about that, there were also some jugs and Lincy had used them to make a good amount of juice for the three of us, but what a caring girl.

I sat at the table next to Syl and Lincy started serving us.

First, she served a small jug with something that looked like soup, then she started to put some food on our plates, first, it was meat, then some beans that looked like beans, I didn't really know what to choose in the market, so Lincy chose everything.

'Is that really beans? The smell was not strange to me. ' If this is beans, it will make my life even easier, I won't have to go far to find them, so it will be even easier to get the ingredients for the restaurant.

In addition to the beans, there was also something that looked like rice, but I took a small amount to taste, and it reminded me more of the taste of cassava, a very common food in Brazil.

I had only eaten a few times in a small Brazilian restaurant, and even in this world, it was still very tasty.

I was a little disappointed that it wasn't rice, because it would also be simpler to get ingredients like that. I don't even know what they call the cassava in this world, but it shouldn't be a very inviting name, like most things here.

But it's okay, then I'll look more closely at what these ingredients are called.

Lincy also put a bowl on the table with a large amount of salad, maybe she thought I didn't like salad very much, so she just put it on Syl's plate, since she knew her preferences.

After doing this she also put food on her own plate and sat down with us, I should play with her a little while saying that a maid cannot sit at the same table as her master, but I would feel very bad, so I preferred not to say nothing.

She had left a few glasses and also a jar of juice on the table, so after sitting down she started pouring the juice for everyone, I think she should do this before, but I will not intrude on her work.

So after she poured the juice for everyone, everyone started eating in silence, and just as I thought, her food was as delicious as her mother's, maybe even more delicious, it was wonderful food.

'It was a great choice to have chosen her to work with me' I closed my eyes and shook my head feeling proud of myself, but I soon started laughing when I imagined how she would feel if she knew that I liked hiring her just because of her food.

Of course, it is not true.

"Why are you laughing?" Syl was sitting at my eating, she seems to have noticed my smile.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about a few things," I replied, and soon after I put another spoon with food in my mouth.

Lincy was looking at me suspiciously but continued to eat without saying anything, I could tell her what she was thinking to see if her reaction would be as I was imagining it, but I thought it was better not to.


After we finished eating, Lincy stayed to put away the dirty dishes and I went up to my room with Syl, she insisted that she wanted to sleep with me again that night, she was used to doing that.

I gave in after a while, but I also told her that as of tomorrow she would have to sleep in her room alone because that is why each one has her own room, it would not help her to have a room and not use it.

Good thing my bed was big, so it wouldn't be as tight as before, we could sleep with a lot of space since we're both small.

"Haaa, I can finally leave, I need to sleep soon to wake up early tomorrow." She said as she threw me on the bed even without taking off my shoes.

"Do you really need to wake up early tomorrow? You better rest." Syl said as she took off her shoes to get on the bed, seeing I also decided to take off my shoes.

"I need to travel tomorrow, see a friend, and also bring her to live here."

"Wait, is someone else going to live with us?"

"Yes, didn't I tell you before?" I searched my mind for some time that I talked about Emily, and the only things I could remember were the moments that I said she was a good friend, not that she was going to live with us.

Maybe I forgot and really said? Well, but since Syl doesn't remember, I don't think she said.

So I started to explain to her who Emily was, and apparently, she knew Emily because I had talked about her before, but she didn't know that Emily would come and live with us in this mansion.

But even now finding out about it, she doesn't seem to mind, so I think it's okay.

"I hope you get along, she is a good girl, so you will get along."

"Yes, I'm sure of it." Syl smiled and lay down beside me.

After our little conversation, I turned off the lights in the room that came only from small lamps that were scattered around the room, of course, there was no electricity here. After doing that I jumped on the bed and got under the blanket with Syl.

'This is going to be a good night's sleep.' I thought while closing my eyes and enjoying the soft feeling of that bed.


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