I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 210 – This is a good idea.

After waiting for about two minutes, the door opened partially and the person inside looked out for who had knocked on his door, and that person was Emily. I was still invisible, so she didn't know I was there.

So when I saw her, without thinking twice, I pushed the door open and went inside, she got scared and walked away from the door.

"Is anyone there?" She was completely confused looking inside the room and outside, and seeing that there was no one, she went to the door and closed it taking a deep breath. I could hear only a low voice saying, "It scared me."

"Were you scared that much?" Taking advantage of what she had said, I deactivated my invisibility magic and tried to surprise her. But the only thing I did was paralyze her with fear, when she heard my voice, she stood without looking back.

I approached her and held her hand, pulling her to face me. She had her eyes closed and seemed to be saying something, but she was so low that I couldn't hear.

"Hey, are you okay?" I called her again, and with difficulty, she partially opened her eyes to look at me.

"Aren't you a ghost?" She brought her hands up to my face and started to squeeze my cheeks, it brings back memories. But now is not the time for this, I came here to see you, and are you mistaking me for a ghost?

"Of course I'm not a-" Before I could finish speaking, she jumped on me and hugged me with all her strength: "It's you, it's you, you're back." Before I could answer it, she started to cry, but she was also smiling.

"It's me, let go of me, it's suffocating me." My face was buried in her breasts, so I was running out of air. It is not a bad feeling, but it is also not good to die because of it.

"When did you arrive?" Emily was so excited that she seemed to want to jump with happiness at any moment, I can't imagine she missed me so much, I just spent a few months away.

Although I could have returned at any time flying here, because of the things that were happening I preferred not to do that. And to tell you the truth, I didn't want to put my feet in that place again.

I feel bad just being here, but as Emily lives here, I don't have much of a choice.

"I just arrived, I came flying."

"That means you came too quickly."

"No, I came flying."

"Eh? It doesn't matter, let's sit down and talk, I need to know what's going on with you since you didn't tell me much about what happened when you were away. I always expected a letter from you, but the only thing that came was money."

That's true, I never wrote a letter to her, I just sent money, I think I should have sent a letter to tell you about my "Adventures". There weren't many, but it could be interesting for her.

But now is not the time to talk about the things that happened in the past.

"We can't talk now, can we talk when we get to Grenrok, where are your parents?" I started looking around, but there didn't seem to be anyone around, they should be in the room.

"What do you mean in Grenrok, are we going to travel now? This is very sudden, my parents can't travel so suddenly, we need to prepare."

"Don't worry, I can stay here, and I also need to prepare the carriage to take you, I won't be able to fly you all to Grenrok."

"I understand." She had a sarcastic smile, should I have talked about flying magic? Although now that she knows, I can test this magic better.

Even though I said I can't fly them to Grenrok, what if I take them one at a time? I would certainly be able to do something like this, I can also put the invisibility magic on someone else.

I think this is a good idea.


"Where did I get in?"

"Don't worry, I'm just testing whether this will work."

"Testing, what if something goes wrong? We are 100 meters high."

"We are certainly taller, but rest assured."

After thinking a little more about the plan to fly to Grenrok, I called Emily so that we could test this, even though she was a little scared she accepted to participate in it.

I approached her and hugged her, then I activated the invisibility magic on both of us, and after leaving the house, I activated the flight magic right there, causing the earth to fly everywhere, I almost created a tornado in the middle of the city.

When we started to take flight, Emily started to shake in my arms, but before I could say anything, we were already tall enough to be able to see the whole city.

Because of the strength, I had, and the ease of keeping the spells activated while carrying it, I was sure I could use magic to take them to Grenrok without needing a carriage.

"Now that I've tested it, let's go down." I started to go down and Emily started to pray and thank me for being alive, I thought she trusted me, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

We got down and again the wind threw dirt everywhere, we had left the door open, so we went in and closed the door because I couldn't disable this magic in the middle of the city.

"It scared me, do you want to take me to Grenrok like that?" Emily didn't seem to want this to happen.

"Yes, it will be faster that way. If we are going to travel in a carriage it will take a few days, but flying takes just a few hours or maybe minutes depending on how fast I go, and the view is also very beautiful."

"The view doesn't matter, do you think my mom and dad are going to endure such a trip? They will have a heart attack if you fly with them around."

"Don't worry, it won't happen. But where are they? I can ask them in person."

"They're probably asleep. We stayed up late yesterday, so I preferred to keep them asleep."

"Is your mother better yet?" She told me that in the letters that her mother was fine, but it won't hurt to ask again.

"Yes, she is very well." Emily had a huge smile on her face and seeing that made me happy.


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