I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 216 – Introduce yourself as a noble … I’m just kidding.

"Come with me for a second, I have to do something." I pulled Emily along with me so that the invisibility magic was not disabled, many people were passing in front of the gate, we could be seen.

We walked to the back of the house where there was no entrance and the wall blocked the view of everyone passing by on the street, there would be no problem disabling the magic here, so I released Emily and she was visible again.

"Stay here for a moment, I'll go inside." I had seen an open window on the second floor, closed only by curtains, by the position of the window, it seemed to be my room, and I remember very well that this window was closed.

But whatever, I thank them for leaving the window open.

I activated the flight magic again and flew to the window, as soon as I approached the strong wind shook the entire curtain, a wind strong enough to lift the curtain and I could see everything inside.

And without a second thought, I flew into the house and then deactivated my invisibility magic.

My room was like before, only the window was open, well, I just left for a day, nothing could change so drastically from one day to the next. But now it's time to find those girls, where they are.

I opened the door to my room and went out into the corridor, then I started walking around the house looking for them, first I went to Lincy's room, it was very tidy and there was nobody in it, Syl's room was practically untouched, so I already know who slept in my room and opened the window.

Seeing this I decided to open the door to the other rooms, I have a bad feeling. Something has happened or will happen at any time.

'They are also not here.' Another door was opened, and no one was inside, then I went to the mansion's master room hoping to find them, when I approached the door, I started to hear whispers.

"He's here, what do we do?" I could hear Lincy's voice, they seemed scared and desperate for some reason, and I realized the next reason why.

"Don't worry, stay behind me." This time it was Syl's voice, she seemed confident that she could protect Lincy, it surprised me.

After these whispers, they were quiet waiting for me to enter the room, I forced the doorknob a little and realized that it was not locked.

"It's me, arrived-" I entered the room and found Syl already pointing a hand at me, a great glow was forming, she doesn't even seem to have realized that it was I who entered the room.

"Syl, stop, it's-," Lincy said desperately as she tried to stop Syl, but to no avail, her magic was activated and I was hit in the stomach by a large icicle, which was shattered as soon as it touched me, leaving the floor all over covered in ice and also wet.

You may be wondering, what just happened here? In fact, I don't know either, I didn't have time to react to it, your magic is stronger than I imagined, this is really dangerous.

Haaaa ~~

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around, the room was all wet now, so I looked at Syl who was looking at me while shivering and had tears in her eyes, I have never seen a girl so sorry in my life.

"I'm sorry, please .. Ric" She lowered her hand and stood there, I confess that I started to feel bad. Lincy also looked apprehensive at my look, and she was also trying to calm Syl.

"I arrived ..." I walked towards Syl and then gave her a big hug, Syl looked confused.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hit you."

"You thought you were some bad guy, didn't you? Don't worry, I didn't get hurt." I released Syl and then gave a small order: "Lincy, clean this up and then go to the first floor, my friend is here, and you are coming with me." I took Syl's hand.

They seemed to be calmer as soon as they realized that I wasn't angry, quite the contrary, I was satisfied with what had happened, it shows that Syl can use powerful magic and that they were taking care of themselves.


"So, what's she like?" Syl, who was acting as usual now, looked anxious, but I just said something obvious: "She's here, will you see her now, could you calm down?" Syl didn't seem to understand, because he kept asking about her.

I went down the stairs holding Syl's hand and went to the front door, when I opened the door she was not there, don't tell me that she remained in the same place that I left her? Is she stupid?

She should have known I was going to open the door.

"Emily, come here," I screamed for her, and then I waited for a while, I could hear footsteps coming through the grass, she was approaching.

"Gee, why didn't you tell me you would open the door when you were going up? I thought you would be back."

"I didn't think I would have to do that, who would have thought you were not stupid."

"It offended me a little, so who is she?" Emily set her eyes on Syl who hid behind me thinking she wasn’t being seen.

"She's one of the girls who's living with me, her name is Syl, greet her like a noble." I pulled Syl forward and placed her facing Emily, she looked a little uncomfortable, but she introduced herself.

She took her dress, stood up a little, and then partially bent her body: "It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Syl, I am a dear friend of Miss Larissa." Emily looked at it in shock.

"I said that just kidding, greet her normally, you idiot." I caught Syl's attention, making her embarrassed: "Now it's no use anymore, I've already introduced myself."

"Hahaha, nice to meet you, my name is Emily, I am also a dear friend of Miss Larissa." She repeated Syl's gesture, but since she didn't have a dress on, she just bowed.

Seeing this, Syl began to be ashamed.

"Now that you have introduced yourself, could we come in? Some people are watching us." I looked at the gate, making the people who were staring at us start walking again.

"Right," Emily replied with a smile on her face, Syl said nothing, was still red, and walked into the mansion, Emily entered shortly thereafter.

'I think the two will get along.' I thought as I walked into the mansion and closed the door.

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