I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 228 – Leaving the cave.

The huge Bear passed by me without caring about me and went towards the pieces of meat that were on the floor and lay beside him, he started to lick the only clean part that was left of that bear, which was his head.

Roooarr ~~

He roared, but the roar was not aimed at me. The bear was looking dejected, he was growling loudly, looking frustrated and saddened by the situation.

"So you can have feelings, can't you?" I looked at that scene in surprise, the bear looked at me and then looked at the pieces of meat that were scattered on the floor again.

For a moment I could see a big sparkle in their eyes, they seemed to be watering, I was wondering if bears could really cry.

After starting to ignore me again, the bear starts to roar again, he was screaming a lot, he seemed to be desperate.

'But this is really bothering me.' While the Bear was lying beside those pieces of meat with the other bear's head in its paws, I created several swords that flew towards him, piercing his whole body.

Throughout the attack he continued with his eyes closed as he continued to hold the head of the other bear, he seemed to be waiting for his death. Can we say it was cute?

Not that I care since they are just monsters, everything is settled, now I need to go back to the village and talk to the chief there.

'I'm going to have to talk to him about milk, that will be of great help.'

My body was all smeared with blood, small drops of blood fell from it, so I used water magic to cleanse my body, and then I used fire and wind magic to dry myself.

"Right." I threw the dress I was wearing on top of that pile of meat and put on a new dress that I removed from my storage. I'm glad I didn't keep them in the closet, I would be in trouble now.

After that, I took the smaller bears and kept them in my storage, in total there were eight black bears that I had killed when I entered the room. One of the bodies was destroyed because he was caught in one of my attacks, so I left his body there.

After that, I went towards the exit of the cave, I had a little difficulty leaving since many of the stalactites had fallen in the way with the roar of that bear and my attacks, but nothing that a little fire magic does not solve.

And after a long time walking through the cave, I managed to get out and arrived again at the mountain covered with grass and trees.

That was a really fun adventure, who knows, maybe I will find other caves to venture into the future?


After I left the cave, I went directly to the village. When I got close, I was greeted by Halkev, who was on the city wall watching who was approaching, when he saw me, he authorized my entry.

The gate was opened and there was Hafrid, the leader of the village.

"So you came back until it was fast, didn't you? Did you end up giving up on the mission?" He seemed to be sure that I had abandoned the mission, but I nodded and then replied, "Of course not, I completed the mission."

"What?" In addition to Hafrid, other residents also seemed surprised by my statement, and without believing it, he decided to say something else: "Don't try to fool me, little girl, do you have any proof that the mission was completed?"

"Hm? Why should I prove it? Don't worry, the guild will know if I completed the mission or not." After I said that, he looked a little irritated.

Should I have shown the bodies to him?

"I see, so it will be like this? Know that if you have not completed the mission, you will suffer a penalty, all right?" He wasn't threatening me, he was even giving me a warning.

If you accept a mission and don't complete it, you would just be known as weak and they would also stop trusting you. And if you abandoned a mission, and still lied that you completed it, things would be different.

If by chance the lie were too serious, the person could lose his or her adventurer's license. This is really dangerous, so I would never do anything like that.

"Don't worry, I can prove it."

I moved a little away from the group of people and went to the center of the village, which had a larger space. Then I started to remove some bear bodies, I only removed three of them, as they were quite large.

When I removed the first bear, some children started to scream in fright as blood could be seen and the bear was headless. Maybe I just traumatized some children?

Hope not.

Unlike the frightened children, other people were amazed at the sight of the huddled bodies of the bears, including Hafrid.

"Wait, it's really true, you killed them."

"I did not say?" I inflated my chest.

Seeing this scene, Hafrid started to smile and apologized: "I'm sorry for doubting you, it's just that it happened before an adventurer abandoned this mission, and since you're just a child ..." He looked at me and assessed me.

"Wait, aren't you wearing a different dress? Did something happen?" Hafrid asked curiously.

the only thing I could do was say that I got sweaty and changed the dress, I also told you I had storage magic, so I had another dress with me.

He was looking at me like I was a spoiled girl who can't take a little sweat on my body. It's not entirely a lie, but I still don't like to think I'm like that.

Well, it's better to think that than to know what really happened.


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