I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 244 – Nothing will happen.

"Hey, don't you think Larissa is taking too long? It's already late at night and so far she hasn't given any news." I was sitting on the couch when Lincy approached me.

Just as she said, Larissa left this morning and hasn't returned until now. Surely something must have happened since she would have been back for lunch and would also be here by now since it was almost dinner time.

"Yes, now that you said it I started to get a little worried." I put the cup of tea I was drinking on the small table and looked at Lincy.

"Shouldn't we go after her? At least to find out what happened."

"Well, she asked us to stay home, and I think it's best if we stay here and wait a little longer." I wanted to go after her, but she asked us to stay home because of that explosion.

And I also don't want to go out and leave my parents here alone, and there is Syl who is still a very small child. I don't know what I would tell Larissa if I went out and Syl got hurt in some way.

All right, my mom is healthy enough to take care of everything, but still...

"I'll go."


"I'll go after her, can you finish dinner for me?" Lincy took off her apron and started up the stairs, she would probably change her clothes.

Well, I don't think she would need to do that, because then they would know that she is Larissa's maid.

"Tell me, how will you find her? Are you sure she will be in the guild? She might be staying at some inn, or she might have even left town unannounced, you know she's capable of that."

"I know she can do that, but I'm sure she wouldn't travel somewhere unannounced, it's not in her nature to do something like that."

"I see, and you don't need any help? I can let my mother finish making dinner and take care of Syl."

"Don't worry, you'd better stay here. I'll be back in a little while, don't worry." Speaking this, Lincy went straight upstairs to her room, and after a few minutes, she came downstairs wearing a casual outfit.

She chatted with the mansion staff and then left to go after Larissa.

And for some reason, I felt that I should have stopped her.


'I wonder what she has gotten herself into?' I left the mansion without thinking, now there is nothing I can do but go after her. Will she be angry with me? She had told us to stay at home.

But she hasn't come back, I'm really worried.

'Okay, let's go to the guild and if she's not there I'll come back.' I continued walking through the noble district toward the center of town where the adventurers' guild was. The noble district was normal.

But the closer I got to the center of town, the worse the mood got.

The number of people on the streets was decreasing until there came a time when there was no one on the streets.

I could see many people looking at me through the windows, but when I looked at them, they just quickly closed the windows and hid indoors. It seems that everyone here is afraid.

I confess that I was feeling a little uneasy about all this, but I kept walking anyway.

I passed through a few alleys to get to the center of town more quickly. Apart from the dirt that was in the alleys, what surprised me the most was that no drunks or homeless people were lying on the ground as they normally do.

Even the street dwellers had gone into hiding.

"Okay, calm down and keep going." But I didn't weaken and kept walking towards the adventurer's guild, and there were the first people I had encountered since approaching the city center.

They seemed to be adventurers since they were wearing armor, some of them were injured, but others were standing looking at the guild that no longer existed.

The building had been destroyed, there was nothing left, just some rubble.

But what scared me was the bodies scattered on the floor. The bodies had been covered by sheets of the most varied colors, there were many of them.

I approached the group of people and meet three men who were sitting on the floor mourning something.

"Excuse me." I tried to get their attention but was not answered, so I tried again, "Excuse me, are you guys okay?" Surely they were not okay, but I wanted to act politely.

"Hm?" One of the men looked at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay to you? And what are you doing here, you don't look like an adventurer."

"Oh, I'm just looking for someone. And what do you mean? Adventurers are gathering here?" I looked around and there weren't many of them.

"It's not that, everyone who is here are adventurers who were inside the guild, we were helped by a little girl and now we are here. The other adventurers don't seem to want to show up around after what happened... Cowards."

"Little girl... She had long black hair and blue eyes?"

"Yes, she was also wearing a very nice dress, do you know her?"

"Oh, my name is Lincy, I work as a maid in her mansion."

"Mansion? Does that little girl have a mansion? That's amazing. That's to be expected from an unbelievable adventuress."

"Yes, hahaha. And do you remember where she went?"

"After we talked to her, she ran out that way and then disappeared, she seemed to be after d the guild master and also some friends."

'Friends?' Maybe it's those three little girls, Larissa would probably be worried about them after seeing that.

"Thank you very much, I'll see if I can find her," I said goodbye to the man and turned to leave.

"Hey, be careful. What happened in the guild was not a normal thing and it might happen again somewhere, I think you'd better hide like everyone else. If I didn't have to take care of these guys I would have gone to the house a long time ago."

"Don't worry, I don't think something will happen to me." Anyway, I'm just a maid and not an adventurer, would anyone want to go after me like that?

"If you say so. And if you find her, tell her I thank her again for helping us."

"I got it, I'll tell her." I smiled at the man and then headed toward the place where the man said Larissa had gone.

I hope she didn't go that far.

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