I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 259 – Tear-flavored kiss.

The darkness continued to sink me and I tried uncontrollably to "swim" upwards towards the light that appeared again.

It was a light that went out and then came back on again. And every time it appeared, a nostalgic voice reached my ears. Hearing that voice, I was sure I had to get out of here as soon as possible.

"But I can't, why can't I?" I screamed into the darkness as I sank deeper and deeper.

"Who is doing this? Someone is losing me in this place. I'm not the kind of person who would stay in this situation! I've been through much worse. Come on, I can do it!"

Again I began to stamp my feet and hands rapidly trying to get closer to the light.

"Is it working?" And after a long time of trying, I could finally see the light approaching me. And that voice became even clearer, it was the voice of the person I loved most in this world.

It was the first person I became friends with, the person I helped, the person I fell in love with.

No, I don't know if what I feel is love, but I know that this person is one of the most important people to me.

"I want to see her now, let me out!" I smiled as I moved closer and closer to the light. The light was getting closer and closer and I could feel a very welcoming warmth approaching me.

But of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

"What? NO! LET ME GO!" The moment my hand came close to the light, something grabbed me again.

Looking back I could see something black grabbing my legs and pulling me down again. The light pulled away from me again as I desperately struggled to get free.

"I WAS ALMOST OUT, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! LET ME OUT!!!" I screamed with all my strength as I struggled to get loose.

Unfortunately only my physical strength was not enough in this situation.


Emily sitting on the bed next to Larissa put her hand on Larissa's cheek and continued to call out to her. This went on for a few minutes. Emily called out to her, kissed Larissa's cheek, and hugged her.

Unfortunately, she didn't get a sign that Larissa would say anything.

'What's going on? Why is she like this?' Emily began to feel a huge pain and anxiety hit her chest. The more she called Larissa's name and was ignored, the worse she was feeling.

But she didn't give up.

"Larissa, please." Syl standing beside the bed also reached over and held Larissa's hand.

'Her hand is so cold.' Syl thought startled as she squeezed Larissa's hand. Then she moved Larissa's hand closer to her mouth and kissed her.

"Please wake up!" Unable to control herself, she began to cry again, throwing tears over Larissa's icy hand.

Syl let go of Larissa's hand and wiped away her tears.

From a distance, Cibely, Clevina, and Eleonor were watching all this with a great tightness in their chests.

Clevina had cried a little but managed to control herself. Eleonor was a strong girl, so she continued to support Cibely who continued crying.

"You three, come here." Emily looked at the three girls standing in the distance and called out to them.

"Can I?" Cibely asked as she sobbed.

"Of course, come. Maybe Larissa will wake up if we're all around." Emily smiled, causing the three of them to build up the courage to approach.

Suzan at the side stepped back a little to give the girls a little more space. And the guild master who couldn't watch that anymore left the room and went to his living room to be together with his wife.

'Looks like he can't stand that sort of thing.' Suzan thought.

All of Larissa's close friends were surrounding her as they called her name and pleaded with her to wake up.

"Please wake up. I promise I will let you touch my breasts as much as you want." Emily said as she began to cry again.

"Please wake up." Syl held Larissa's hand again as she begged.

Already Cibely, Clevina, and Eleonor had climbed on the bed as well as Emily and were standing very close to Larissa as they called for her.

Unfortunately, they called for several minutes, but Larissa remained still.

It was as if she was already dead, she didn't seem to feel touch, she didn't seem to listen, didn't move her body at all.

"Suzan, how did stand it." Emily looked at Suzan who was standing by the side of the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"How could you stand to take care of her all this time? I certainly couldn't stand to take care of someone like that. She looks even worse than my mother did when she was sick. Just look at that."

Emily looked at Larissa and felt her heart being broken into pieces.

"She doesn't know who I am, she doesn't speak, she doesn't move, she doesn't blink, she doesn't open her mouth, she doesn't even look like a person anymore!" She said quickly as her voice began to falter.

"..." Suzan looked at that scene and closed her eyes.

"She doesn't know who I am... She doesn't know who I am..." Emily paled for a moment before finally getting close enough to feel Larissa's breath on her face.

"I'm sorry about that. You might hate me if you wake up." After saying that, Emily let a few more tears fall before building up the courage to bring her face even closer to Larissa's face.

And she pressed her lips to Larissa's lips.

As she kept her lips pressed against Larissa's lips, she continued to cry, making the kiss taste salty.

Everyone around was shocked by Emily's sudden move. But still, no one felt anything but sadness.

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