I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 276 – Library.

It was the first time Larissa was experiencing a trip to another country, so she was quite excited.

Especially with the things she encountered along the way.

A desert full of giant scorpions that tried to venom her, huge camels that were not at all friendly and tried to bite her, and also some worms that crawled on the ground and hid in the sand.

These were new monsters, and that made her very excited.

So of course she went down to try a battle with them. And as always she won easily.

Besides the desert, she also passed through a large and very smelly swamp full of giant mushrooms that could be found in a very famous game.

Very toxic lakes that even bubbled and there dwelt some strange creatures that Larissa had never seen before.

Giant purple toads that spewed poison out of their backs.

Some small three-headed hydras that looked quite powerful and other kinds of poisonous monsters.

Another time Larissa experienced a battle with them, but she won easily.

And after the large swamp, many green plains. Were the place where many villages could be seen. And so Larissa realized that she had already arrived in Slovika.

After some more time, the first town of Slovika appeared.

Larissa was upset as she could already see that everything was identical to her country.


She flew around the city for a while and then decided to come down.

After landing in an alley she deactivated her magic and then asked the first person she met where she was at the moment.

Surprised at the approach, the woman Larissa approached almost ran away, but after seeing that it was only a beautiful child, the woman answered Larissa with a smile on her face.

The town Larissa was now in was Egel and was a considerable distance from the capital.

Larissa remembered seeing this city on the map, so even without receiving any new information, she went into the alley, activated her magic, and then flew up into the sky again towards the capital.

It was a few hours of travel before she reached the capital, and the capital was something of a surprise.

Just like the capital of Mabely where her grandmother ruled, there was a huge castle in the city that could be seen even from miles away. But of course, you would have to be flying in the sky to see it.

And besides the castle, something different from Mabely that caught your attention was a big tower next to the castle where there was a big clock.

It also had a bell just above it.

'Is that an alarm clock for the whole capital? Incredible. Reminds me of Big Ben...'

Trying to ignore the whole structure much more like medieval Europe, Larissa went down one of the alleys and deactivated her magic.

The street was paved with cement blocks and a few carriages were passing by.

Many of the men walking along the streets wore suits and top hats, and the women wore luxurious dresses and jewelry.

The structures looked like medieval Europe, but the way the residents acted and dressed was like Europe in the 1940s or something close to it.

'Why does this place give me so many chills? It feels like I'm in a parallel reality or something.'

Larissa wondered about that but decided to go after her goal, the library in the capital, where the books with the recipe for the drug had come from.

Even though she didn't want to talk to anyone, Larissa asked the locals for some information to find the library. And ironically, the library was just below the big tower similar to Big Ben.

Just below the tower was a door made of wood with some glass details. There were also some display cases with some books on display. They were books that looked as old as they should be.

Larissa entered the library and found a wide variety of aisles filled with books.

And next to the door was a counter where you paid for the book or registered to borrow it.

Behind the counter was an old woman with a monocle who was suspicious of Larissa's presence.

"What can I do for you?" The old woman asked briskly before Larissa began to rummage among the shelves of books.

"I am after some information about some books. I need to know who brought those books into this library." Larissa pulled the books out of their storage and handed them to the woman at the counter.

The woman widened her eyes and then opened the books and started flipping through some pages.

"I don't remember seeing these books here before, are you sure it came from this library?"

"Look at this letter."


The woman took the letter and then began to read.

After reading the letter, the woman handed it back to Larissa.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about that."

"You know, fooling me is not a good idea." Larissa didn't care if that was an elderly woman, she resolved to threaten her.

The woman just began to tremble.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know about that. You could try other libraries, what do you think?"

"Are there others in the capital?"

"Yes, I'll give you the addresses of all of them."

"Thank you."

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