After going to Mephey again, Larissa took the opportunity to visit the town's mayor, Lutz.

He was the guild master who then took over as mayor.

Larissa arrived at his mansion and without asking permission tried to enter.

At the gate, the two guards stopped her from entering.

"What is it?" she looked at the two looking annoyed. The two guards were not intimidated and continued to point their swords at Larissa.

"You can't come in. Who do you think you are?" the guard asked impatiently. Larissa clicked her tongue and then turned to leave.

But before she walked away, she turned to look at the guards again.

"Let Lutz know that Larissa was here. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"What?" The guard looked confused but looked at his companion and he ran inside.

Larissa then went to Daniel's house to let him know she had arrived.

"I'm back." She knocked on the door and then Daniel appeared.

"That was quick." He said happily.

"Yeah, I can fly pretty fast. So, about the trip, could you wait a bit?"


"I just wanted to say hello to Lutz before I go. It's been a while since I've talked to him."

"Ah, so that's it. I don't see a problem with that, I can wait here."

"Thanks, I'll be back in less than 10 minutes."


Larissa walked back to the mansion gate and the same guards who had treated her like a trespasser before bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry about that, you can come in."

The gate opened and Larissa entered through the front door.

Larissa was greeted by a pretty and kind maid, someone she doesn't remember working here when she first visited the mansion.

"The master is waiting for you in his room, would you please come with me?"

"Of course."

Larissa went with the maid to Lutz's room and then the door was opened so she could enter.

"Larissa! Good to see you!" And as soon as she entered, Lutz greeted her happily.

"Yes, it's good to see you too."

"So, what are you doing here today? Are you in need of help?"

"No, I'd just like to let you know about something that happened, it's about Lincy."

"Lincy... You mean that maid you took along with you?"

"Yes, that's the one."


"She passed away some time ago. And now I'm in town to pick up her parents because I feel very guilty about what happened."

"I understand. I am sad to hear that... She was such a good girl."

"Yes... Well, I just wanted to say hi, now I need to go."

"Okay, thanks for taking the time to visit me."

"No problem. And keep up the good work, the city is evolving more and more."

"Yeah, hahaha."

After Larissa said goodbye to Lutz, she went back to Daniel's house and then picked him up on her lap.

He was against this at first, but he had to accept it.

Then, with invisibility activated, the two of them flew through the skies until they reached Grenrok.


A few days had passed since then.

And in Slovika, in the king's castle in the capital, a letter had arrived addressed directly to the king and queen of the country.

The messenger after receiving the letter opened it and immediately ran to the throne room.

"MAJESTY!" he shouted after entering the room.

The guards raised their swords in fright but lowered them when they noticed that it was only the messenger.

The king, who was taken aback, looked at the man for a while.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, it's just that we have a big problem..."

The messenger said while sweating and trembling.

Realizing that it was serious, the king asked him to approach the throne. So the man knelt down and then showed the letter to the king.

"What is it?" The king said while keeping a serious look on his face. His mustache and beard that covered almost his entire face gave an even more frightening appearance to him.

"I received a letter from Mabely, it came directly from the castle."

"Mabely? But we don't have any alliance with them, do we?"

"..." The man stood up and approached the throne, then handed the letter to the king.

The king took the letter and read it carefully.

The more he read, the more his eyes widened and his fist closed...

After he finished reading, he controlled his anger and threw the letter on the ground.

Then he stood up.

"Is this true? Is that letter real?"

"Yes, I received that letter directly from the messenger of the queen of Mabely."

"I see. It looks like we will have to prepare for war. I didn't imagine that something like this would happen again. What is that crazy woman thinking?!" Irritated, the king tapped his foot on the ground.



Already in Sothyl, the queen received the letter and read it calmly.

Without despairing, she took a deep breath and then looked at the messenger from her country who was trembling non-stop in front of her.

The queen shook her long, red hair as she stood up from her throne. She then walked over to the messenger and looked into her eyes with her light green eyes.

"Don't worry, that old fool will pay for all of this." She gave a smile to try to calm the woman down.

She then gave orders for the messenger to let the captain of the guard know what was happening.

"That surprised me a little. I'm sure there's something behind it. What does that old woman want?"

The queen sat down on her throne again and began to think about everything that was to come.

Although she wanted everything to be resolved quickly and casualties to be few, the queen could not hide her excitement.

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