I Reincarnated As A Little Girl?!

Chapter 66 - A bath after so long.

After I went up the stairs, I arrived in a corridor with several doors with numbers on them; it wasn't that many, but it was a good amount of rooms for such a small inn, it can be simple, but the smell of the food is excellent.

I walked down the hall a little while looking at the number on my key and looking for a door with the same number, it works the same as my old world, and it surprises me.

This is the easiest way to do this, so I don't think I should be surprised by that. I think it's because all the anime I saw was the owner of the inn that took the guest to the selected bedroom, that's why I'm so surprised.

I kept walking a little more and looking at the doors until I finally found a door with the same number as my key.

'It must be here.' Even if don't go here, it won't be a problem because I think the keys are all different, and I don't run the risk of entering someone else's room, if I did that, it would be very embarrassing.

I put the key in the lock on the door and started rooting for the right room, and I was sure this was my room. I opened the door and realized that the room was very dark.

I started walking around the room and started looking for a lamp to light up like the one the girls used at the inn they were staying in the capital. The room was not so dark, as it had a small window, and the moonlight illuminated one little in here.

After looking a little inside the room, I realized that the lamp was on the floor between the bed and the table that was on the side of the bed. I think it would be more convenient if this lamp were on the table, why did they leave it here? Are they dumb?

I picked up the lamp from the floor and placed it on the table that was next to the bed and started to move it to light it.

This lamp had a system that looked like a flint, and I needed to keep turning a key on it to give off sparks and light what was inside the lamp. I still didn't know what was inside, I don't know if it was alcohol or something, I think it's it because it catches on fire very quickly.

After I lit the lamp, I could see the room, before I couldn't see almost anything, now things are clearer and I can see everything, when I looked around I realized that this inn is very clean.

The price here is cheap, due to the quality of this place and the bed that is made and smells so good and the floor is very clean, I think the price should be higher.

'Oh, there's a closet.' It has been a long time since I have seen a closet available to me, I had a huge closet full of clothes when I lived in that mansion, but now I don't even have clothes, I have the clothes I'm wearing.

Let's forget about it for now and let's take a shower, I'm filthy, and this is making me uncomfortable I'm not used to getting dirty, even if I'm an otaku I still like to stay clean, I hate people who stink.

The bathroom was straightforward, and it only had a bucket to use water and a sponge and soap, it was a typical bath in my old world the only difference is that there was no shampoo. There was also no shower for us to use, we had to use a bucket since there was no plumbing in this world.

Even in the mansion, there was no plumbing; the maids had to fetch water from a well. I often saw the maids returning from the back of the house with buckets full of water. I don't know if there is plumbing in other places, but the places I went through did not exist.

'Let's stop thinking about it, and it's time to enjoy the bath.' It has been a long time since I have a bath, so I have to enjoy this moment very well, the moment when I remove all this dirt from my body.


After I finished taking a shower I also washed my clothes inside the bathroom, they were torn, but they were the only clothes I had so I had to remove them anyway if not tomorrow I will have to walk around with them all dirty.

I used the same soap that I used to clean my body. I don't think it would make any difference to use it to wash clothes.

'I'm going to have to sleep nȧkėd today.' I never experienced sleeping nȧkėd even in my old life so it will be a new experience for me, I'm just doing it because I don't have any clothes to wear now, hope it won't be any uncomfortable feeling.

After I got out of the shower, I dried myself on a towel that they also made available. I smelled the towel before to see if it was dirty, I wouldn't use a towel that was used by someone and wasn't washed, I think it's a lack of hygiene, I don't think that's cool.

As the towel was very fragrant and had no sign of use, I just used it to dry myself and then spread my clothes on the chair to let them dry overnight.

'I don't know they are going to be dry tomorrow morning, but I hope they are.' After that, I threw myself on the bed and covered myself completely with the blanket.

I didn't even get to go down to dinner, I was going to eat, but I just lay in bed without also caring about it, I hope Clara doesn't get angry.

After that I could not stand to stay awake for a long time and fell asleep, I hope that tomorrow will be a day that I can achieve a mission and a day that I can enjoy a lot, I want to have a more calm life.




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