I Reincarnated As A Stone


Chaf, chaf, chaf.

I moved slowly, leaving a small ditch behind me. The snow was mixed with packed ice, making the terrain somewhat more solid than in the desert. I was not stuck like in the sand, but it was still very difficult to move!


If someone didn’t get it… well, neither do I! Any problem with it?! Well, I do! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

My mind was beginning to collapse because of this incoherent dungeon. Moving through the desert had been aberrant, but moving across the glacier was much worse. There was not a grain of earth that I could control to be able to move well!


Making it worse, a blizzard was blowing all time, limiting vision. Although I couldn’t notice it, I was fully aware of the snow slowly accumulating on me and the thin layer of ice surrounding me.

‘Asdgdafdfasgdfdsfdagdafdds…? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!’

[New resistance acquired: Dementia (Lvl 1).]

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Okay, okay ... ok ... I'm calming down a bit ... Yes, fine ... Uh ... What the fuċk is this dementia resistance thing?’

[The capacity to resist stat-altering effects that weaken the mental faculties, such as a loss of reasoning or alteration of behavior.]

‘Well, as I thought… I’m going crazy every second I spend here. Disgusting plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!’

Do you know the typical scene in which one falls down the slope of a mountain and forms a huge snowball? So… do I need to explain what was happening to me?! Well, just that!


[Mental state is altered.]

That resistance didn’t seem to be enough to keep my sanity in place. I was definitely going crazy, and being buried in snow helped speeding up the process.

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Asfdafargfaejgenak. Aaaaaaaaaaaa!’

Abilities began to be fired one after another without me wanting to. First, a mana bomb that shook all the snow around me. At the moment my vision returned, I found myself right in front of a small wall of ice of about one and a half meters high… something impossible for me to overcome.


The bomb was followed by a lot of the mana cannon shots, completely out of control. I shot at the sky, to one side, to the other, I was not even aiming at anything in particular. I started shooting fast, but each time, the power went up a bit, until I ended up with shots powerful enough to leave a hole in the ice wall.

Boom! Paf!

I ended up shooting right next to me, and the shock wave from the explosion pushed me towards the wall itself… The blow was tremendous.

My calm returned after the blow. Not because of the blow itself, but because of what had just happened.

‘Have I… flown?’

It wasn’t such a surprising thing. After all, every explosion pushes in all directions at the same time. The mana bomb didn't push me, so I had completely forgotten about it.

‘Maybe I could use this to jump.’

I had no clue if that was a brilliant idea… or a big stupidity… probably the last… The point was that I needed to get over that damn little ice wall somehow.

I moved back until I was a meter away from it. After relaxing my mind, I got ready to try that great feat of climbing a meter and a half wall...

‘Right now I feel pretty pathetic…’

I charged up mana until I felt that I had enough to jump high enough. Even with my doubts in mind, I shot to my side… I really went flying at full speed… and I smashed my nose against the ice. I had misjudged the angle of the shot.

‘Okay, shooting without thinking won’t do anything. I need better control of the shot.’

‘Better train a bit before trying to jump over the wall again.’

Before trying a real jump I preferred to do some tests, so I finally shot in the opposite direction.



Yes, it worked. I was shot more than twenty meters at full speed, far exceeding the height of one and a half meters.


If I had hit the wall again, the blow would have destroyed me, but I simply went back into the snow.

[Ability “Mana control” is now at level 3.]

[New magic acquired: Stone shoot (Lvl 1).]

‘Stone shoot… Ha, ha, ha… what a broken joke… really...’

I looked to my side and saw a small stone fragment.


Name: Peter Gravel

Kind: Magic stone | Race: -

Level: 14 | Experience: 6703/58339

HP: 43/80 | MP: 26/164 | Mana well: 237/400


‘...what a broking joke!’


I jumped about twenty meters, passed the ice wall without a problem, and also advanced a good distance. What I found on top of the ice wall was…


… more ice. Unable to stop the momentum, I slid over uncontrollably.

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Someone stop me! No, wait! Not that way! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!’

And after the long and flat whateveritwas of ice, another meter and a half fall awaited me… I found myself again covered in snow...

‘Asfdsfgdagdagdsagdsfasgfdsagdfadg. Aaaaaaaaaa!’

That damn raised chunk of pure ice was only about 50 square meters… Yes, square! It was a fuċkɨnġ perfect square. As I slid over it I saw it clearly. What’s more, the damn blizzard wasn't blowing on top of that platform.

‘I could have surrounded it instead of almost killing myself trying to go over it! But… why is the blizzard blowing outside the square and not inside it?’

I started jumping through the snow in a controlled way. I felt like a fuċkɨnġ retarded kangaroo, but I could move better than only rolling.

[Class “Apprentice mage” is now at level 2.]

‘Eh? Oh, I had completely forgotten that the class receives experience regardless of the level.’

The apprentice mage seemed to gain experience points by using what was categorized as “magic”, a category in which I only had one spell… two now…

‘Well, moment to jump around like a retard.’

I jumped around the ice platform, trying to understand the reason for the calm above it. After taking a couple of ŀȧps, and finally taking a good look at my surroundings, I half-understood the reason. The blizzard did not allow me to clearly see, but I noticed a dim light nearby. As I got closer, I found the characteristic dungeon bricks, and next to them the stairs to the next floor.

‘Again without a floor boss… Perhaps…’

I went back to the ice platform and inspected it more accurately.

‘This… Is this the floor boss battle ring?!’

I froze, more than I already was, because of the area itself. O could have come face to face with a fearsome enemy without noticing… luckily I didn’t… I didn’t?

‘Why is there no floor boss? No, rather, why isn’t there a single monster in the whole place?’

The first floor was full of enemies, from top to bottom. It even had a full-fledged floor boss. The second, despite being few, also had certain monsters, but not a floor boss. Searching in my memories, I remembered that area of stones… Just before the stairs, there was a quite large stone similar to a battle ring.

‘But neither there nor here is there a boss… Is this dungeon incomplete?’

That was the first thought that came to my mind. I had played too many role games to realize that something was wrong. No dungeon master would leave the lower floors, where the great rewards are supposed to be, completely empty.

‘Since the first monster I saw, I thought this was a high-level dungeon… and it still looks like one to me… The question is, how long has it been created?’

I had no idea how a dungeon was created, but considering that it did not even have a name, it would only be a few years old. If you add the size of the floors, it would be normal to think that management was completely focused on them. They were probably created in detail and their ecology defined but hadn’t been filled with monsters yet.

‘Helpy, I need you! How a dungeon is created?!’

[Insufficient information.]

‘Well, level up for a fuċkɨnġ time, you piece of useless skill!’

[Special ability “Help” is now at level 4: It is now possible to obtain intermediate specific information.

Unlocked mapping function.

Unlocked basic language support feature.]

‘Oh! Helpy, my love… I knew I could rely on you at all times!’


‘Don’t be like that, it was just a bit of momentary frustration. You are actually the most precious thing in my life. Tell me, what would I do if I didn’t have you?’

[List of answers:

- Sink into the most miserable misery.

- Die sadly.

- Stand in a field for the rest of your miserable life.

- (+999 options available)

The number of answers exceeds the maximum results capacity. Ask a more specific question.]

‘Well, yes… the level increase is noticeable… These women… why are they always so spiteful?’

At that moment, a terrible screeching made me shudder and the blue screen popped again in front of me.

[Error. Error. Error. Error. Impossible answer to that question. Insufficient information in the world. Error. Error. Error. Error.]

My screen filled with the message "error" and Helpy's robotic voice echoed in my ears making strange sounds.

‘Oh my God… I have broken the system… There are things that not even God himself can know… Let’s see how I fix this now…’

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